Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Pulling up to the lawyer's office, I was about to get out when Drake put his hand on my arm, "just remember not to sign anything until I get my lawyer to look at it okay?" Drake asked me.

"Okay" I said as I got out of the car, I knew what Drake was saying and I fully agreed with him. Both Drake and Tim got out of the car and followed me into the office.

I let the secretary know who I was, and she let the lawyer know I was waiting. A few minutes later he came out, "Lilith?" I stood up "yes" I said.

"Follow me please" the lawyer said, we followed him into his office which was moderately sized but filled with books and papers everywhere.

"Please have a seat" he said, as he went behind his desk and once, he sat down he started pulling out a bunch of papers. I sat down across from him wondering what this was all about.

"Lilith, Tony had a will drawn up after his wife passed, and as you know he has no family to pass anything on to. Tony also said he thought of you as a daughter most times" the lawyer began to say.

I had to smile, I knew the most times was when I would listen to him, the other times was when I decided to do my own thing against his say so.

"Since he thought of you that way and no other blood family, he has left everything to you, the diner and his home and everything that is inside of it" the lawyer finished.

I sat there and a tear rolled down my cheek, Tony left me everything, even in his death he was trying to take care of me. "He left me the diner?" I asked.

"Yes, everything is legal and once you sign the paperwork it will be in your name, all the other stuff, the deeds and such will be transferred to you by tomorrow morning" he said.

Drake got on his cell and called his lawyer, within moments Drake's lawyer showed up and went over the paperwork. Next thing I knew I was signing all the required spots.

The lawyer shook my hand and handed me copies of the paperwork and the keys to the diner and to Tonys house. Walking out I just had a what in the hell moment.

Stopping before the car I just broke down and cried, I did not care who saw me, Tim took me in his arms and wrapped himself around me, while Drake went to get the car.

Once Drake was right there, Tim picked me up, put me in the backseat, and sat back there with me keeping his arms wrapped around me, knowing I needed his warmth and comfort at this time.

We pulled in the driveway and Drake stopped the car, "that piece of shit brother of yours Lilith" Drake's voice was ice cold. I looked up from where my head rested on Tim's chest.

There he stood, Louis leaning against his car looking all smug and right next to him was Mark, "You were right, we do need a gate" Tim growled as he pulled me tighter to his chest.

We sat there looking at each other as if it was stale mate, Drake knew if he got out of the car at that exact moment Louis would be a dead vampire, then he would have to answer to the council and that would not go over too well.

"Drive up and let me deal with this one?" I asked Drake, he knew I was going to anyway, but he also knew it took a lot for me to ask. So, Drake put the car into gear and drove up and parked the car.

Drake stayed in the car as I got out along with Tim right next to me, his hand was on my lower back giving me the warmth and support, letting me know that he has my back no matter what happens.

Which is what I needed, because right about now I wanted to kill my brother for doing this, but he is also an idiot and does not realize how evil Louis is. That will be his own demise soon enough.

"There's my beautiful Lilith, and her dirty mutt" Louis said with a chuckle. "Louis" I said at least no one cannot fault me for not having manners. "Mark, can I talk to you for a moment" I said, looking at him.

"Lilith, Mark isn't in any position to talk at the moment, you see when I came to him asking where you were, he got greedy and said he would tell me for a price, well now I couldn't pass that up, but in return I took his tongue" Louis said laughing.

I stood there in shock, looking over at Mark. He was looking at the ground, "are you serious Mark?" I asked him. Mark looked at me and opened his mouth, there was no tongue, just a stub.

"You idiot" I said to him shaking my head.

"Now Lilith I see you have a new beautiful home, and it is big enough for all of us, even though I don't share, and you are going to be my wife, I will give you a few weeks to clean out the trash, but I will be nice and let you keep the dog for a while" Louis said getting into his car.

Louis took off down the drive and waved as he drove off. I found myself not being able to move, this vampire just does not stop, and I do not think he ever will until he is dead.

I turned to look at Drake and he was on the phone. I hope for his sake it was the council getting the okay to kill Louis because if it was work, I was going to stake him in his sleep.

Drake got out of the car, "we have the go ahead as they have been watching and noticed what has been happening around here. They are not pleased as he could start drawing too much unwanted attention.

"Finally, some good news" Tim said smiling as he wrapped his arm around my waist, which had Drake raise his eyebrows up at him. Tim noticed and removed his arm.

One agreement those two produced, since Drake and I were a couple and soul mated, Drake saw me as his and only his, he knew Tim and I were a bonded pair also, but not in front of him.

Which out of respect all three of us agreed on.

Drake held out his hand and I gladly took it smiling up at him, he looked down at me and his free hand brushed the side of my cheek, "my forever" he said, and I followed him inside.

"Oh, Tim can you and your boys take out the trash please" Drake called out, which gave them the go ahead to drop Mark off wherever they pleased. Tim nodded knowing full well that it was also a way of saying Lilith and I want the house to ourselves for a few hours.

Once the door was shut Drake turned to me and took off all my clothes and then as I stood there naked, I watched him strip his clothes off. We spent the next three hours exploring every inch of each other all over the house. 

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