Chapter Thirty-One

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I must have lost track of time; I noticed the sun was getting lower in the sky. "That is weird" I said aloud to no one in particular. Walking back, I noticed there was a stream running along the property.

I decided to check it out, I always loved exploring when I was a kid, now I can do it without getting yelled at. Walking over to it, I noticed how peaceful the area was.

"This would be a perfect spot for a picnic in the summertime" I mused aloud. "I think so as well my dear" came a voice I hated so much anymore.

Turning around, there was Louis walking towards me, I stood my ground making sure not to show any emotion that he could use against me. "Louis, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Checking out what will soon be mine, the property and my dear soon to be wife" he said as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes, could not help it, it was a habit that I've had since birth.

Louis was standing next to me, I forgot how big this guy was. He is a bit taller than Drake and as broad as Tim. He was a man not to mess with especially since he was an ancient vampire.

He was just as deadly as Drake and as silent, two combinations that were never a good thing if you were not on their good side.

I looked up at him, "why are you so determined to have me as your wife, and if this about revenge against Drake then that is just stupid" I said standing there looking into his eyes.

Louis smiled down at me, "at first it was revenge, he killed my sister for no reason, but then as I watched you and learned more about you and how you can handle yourself, I saw how perfect you would be by my side as my wife" he said.

Taking his one hand he brushed the hair out of my face, I did not even flinch, well I could but I wanted to show I wasn't afraid of him. I was out here alone with this mad man, and I could not anger him, I did enjoy my life and wanted to continue it.

"Lilith, I know I have come across as an ass, and I want to apologies for that. It isn't right of me to ask you to just get rid of Drake without any reason behind it, plus you don't know me, and I would like to remind you of that one if you will allow me" Louis asked.

I looked at him in surprise, "thank you for that, I have always been a person who did not like being told what to do, there is no need for it, and I will admit I am curious as to the real you" I admitted.

Why did I just admit that to this man, sometimes I am so stupid. I saw the smile spread on his lips. I will admit this man is not ugly, in fact he is quite handsome. Chestnut brown hair that falls to his shoulders when not pulled back, golden eyes that held centuries of secrets.

His face was perfect in fact, he could have been a model in his younger years. Holy hell Lilith get ahold of yourself, I told myself. I took a deep breath.

"Shall we go for a small stroll so I can tell you about myself?" he asked, as he held out his arm for me to take. He has manners down; I took his arm. "For a short stroll as I have to get back soon," I said.

"No harm will come to you that I vow Lilith, I have become too attached to you and I will admit that in all my years on this earth have I never been attracted to a woman as much as I am with you" he said looking into the woods.

I know Louis knew we had wolves watching hidden deep in the woods, relying everything to Tim and I am sure Drake, hopefully my two guys trusted me enough to know I knew what I was doing.

I had to find out why he would not give up and just maybe I could have him relax by trying to get me, and even though I doubt it he would give up on pursuing me.

We walked along the path for quite some time, Louis told me of his childhood and how he was seduced all those years ago by a woman who turned him and left him just as she did Drake.

He was close to nine hundred years old, that made me stop for a moment, here I was just turned and to realize that you are forever alive unless killed, sometimes you forget the things like that until your faced with someone who has lived it.

He went on and told me the story of Drake and his sister, how she was so in love with him, and they were to be married until one night if a fit of rage that he caught her with another man, he ended up killing her.

That one stopped me in my tracks, he was going to be married and he never told me this part of the story, I looked up at Louis and saw that he was telling the truth about it.

"I take it by your reaction my dear that he left out that little part of the story, didn't he?" he asked, all I could do was nod my head. "See my dear, this is why I wanted to spend some time with you for a few reasons, one you get to know the real side of me not the angry one, and two so you know just who you think you are marrying" he said as he patted my hand that was locked on his arm.

We walked back to the stream, "it has been a wonderful evening spending it with you, I would like us to continue this so you can get to know me more and more, I know I have my faults and I will admit that I am not perfect, but please give me time to show you who I truly am for your eyes and not anyone else of me" he said.

I looked back at the stream, listening to the water glide over the rocks and the sound of the birds; I took a breath and decided to open myself up and see some things that I needed to know myself.

"Louis, thank you for this time, and I would gladly like to get to know you more on my terms, I would really like to not have to look over my shoulder every time wondering if you will hurt me or anything of that nature" I told him.

Louis took my face in his one hand, and gently had me look up at him, "my sweet dear Lilith, I couldn't hurt you and never would, you are too precious to me and the fact that I am falling for you makes it so much more then you realize, I will send you notice when I would like us to get together again, but I am leaving that all in your court my dear, no pressure" he said and bent down and brushed his lips against mine.

When I opened my eyes, he was gone. I was standing there alone. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

What did I just agree to, and why?  

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