Chapter Two

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I noticed there were only three tables so far, I took them their menus and went to get their water. One thing that was always good about repeat customers is their orders were usually the same.

It made my life a lot easier when I started my shift. After all my tables were settled, I went to take my ten-minute break. I stepped outside for a smoke. A nasty habit I know, but one that I just needed from time to time.

I had no other habits that were bad. I didn't drink or do drugs, so this little thing until I was ready, I wasn't going to quit any time soon.

I went out the back door, Tony had set up a table and chairs with an umbrella for us. I sat down with my coffee and went to light my cigarette when a flame came out of nowhere.

I looked up and saw the stranger from the diner was standing there. I accepted his light and thanked him. He just nodded his head and stood there for a moment, I wonder if he was going to say anything or just wanted to stare.

I was used to some guys doing that, I don't know why. I'm nothing major, I didn't look like a super model, and I wasn't one of those girls that were tall and blonde.

Quite the opposite with me, I was all of five foot five, black hair that I had cut short that went into spikes except for my bangs, they went off to the side.

My weight was normal for my height, so I carried a little bit more weight, but I know I was healthy. Even if I did smoke, I could still run a mile easily if I needed to.

I looked up and saw he was still standing there, now I'm curious. "Hi there, you want to join me?" I asked. He looked at me for a moment longer and nodded his head.

Pulling out the seat he sat down, "sorry I don't mean to stare at you, just you seem so familiar to me, but I don't think we ever have met before, my name is Drake" he said.

"Nice to meet you Drake, I'm Lilith, and I only remember seeing you in the diner" I told him, just then my cell vibe letting me know I had a minute left of my break.

"Listen I got to get inside before Tony has a cow" I said and laughed. As I stood up Drake did also, "let me walk you inside, then I will go to my table so you can take my order" he said.

I had no issue with walking in with Drake, he was a good-looking man, once he stood up next to me, holy crap he was tall. I felt so tiny compared to this man.

I looked up at him, "how tall are you?" I asked, he smiled "six foot four" he said as he held out his arm waiting for me to wrap mine in his. Smiling I did, and there was a zap between us that made me gasp.

Drake just placed his hand on mine and smiled. We went inside and Tony watched us not saying a word but the look on his face was one of worry, I wonder why?

I clocked in and went back to my customers, taking Drake his water and a cup of coffee, since that was all he ever had. He smiled up at me and I went back to my other tables.

For some reason I felt safe when Drake was around, like nothing would ever happen to me, but he also gave off the predator vibe though.

Around four in the morning, the other customers all left. It was just Tony and Drake and myself, during this time Tony always made sure that I cleaned all the table and chairs.

Getting everything ready for the morning shift, the only table I had left was Drakes, "why don't you sit for a moment while it's slow?" He asked, "I looked for Tony and saw he was busy in the back doing his paperwork.

I took the opportunity and sat down across from Drake, "what time do you get off work?" he asked, "I get off around six a.m., the morning shift comes in at that time" I told him.

"I will have a car waiting for you to take you home, and no arguments please, it's not safe for a young woman just to walk around without an escort" Drake said. The look he gave me was he was serious, and he wasn't going to listen to anything else I said unless it was a yes.

"Thank you for the offer, I don't want to put you out" I said, letting him know I will accept it but if it wasn't an inconvenience to him. "Nonsense, it will be my pleasure".

I got up since I could hear Tony come from his office, Drake watched me with curiosity, and noticed why I stood at that moment.

"Lilith, have you finished cleaning?" he asked, not in a nice tone either, it was if he was irritated that I was talking with Drake. "Yes, Tony I cleaned and mopped; everything is all set for the morning crew" I told him taking Drake's coffee cup since I knew he was done with it.

I went back into the kitchen to wash the cup, "Lilith, I don't like you getting friendly with the customers" Tony said. I stopped washing, and turned around "are you serious?" I asked him.

After all these years not once was I ever that way. "Listen Lilith, I know Drake and he's not the type of guy you should be wanting to hang around, he isn't the best for you" he said.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "I appreciate the concern, but Tony I'm a big girl and I will be okay, I know enough if I feel not safe, I won't go around him" I said and walked back into front area.

Drake was sitting there with a look on his face, I wasn't sure if it were anger mixed with pride, facial expressions on guys I couldn't ever figure out. Drake stood up and went to the cash register.

I went and rang Drake up, he paid his bill and gave me a hundred-dollar tip, with a wink "for any issues talking to me might have caused" he said and left. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. 

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