Chapter Twelve

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For the next week all was quiet, no sign of Louis or his guys, Drake was not giving up on my protection which consisted of Tim and Stone, who I know considered my bodyguards.

I honestly did not mind it though, these guys were huge, and you would have to be an idiot to even think of messing with them. Tim was as big as Stone but just a few inches shy of seven feet.

One day when I was getting ready for work when Drake came in dressed in his suit, if he did not have to leave, I was about to rip it right off him. That man could look good in anything but when he was in his business suit my insides went mush.

Lying in bed after my alarm went off, I was not in the mood to go to work today for some reason, I just was not feeling the best. I called Drake not knowing what was going on, only to find out it was because of our separation.

"Things will be back to normal tonight when I get home baby" he said into the phone. "I hope so, I miss you" I whispered. We talked for a few minutes more than he had to get going and finish this last meeting.

We hung up and I just laid there, Tim walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Are you doing okay Lilith?" he asked. I knew he was worried about me, usually I am up and getting my coffee and something to eat.

"I'm okay, just missing Drake" I said laying there wrapping the covers around me more tightly. "Well, he will be back tonight, and things will go back to normal," Tim said.

He was about to get up when I looked at him "Tim, can I ask you a question, I don't know how personal this is so don't get mad" I said hiding my face.

He sat back down "Lilith I know you're new to this world and I would expect you to ask questions" he said. Which made me feel better, "I know you guys aren't vampires, what are you?" I asked.

Tim sat there and smiled "no we're not vampires, all of us that Drake has employed are werewolves, and yes the movies got it wrong again, we are not all enemies " he said.

I sat up, "Holy shit so werewolves exist also, what else is there?" I asked all excited to finally hearing the truth. There was more out there than just tales about these things but with no proof, you can only guess.

Tim sat there laughing, "you are one cool chick Lilith, everything you have gone through and finding out, one would hide or run for the hills but not you, you go full force into it, and I like that" he said smiling.

We sat there for an hour just talking about what being a werewolf entails. No wonder all these guys are so huge, and the way they eat and still stay solid was amazing.

Tim looked at his watch "we better get you ready for work" he said as he stood up and went to the kitchen to fix me something to eat while I took a shower and got ready.

Once in the kitchen was a plate full of eggs, raw bacon, and toast. I had to smile; he was taking safe care of me while Drake was away on business. One thing I knew Drake asked them to do.

I think Tim did not mind it at all, he seemed pleased that he was given this and that I was happy. "It's a werewolf's nature to take care of family" he said as he sat down next to me eating his own meal.

Stone and Tim followed me into the diner, Tony was used to them being with me as they ordered throughout the night and not causing any issues. Tony also liked the idea of two huge guys making sure things stayed safe.

Tony secretly worried about me and seeing that I was being taken care of properly and that Drake was in fact a good guy he had no issues with these guys hanging around. 

It was around the end of my shift when Louis decided to walk in, my eyes must have turned black as he smiled at me, and it was not a "nice to see you" smile, it was one of lust.

I had already clocked out and was grabbing my jacket, a habit I had kept since it was cold out. As I stood there staring at Louis, Stone went in front of me, and Tim was behind me.

Louis just laughed, "I see Drake had to put dogs on Lilith, afraid she might be better off with me than him?" he said laughing. I heard Stone growl; it was low enough that Tony did not hear it, but I did.

I grabbed hold of Stones' shirt as he walked towards the door, I knew Louis could not see me until we passed him. "Lilith my queen, one day you will be mine and you will not want for anything" he whispered as I passed him.

His words made my blood run cold and my head whipped towards him "I will never want you" I sneered at him. I could feel my teeth grow in length and I could feel my muscles ready to jump as soon as I let them.

Louis smiled, "in time my dear, as you are new to this. But I will take what is mine and you will be mine, make no mistake," he said, and that was all I saw as Tim picked me up and carried me out to the car.

Once inside the car I turned to face Tim, "why in the hell did you pick me up and carry me out?" I almost yelled at him, "this is why Lilith" he picked up a mirror and showed me my reflection.

My eyes were all black, no white to them at all, and my incisors were fully out, holy shit I had never seen anything like that before. "You were about to go into a blood rage as they call it when you are about to go into battle or a fight" Tim was saying quietly.

I looked out the window and saw Louis standing there smiling, knowing what I was about to do, which was not a good thing. One more question I will have to ask Drake about.

There was a lot to learn in this world, and I was just beginning to realize this. 

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