Chapter Thirty-Five

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Drake stood there off in the shadows, watching everything that went on. He saw the hurt in Lilith's eyes, it was not the fact that he was with another woman, it was the fact that he hid it from her.

Tim parked the car and Duke helped me out of the car, I looked up at the house, and took a deep breath. "Tim was this Darcy ever in our home?" I asked him, "no other woman was ever in here" both men spoke.

I looked at Duke, "you are for sure?" I asked, "Yes we monitor everyone coming and going just like Tim wanted. Drake had no idea that we were doing that" he said.

"Have to protect my baby" Tim said as he walked over and took my hand. We went inside and I went to take a shower and put on my pajamas. After I was dressed, I changed the bed sheets.

I opened the dresser drawers and closet, everything of his was still in there. I must have let out a loud growl because Tim and a few other guys came rushing into my bedroom.

Once they saw what was going on everyone left but Tim, "You want help with anything?" he asked. "No but can you stay with me while I do what I need to do?" I asked.

"Of course," Tim said and sat down on the bed watching me take everything that was Drakes and throw it outside on the lawn, after the bedroom I went to the office.

I took all his work and tossed it outside as well. His computer, his files, everything went, even his desk and chairs. I wanted nothing of him left in this house.

One good thing is I bought this place with my own money that I received from selling my other home.

So, no one else had a hold on it but me, I made sure of it after how I was raised no one would ever be able to take anything away from me that I earned.

After I finished, I shut the door, "Tim I would like all the codes changed please as soon as possible" I asked. "Right away" Tim said and called his guys on the phone.

For the next hour I was sitting in the family room watching a movie snacking on some things that Tim whipped up for me.

Tim left me alone while he took care of everything that I needed and wanted done. I heard Drake outside yelling at Tim for letting me do this and going too far.

I had to smile, serve him right, I thought. Lie to me and suffer the consequences.

I turned up the volume on the television so it would hopefully drown out Drakes yelling. Within a few minutes Drake was standing in front of me.

"You" was all he said, I looked around him and saw no one else in the room but the door was shut.

"Oh, hell," I thought, looking up at Drake, "You're blocking my view" I said and moved my head to look around him, which was not a success, but it did piss him off even more.

Drake walked over and picked me up, put me over his shoulder and walked me into the bedroom where he locked the door and tossed me on the bed.

"You are not getting rid of me that easy Lilith" he said and as hard as I tried to fight it, I was still in love with this damn vampire. My insides betrayed me when he bit my neck and they turned to mush.

I growled and bit down hard on his neck, thinking I was going to give in that easy he had another thing coming. We might have had rough sex before, but this went way beyond that.

The next morning, I woke up sore and noticed a few new marks on my body that were not there before. I looked over and saw Drake laying there watching me. He was not sure what I was going to do.

"Listen if we are going to be together, we need to get a few things cleared up. First off if you are mated to that girl like you are with me, then this will not work. Since I was not told anything, and it was kept from me that I will not tolerate.

Yes, I know I am mated to a werewolf, but you were there for it, you knew what was going on the whole time, I have never kept a secret from you even when I spoke to Louis.

Now before you get on about Louis there is a reason, I am doing what I am doing and if you cannot trust me then just get out now, and that girl you're seeing is done with also.

No more business trips no more nothing that I don't know about" I said sitting there next to him.

Drake took a deep breath, "I accept your terms and I have to trust you because I know you wouldn't be doing anything out of stupidity, I'm sorry I hurt you before and it won't ever happen again that I promise" he said.

"This is your one chance and if you better not fuck it up Drake" I said and got up to take a shower. Once I was done, I noticed all his stuff was not in the bedroom or in the house at all.

I went into the kitchen to get some coffee and a pain pill; I might be part vampire and werewolf, but some things still hurt. "Good morning, Babygirl" Tim said and kissed the top of my head.

"Morning love" I said and leaned my head against his chest for a moment while I savored my coffee.

"Where's Drake at?" I asked, "he moved his stuff to Tony's house since it's not for sale yet, he wanted to give you guys some space while he figures some things out" Tim said as he made me a plate of food. 

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