Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Where in the hell were you?" Drake yelled once I walked in the door, "excuse me?" I asked completely thrown off at how he was acting.

"You heard me, where were you?" He said walking towards me, "I was walking on the property" I said and bypassed him and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

As I walked in Tim was in there cooking me something to eat, he knew I was with Louis as his wolves were conveying everything back to him, he trusted me enough to know what I was doing.

"Don't you dare walk away from me Lilith" he spat as he followed me into the kitchen. I turned around, "listen Drake last time I checked I was a grown ass woman and can do as I wish, you have a problem with that to damn bad" I said and went to get my coffee.

"Who were you with?" he asked, I laughed and got my coffee and sat down at the kitchen table, "I was by myself and in the end, Louis showed up, so I spent some time talking with him" I said as I sipped my coffee watching him.

"Have you lost your mind Lilith, that man is a monster and I forbid you to be near him ever again" Drake yelled at me. I stopped drinking and set my coffee cup down.

"Are you serious right now? Do you hear yourself Drake? I am not a child, and I am not your child; I will do and see who I please, are you afraid that I will find out something about you that will turn me off?" I raised my voice right back at him.

I was getting pissed at how he was treating me, Tim was quiet this whole-time cooking, but I could see he was getting irritated at how Drake was reacting.

Drake stood there glaring down at me, "you will mind your place Lilith" he said quietly with a tone of rage hiding behind it.

I laughed "go fuck yourself Drake, I will do as I please, oh and by the way it was nice to hear the whole story of you and Louis sister, and how you were to be married" I said watching him.

And there for a split second the wall cracked, and I saw his reaction before he schooled his face. He was shocked that I found out. Drake turned and walked out of the house.

A moment later I heard the front door slam to where the whole house shook. I sat there drinking my coffee, needing to cool off. Tim put a plate of food in front of me without saying a word.

I know he could feel the turmoil inside of me and he did not want to add to it. Tim sat across from me, "all I will say is I trust you Lilith and if you want to get to know Louis more than okay" was all he said.

I realized in that moment the only one who truly trusted and knew me was the man sitting a crossed from me, no questions no accusing no demanding, simple trust and acceptance.

I got up and sat in Tim's lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my nose into his neck, I inhaled deeply and slowly let out a breath I was holding. "Thank you" was all I said.

The food forgotten, Tim picked me up and carried me to our bedroom upstairs and spent the rest of the night exploring each other and spending much needed time with each other.

I woke up the next morning in bed with Tim, I stretched, and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me on top of him, looking into his eyes I saw the love he had for me.

"Good morning baby" he whispered as he kissed me, "good morning" I said and kissed him back.

I got up and went downstairs to take a shower and get dressed, I had to go to the diner to get the payroll ready. I noticed Drakes and my bed was not slept in, I took a shower and after getting dressed I went to his office.

Opening the door, I peeked in, and he was not in there either. I walked around to see if he had come back last night and saw that he had not. I was curious as to where he was.

I went through his planner and saw he had a meeting out of town for a few days. "That son of a bitch" I said. He never told me he was going out of town yet yelled at me for walking around yesterday.

I shut the office door and went to the kitchen, sitting down Tim put a plate of food in front of me along with a cup of coffee.

"Everything okay?" he asked as he sat to eat also. "Drake is out of town on business but never said a word or a note, did you know this?" I asked as I started to eat.

"He never said anything to me about it" Tim said, and I saw he was telling the truth. We sat in silence eating our breakfast, once done and we cleaned up we headed out to the diner.

For the next four hours I was in my office doing the paperwork and making sure everyone got their pay.

There was a knock at the door, "Come in" I said, putting the last of the paperwork in the drawer.

"There's a delivery for you Lilith" Duke said, "I'll be right there" I told him with a smile. Duke was one of the wolves that was out there last night keeping watch over me.

I got up and walked out to the front, there were four dozen roses of all colors in beautiful vases. I looked at Duke, and he just shrugged his shoulders.

I thought at first that Drake was apologizing for his actions, until I saw there was a card. Opening the card, "my dear Lilith, thank you for letting me explain myself and spending time with me, it meant the world to me and wanted to give you a gift that will hopefully brighten up your day even a little, love Louis"

I stood there holding the card to my chest, he did not have to do that, it was an extremely sweet gesture. I never had gotten flowers before in my life and now this. It made me feel good inside even if it was from a man, I was on the fence about.

I put two in my office and two out on the counter in the diner. Everyone should be able to smell the flowers besides just me.

Duke looked at me with a questioning gaze, "from a new friend who wanted to thank me for giving him a moment of my time" I said as I went for some coffee.

"Some friend" Duke winked at me, I've learned from Tim that werewolves were by nature a more trusting, loving kind and that there was no ill intent with each other.

"Seems to be" I said laughing and went back to my office to call Louis and thank him for the flowers. I sat down and saw my cell was flashing. Picking it up I saw a text from an unknown number.

"Lilith this is Louis; I hope you don't mind me texting you and I hope you liked the flowers."

I programmed his name with the number, "Thank you so much for the flowers they did the trick and no I'm glad you did I was about to look for your number to thank you" I replied to him.

"That makes me happy that I was able to brighten your day, would you like to have dinner tomorrow night? Your choosing of place if you wish" he texted.

"I would like to have dinner, how about here at the diner, around eight p.m.?" I texted. "See you then my dear," Louis replied. I spent the rest of the day making sure the diner was set.

Now to head home and let Tim know that tomorrow night I will be dining with Louis at the diner. I figured that way I was safe, and I was not hiding anything from anyone. 

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