Chapter Thirteen

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Walking in the door, I stopped when I could smell flowers and candles. I turned to see Tim shut the door behind me with a smile and a wink. The guys were not coming inside.

I heard a noise and when I turned, I saw Drake standing there with two glasses in his hand, I dropped all my stuff right there and walked over to him. He leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

"Hi darling" he said as he kissed my lips once more before handing me my glass, I took the glass and smelled the liquid. It had a soft fruity smell to it, "I'm guessing this is wine?" I asked him.

I never had the stuff before so I could only guess, Drake smiled and nodded, I put the glass to my lips and took a sip. The liquid touched my tongue, and the taste was sweet.

I think I could get used to this.

Drake took ahold of my hand and led me towards our bedroom, "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me and that I also missed you more than you could ever know" he said.

I stopped at the doorway to our bedroom; it was filled with flowers of every kind possible. The bedroom was filled with flowers in vases and there were rose petals on the floor leading to our bed.

There were also candles on the floor which gave the room a soft romantic glow to it. Tears were not stopping as they traced my face as they left my eyes.

Drake saw this and took my face in his hands, "why are you crying love?" he asked as he gently took his thumb and wiped away the tears. Looking up at him, "this is the most romantic thing I have ever seen; I have read about this kind of stuff but never imagined it would happen to me" I said smiling up at him.

Drake pressed a button and soft music began to fill the air; it was soft piano music that was haunting yet romantic at the same time. Drake held out his hand for me to take.

I put my hand in his as he swept me off my feet and twirled me around the bedroom, looking up at this man who came into my life was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

So generous and loving, protective, and sometimes domineering but soft and gentle. I was in love with this man, I knew I wanted to spend my forever with him.

We spent the next few songs swaying in each other's arms not saying a word but letting our bodies do the talking instead along with the music. Drake bent down and kissed me, gentle at first but then the passion overtook us, and it developed into a fevered kiss.

For the next two hours we spent making love to each other, showing how much, we missed and craved each other. Afterwards laying in his arms, "this was the best night I have had all week" I said as I snuggled into his arms.

"Mine also sweetheart, but there is just one more thing before our night is complete" he said. I opened my eyes and looked at him puzzled at what he was talking about.

Drake got up out of bed and went into the other room, I sat up in bed wondering what he was doing. He walked over and kneeled in front of me. "Lilith, even though we have created a bond between us that transcends time, I want to give you everything possible in our lives, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" As Drake asked me, he slipped on my finger a ring that was simply gorgeous.

Crying I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered "yes." Drake stood up and picked me up at the same time, holding me in his arms we kissed as he twirled me around the room.

He set me down and went to the radio that was sitting on the desk, "okay guys you all can come in now" he said.

All the guys filled the house, and each gave me a hug and congratulations. Tim went into the kitchen to fix breakfast for everyone, as I sat on Drake's lap in the kitchen.

We all talked about what kind of wedding to have and where to have it and who to invite. For the next hour we ate, talked, and laughed, it was the perfect ending to a week.

Tony gave me weekends off ever since Drake moved in with me, he felt I deserved it.

I did not mind it one bit, to have a full weekend with my fiancé and the guys who have become my family.  

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