Chapter Twenty-One

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"So, when does this brother of yours show up?" Drake asked, I could tell by the tone of his voice he was not pleased with how that conversation went. "Sometime soon was all he said which means within a day or two the most" I said as I got up to get dressed.

Looking at my clothes that were not packed did not leave me a lot of choices. It was winter so my jeans, sweaters and a few T-shirts were all that I had to pick from.

"I think your black jeans and the dark red sweater would look beautiful on you" Tim said walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. I leaned back against him.

"I want to make a good impression and if you think that outfit will look good then I will trust your judgement" I told him as I started to change. "I have to leave or else I will be ravishing you till tomorrow" Tim said as he was walking backwards out the door.

I had to smile, ever since I met these guys, I never dreamt that sex would be anything amazing, but with the right partner it is so much more.

Drake walked in as I was just finishing getting ready, "Lilith, I want you to be careful today, not with the wolves I trust Tim to keep you safe, just when you're out on the roads I don't trust Louis and he would go to any lengths to get you" he said as he pulled me to him.

I laid my head on his chest, no matter what the movies say, vampires had warmth to them not a lot, but they were not cold beings either. I wrapped my arms around Drake and looked up at him.

"I am so lucky to have you in my life and I get to keep you, forever, don't I?" I asked him. Drake looked down at me and smiled "my love you are my forever, and I am your forever" he said and kissed me.

It was not a rushed kiss, but a slow building passion fire kind of kiss.

"When you get back, I have a surprise for you" Drake whispered against my lips, I kissed him back, "well then I should hurry up and go so I can get back to you sooner" I said and stepped back.

Both of our eyes were going black as we both were creating a fire between us that would soon consume us both if we were not careful.

After an hour in the car with Tim my nerves were starting to get the better of me, "you sure I look okay" I kept asking, I know I was but still when you are meeting the family you get nervous.

"Baby you look great, and everything will be fine" he said as he took ahold of my one hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

A little thing he has always done when my nerves start getting the better of me.

Once we were there, everyone greeted us. My nerves seemed to disappear once I saw everyone welcome me with open arms, we spent the day with everyone, and we left after we had our dinner.

"Do they know that I'm also a vampire?" I asked Tim on our way home, "yes they do, you can't get much past a werewolf love, but they accepted you, so all is well" he said as he took my hand and kissed the back part of it.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, but I did not mind, it was that kind of quiet that was comfortable.

I must have dozed off because I could just barely make out Tim's voice, "sweetheart we're home" I heard him say. I opened my eyes and saw Tim looking down at me with a smile.

But that smile was soon gone as he heard Drake come through the front door, "where is she?" I could hear him say, "I'm right here love" I called out as I stretched and before I could move Drake was right there picking me up in his arms and carrying me inside.

"I missed you too baby" I said as I snuggled my nose into his neck, he stilled for a moment but continued to our bedroom where he slammed the door and took me over to our bed, where for the rest of the night he showed me how much he missed me.

The next morning, I was awoken with a bunch of male voices in the house, I sat up then remembered it was moving day. I jumped up and went to the kitchen to get my coffee and forgot that I was naked.

All the guys that were in there froze, I grabbed my cup and went to the coffee pot and was pouring my coffee, "holy hell Lilith, you want Drake to kill every one of these guys?" Tim half whispered.

I turned to look at him and then I looked down, "oh shit" I said, and I was a bit too late as I was about to dash into my bedroom Drake walked in and stopped.

Drake did not say a word, he just went over and picked me up and moved quickly out of the room into our bedroom where he slammed the door before, I could say anything he grabbed ahold of my hair and moved my neck to the side.

His fangs dropped down and he bit my neck, which turned my insides too much, I moaned as he sucked, and I grabbed the front of his pants to feel how hard he was.

Since I was already naked, I undid his pants, I knew this was a dominance game that he was marking me because of the other males in the house, and I did not care. I would be doing the same thing if there was a bunch of women in the house and he was walking around naked.

An hour later we were both satisfied in every way we could be. The movers were smart and did not say a word even though Tim kept smirking and making moaning noises when I would walk by.

Until I grabbed his crotch and growled, that shut him up and he knew tonight we would be marking each other as well.

The move went great, the old house was now empty which seemed strange since I was born, I have always lived here, but Louis ruined that for me. I needed to feel safe and that was no longer the case in the old mansion.

Hopefully, the new owners will love it as much as I did.

Driving with Drake we pulled up to our new home. We got out of the car, and he picked me up and carried me over the threshold, "even though couples do that after they are married, but this is our forever home, and we are forever so why not start our own tradition" Drake said as he carried me into the house.

"I couldn't agree with you more my love" I said as I kissed him. 

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