Chapter Seven

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The rest of my shift went by faster than I thought it would, knowing there were a million questions swirling around in my brain that needed to be answered. Once I clocked out there was my car.

Getting in I noticed another car parked halfway down the street, "see Lilith, good thing Drake has me picking you up" was all my driver said, "one of these days it would be nice to know your name so I can use it in a sentence" I said leaning back against the seat.

I saw a grin form on the drivers' lips, but nothing was said, he knew if he told me his name that would hold power over him, right now he did not mind being called driver, he also knew it irked the hell out of me not knowing everything and he was fine with that.

Once home I decided to take a shower and grab something to eat, this conversation could wait till I had a full stomach and a good sleep. Opening the door, I walked in and was pushed to the side.

"What the hell" I said as I found myself laying on the floor, Drake was on top of me, "you should be careful my dear Lilith" was all he said before he kissed me for a moment before he stood up and held out his hand.

I was not sure what just happened, did Drake finally kiss me? And why in the hell was I laying on the floor in the first place?

I took Drake's hand and stood up, noticing a knife imbedded into the wall across from the open door, looking at it then at Drake, "was that intended for my back?" I asked.

"No, Louis knew I was home and wouldn't let anything happen to you, besides, he wants you for himself and I can't see him harming you no matter what" Drake said as he went to where the knife was embedded and pulled it out of the wall.

One of the guards shut the front door and locked it. All the drapes in the house were closed. One thing I loved about this place was all the blackout curtains that I bought, which help keep out any light when you work the midnight shift.

Drake went into the kitchen with the knife in hand, following him my curiosity was peeked as to why a knife was thrown at me.

Drake and a few of his guys were in the kitchen talking quietly amongst themselves, "so anyone going to tell me what's going on?" I asked standing there with my arms crossed over my chest.

Drake looked up and looked at me, he took a deep breath, "I guess it's time I tell you everything, I was hoping for a better time to explain things, but Louis upped the timetable with him being here" he said.

Drake took my hand and walked me into the family room, I sat down, and he sat next to me but facing me, "Lilith, some of the things I am going to tell you will sound crazy and your mind wont fully believe it but what I am going to tell you everything in fact is true" he said looking at me.

I sat there taking a deep breath, not letting my mind go crazy until I have heard him out, "okay lay it all on me" I said leaning back against the couch getting comfortable.

For the next two hours Drake told me that he was in fact a vampire, and how Louis and he were connected and how Louis had taken the fact that Drake killed his sister not very well.

It was so much to process; but I took everything he told me quite well. I didn't run out of the house screaming or get hysterical that there was a vampire sitting right next to me.

I just sat there, the only thing I noticed was I was speechless, to find out all those old fairy tales and monster stories were in fact real. Society would never accept them that much I knew.

So, with Drake telling me this, he left only one little bit till the end, so that in time I would have to become like him.  Looking at him everything made sense.

"I am going to need some time to process everything" was all I said as I stood up and went to the bathroom and shut the door. Standing at the sink I looked at myself in the mirror.

Could this all be real? Could I really believe everything he just told me? I wasn't sure if Drake was just pulling my leg on all of this or if he was being real.

I heard the door open and shut and watched Drake come up behind me, standing with his chest against my back he bent forward to where his cheek was right next to mine.

Our eyes were locked onto each other, "my sweet this is no joke" was all he said as he opened his mouth and two of his teeth lengthened into sharp pointed incisors.

I gasped not in fear, but the reality of the situation had hit me full force, this was no joke being played on me, the truth of the fact was that vampires really do exist, and he was staring at me full on.

I don't know why I wasn't scared but in fact I was turned on by this, I pressed my back into his chest, and I could feel how hard he was and the fact he was turned on made my brain go all soft.

Could I become one like him?

I knew that once he turned me, I didn't belong to him as the movies always made it seem, the choice was mine if I wanted to be his, Drake made it clear that he wanted to be with me forever.

Could I tie myself to one man let alone a vampire?

There was so much to process but right now this man, no matter what he was, I knew he wanted me. Drake knew I had never been with a man, let alone been kissed.

He let me know that is why he hasn't done anything with me, he wanted me to be sure that he was the one I wanted to have as my first and truth be told my only if I chose to be with him.

He couldn't let me be with others once I gave myself to him, something inside of him saw me as his, a woman that was pure and rare now adays and one he had been searching for across the ages of time.

He had only been with one other woman in his life and that was the woman who turned him without his consent and then just left him afterwards to navigate the unfamiliar cruel world of theirs. 

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