Chapter Thirty-Three

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Walking in the door, I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen, I followed the smell and found the table was fully set and had candles going with rose petals on the table with soft music in the background.

I stood there thinking I was in a different house. "Hi sweetheart" Tim said and walked over and wrapped his arms around me and gave me the kiss of a lifetime. One of those kisses that leave you breathless and very turned on.

"Hi love, what's all this? It's beautiful" I said looking around. "I wanted to treat you to something nice, I haven't been able to show you how much you mean to me" he said.

Then it clicked, Duke got ahold of Tim and let him know what I received today. "It is amazing love" I said and kissed him back to let him know that I did appreciate the gesture.

"Let me change and I will be right back" I said and went to my bedroom. I took a quick shower and changed, I heard my phone go off, opening I see a text from Drake.

"Lilith I will be gone for another week for work, miss and love you" was all the text said. For some reason that just pissed me off, "Drake that's fine" I hit send and muted my phone.

I set it next to the bed and went to the kitchen, I sat down while Tim finished putting the last of the food on the table.

"This looks delicious and smells as good" I told him, he smiled at me, "I'm glad you think so baby" he said. We sat there for the next hour eating and just talking about everything that had been going on.

"Listen Tim I need to tell you a few things, one Drake is gone till next week sometimes I guess for work. He just texted me, and tomorrow night I agreed to have dinner with Louis at the diner, so that way I'm in a safe place with others around" I told him.

Tim looked at me, "Lilith I trust you, if you want to have dinner with Louis than do that love, you're a grown woman and I'm not going to stop you even when were married I won't stop you" he said to me.

I let go of the breath I was holding, "you know how much I love you" I said to him, he gave me a genuine smile, "about as much as I love you?" he replied. After dinner he stood up and held his hand out to me.

I took it and he pulled me into his embrace, we slowly danced for a while until the heat between us became too much to hold back. That night in my bed we ravished each other until the sun came up.

Tim went upstairs to get some sleep while I fell asleep in my bed relaxed and content. The issues with Drake were growing by the minute I knew this, and something was going on with him, but I was not ready to deal with that just yet.

Tim went into work before I did, I took my time and showered and picked out the right outfit, I could not help it, I wanted to look nice. A pair of dark jeans and a sweater that was a bit baggy but not too much and one side hung off the shoulder.

I put on my black heeled boots that I fell in love with one time when we were in town, and never wore them until today. I wanted to feel sexy and like a woman and looking at myself in the mirror I did just what I wanted.

I walked into the diner and Duke did a double take, Tim came around the corner and almost dropped the plate of food he was serving since one of the girls called off sick.

I walked by Tim and growled low enough for him to hear but no one else, it was our way of letting each other know that we wanted them. I always wanted Tim, course he let me know a while ago that werewolves were very sexual creatures.

That is why I constantly want sex all the time, or I just want sex from him all the time.

Tim followed me back into the office where we had a nice round of sex on the desk, plus I knew he wanted to mark me since tonight was my dinner date with Louis.

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