Chapter Nine

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That night I called in to Tony letting him know that I was sick, I knew he believed me because halfway thought our conversation I threw up and Drake had to take the phone from me.

He finished talking with Tony and hung up. After a few minutes I sat on the bathroom floor, "why do I feel like shit?" I asked Drake.

Drake was leaning against the bathroom door, "well sweetheart, your body is going through a change, and this is a natural reaction to what is about to happen" he said.

I laid down on the cold floor, thankfully I cleaned it the other day, but at this moment I did not care with how I felt. The coldness felt so good against my skin.

Once Drake left the room, I got sick about eight more times. I was cursing myself for what I decided to do, what was I thinking? agreeing to become like Drake but did not ask what and how would happen to me.

Drake had picked me up and placed me on the bed, he surrounded me with ice packs and a blanket, "this feeling will pass soon love, it's not like the movies where you die then come back something else."

"What happens now?" I barely managed to get out of my dry mouth. "Well, you will still have a heartbeat, but it will slow down a lot, you will get more strength, and you will become faster, and the sunlight doesn't burn you to a crisp, but it hurts like hell on our eyes" he said as he placed an ice pack on my forehead.

"This is just your body's way of reacting to the venom that is coursing through your bloodstream is all, another few minutes and you will feel like a whole new you but better" he said as he sat down next to me.

"Well, I hope so because this feeling is for shit" I said in-between groans. I had never gotten sick before, and I was so ready for this feeling to be done and over with.

Drake was right, within a few minutes I was starting to feel better, not a hundred percent, but I wasn't feeling as if I was going to bring up all my insides.

I stretched and layer there, realizing that Drake and I had sex earlier. Did I feel any different because of that also? That I wasn't sure of. I just know I really enjoyed it and a feeling deep down stirred and realized that I wanted him all over again.

When Drake walked back into the room he smiled, "already baby? Don't you want to relax after what you just went through?" he asked as he got into bed with me.

"Honestly, I feel great, and I just have this urge to have you deep inside of me" I said rolling onto my side facing him, looking into those gorgeous eyes of his. "One thing though I am curious too, why when you were about to bite me did your eyes go black, I mean there wasn't any white anywhere" I asked him while I trialed my fingers down his chest.

"It's the blood that makes them change, knowing that we get to drink, your eyes will change and the call of the side of you that turns into vampire mode so to speak changes them, you will see soon enough love" he said and rolled on top of me.

We spent the next two days exploring each other and having him teach me how to drink, he let me learn from him, which you would think would hurt and is gross, but quite the opposite honestly.

On the third day, my body was toned, and I had to learn how to balance my speed and strength so I wouldn't hurt anyone or give someone a reason as to what I am.

"We just have to make sure you are still protected though my love, Louis will stop at nothing to make you his now that you have turned" Drake said as he was making dinner before my shift at work.

One thing I realized was another lie thanks to the movies, was vampires could still eat food and drink anything, it held no substance so most didn't bother, unless out in public.

My body was still thinking it was human in some way, for the smell of food made my stomach growl, Drake laughed and handed me my plate full of scrambled eggs, bacon, and some toast.

"Meat will help your appetite before work or when you need to be out in public" he said as he sat down next to me munching on some bacon. Now the bacon wasn't really cooked but thinking it was helped until I got used to the idea that it was raw.

"I have no problem with being protected" I said as I looked at Drake and batted my eyelashes, which made him laugh. "Only you my love" he said, and we sat there finishing our meal. 

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