Chapter Twenty- Three

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"Good morning my love" Tim said as he walked into the kitchen, I was sitting at the table with a bunch of papers scattered all over the place. Looking up at him "good morning love" I replied.

Tim saw that I was drinking my coffee and looking intently at the papers, "what's all this?" he asked as he sat down with his coffee next to me. "It's all for the wedding, seating arrangements and the guest list" I said blowing out a breath.

Sitting back, I looked at him, "do you realize how hard it is to figure out who's to come and who sits where" I said taking my coffee cup and finishing the last drop.

Getting up I went to get more coffee when Drake walked into the kitchen, "morning" he said to Tim and he walked over to me and kissed me, "good morning my forever" he said as he went to get his juice out of the fridge.

I always ended up with a silly smile on my face after Drake kisses me, going back to the table, Drake sat on the other side of me. I was surrounded by my two men that I loved.

"What's all this?" Drake asked, "it's her guest list and seating arrangement" Tim answered for me, I smiled when I saw Drakes raise his one eyebrow looking at Tim, "she told me a right before you walked in" Tim said not even bothering to look at Drake.

These two have been friends for over a hundred years so I am sure they know each other's little issues.

"I'm just not sure who all to invite to our wedding, I have no friends except for Tony, and I want him there, I guess I should invite my brother, but what about both of your sides? Is there anyone who we should invite?" I asked.

"Well, I hate to say it, but we should invite the council that way it shows good faith on our part, and they know there will be regular humans around" Drake said as he looked at the lists.

Tim thought about it, "well since you are their Luna, best to invite the whole pack also, so that way they feel a part of your other world" Tim said looking at Drake and me.

"I guess you're right, both worlds with me in-between them would make sure both sides had good standings" I said as I made the guest list and now for the seating arrangement.

"I think Tony would feel more comfortable sitting with a bunch of older wolves than with a bunch of vamps" Tim said with a grin on his lips.

I had to laugh "I agree with you there" I said and all three of us sat there creating a seating arrangement. With both things out of the way a bit of stress was gone.

"Who could be here?" Tim asked as there was another knock at the door. "No idea" I said as I looked at both Drake and Tim. Drake got up and went to see who was there.

I followed Drake and Tim was right behind me, Drake opened the door, "can I help you?" he asked, I could not make out the voice until I got closer to the door. I opened the door farther once I was there.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" I asked with my hands on my hips. Standing on the other side of the door stood my brother, "Well hello to you to sis," Mark said.

"How did you know where we lived?" Tim asked from behind me, I looked up at Tim, "he probably went to Tony, he is the only one that I told, and I trust Tony" I said.

Tony would not give away anything unless he knew who you were, and he had known Mark and me since we were little kids. So, it gives reason he would tell Mark where I lived.

Mark was not that tall; he was average about six feet. He always pushed his weight around with me, but now that I had two guys that were solid built and over six five and very muscular and the power they held, you had to be an idiot to think you could even move them an inch.

Mark just stood there looking at the two guys, one who stood in front but to the side of me and the one right behind me was an impressive sight to see.

"I guess since you're here you can come in for a bit, but then you're going to have to go, because I have stuff, I have to do today I said and turned and walked to the kitchen.

Mark walked in and followed me to the kitchen, "Lilith we are going to have to talk about a few things eventually" Mark said as he sat at the kitchen table.

Looking at Mark I had a feeling I knew what he wanted to talk about, but I was not sure I was ready for that.

"Do you want any coffee?" I asked him, "Sure I'll take a cup" Mark said as he sat there watching me. "You know Lilith you have changed a lot, what's different about you?" he asked me.

Just then Drake and Tim both walked in and sat down on the other side of the table from Mark.

"Well, the fact that I am in love and about to get married might have a few things to do with it" I said as I put the cup of coffee down in front of him. "Well, which one of these guys is your fiancé?" he asked looking at Drake and Tim.

I stood there smiling, I wished I could tell him both but that one would not go over too well with Mark.

I walked over to Drake, "Mark, this is Drake, my fiancé, Drake this is my brother Mark" I said as I sat down between Drake and Tim. They both nodded to each other.

"And this one is?" Mark asked, nodding to Tim, "This is Tim, he's my best friend and bodyguard of sorts," I said as I smiled at Tim and winked. He knew what I was doing, and he was good with it.

"Well sis, I must say a new house, soon to be married, I wouldn't have ever guessed that you would have turned out normal," Mark said as he drank his coffee.

"Well things do change in life Mark, speaking of which why are you really back home?" I asked him. He took a breath, "well I got into trouble out west and needed to get a fresh start" was all he said.

"So big brother came running home with his tail between his legs" I said laughing, I could not help it, my brother always acted like he was perfect, and nothing could ever go wrong.

Mark sat there glaring at me, "you know your mouth one of these days will get you into trouble" he said. Drake laughed at that one, little did Mark know just how much trouble it could be if I wanted it to. 

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