Chapter Ten

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"How are you feeling today?" Tony asked, "I actually feel one hundred percent better" I said smiling as I went to get my apron and notepad to take customers' orders. "Thats good to hear," Tony said as he went back behind the counter to start cooking a few orders that were waiting.

My shift was quiet, no Louis or his group of guys hanging about, Drake was not even around which I thought he would be since tonight is my first night at work after being turned.

I told Tony I was taking my break and went outside with my coffee and a cigarette. I even noticed the night air did not bother me as it used to. There are a few perks to being a vampire.

My alarm went off letting me know I had five more minutes before I had to go back inside, so I sat there closing my eyes and just listening to the night. A few cars drove down the street.

In fact, I realized it was quieter than normal even outside, was it my hearing had changed or was it something else that was going on that I had no clue to yet. Hoping it was the first rather than the second one.

My watch beeped once more letting me know one more minute. Standing up I stretched, and my body felt good, I have not felt this amazing ever. I reminded myself to thank Drake for this.

Grabbing the door handle to go inside I felt something strange, more of a gut feeling than something touching me. I opened the door and as I was about to go inside, I turned and saw Louis standing on the other side of the table where I was just sitting.

"Well look at you Lilith, finally turned" he said with a smile on his lips. I had nothing to say to this man, I just walked in and shut the door before anything could happen.

I walked into the back room and put my stuff back on and closed my eyes and took a nice long deep breath. My nerves at that moment were all over the place and I did not know how I would react.

I thought it would be better to center myself instead of scaring the customers with pitch black eyes.

Once my heart goes back to the normal slow rhythm, I opened my eyes to see Drake standing there like he was about to kill something or someone. His eyes were pitch black and his teeth were lengthened.

"Where is he?" was all he got out, "last I saw he was back where I take my breaks" as I said that Drake was out the back door faster than I could blink.

One thing I did not realize was that since Drake turned me and we linked, he could feel my emotions. Also, he was very protective of me, and I know I was of him as well.

At that moment Louis did not enter my mind, all I wanted at that very moment was Drake and having his arms wrapped around me, holding me.

But Drake was out after Louis, so I went back to the front of the diner and saw a couple of guys from the house. They smiled when they saw me, and I went over to their table.

"What will you guys have?" I asked, not sure if they were human or vampires since I never did ask.

"Just a burger and fries and a milkshake for each of us" Luke said. Luke was Drakes right hand guy for security and his business I noticed. Luke was much bigger than Drake, but he did not move like him.

Makes me wonder if werewolves were also a thing now that I know about vampires, something I am going to have to ask Drake one of these days.

I placed their orders and saw there were no other customers. So, I went about cleaning up the diner as I always do. "Make sure to wash the floors, the new girl didn't bother while you were sick" Tony yelled out from the kitchen.

"On it" I yelled back, I went over to the jukebox and pushed a couple of numbers, cleaning was so much better when there was music playing in the background.

The guys were eating and watching me with amused looks on their faces which made me laugh, they were easy to be around, and I felt safe.

After the floors were mopped and everything was done, I took their plates to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of coffee cups, only two asked for it but I brought a third for myself.

Tony never minded me sitting having a cup of coffee after everything was done, if I did not leave, I could sit and enjoy the music with my coffee.

I sat down with the guys, and we talked about everything under the sun, since they live with Drake and myself, I felt it would not hurt knowing the guys better.

We were all sitting there laughing and talking when Drake walked into the diner, he stopped when he saw what was going on. I could feel Drake staring at the back of my head.

I did not bother to turn around, but I knew he did not like the fact that I was sitting next to one of the guys, "you going to join us love?" I asked while taking a sip of my coffee.

"Leave it to my girl to be surrounded by men" he said laughing as he pulled a chair from another table to sit with us. "Well, you did say you wanted me protected" I said laughing when he made a face at me. 

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