Chapter Thirty

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The one thing about being your own boss which is nice is if you want to sleep in you can and not have to worry about getting into trouble.

Once fully awake I grabbed my cell and made a few calls to make sure everything was good at the diner, and if anyone needed me to call me. After I did that, I put it on the charger and covered back up.

I decided to take a personal day and I stayed home and did a lot of nothing. I wanted to lay around and watch movies and eat junk food if I could. I looked over and saw Drake was sound asleep.

Laying there I listened to the noise of the house, I could hear Tim in the kitchen, and a few of the other guys were setting something up for outside. That had me curious, so I got out of bed much to Drake mumbling about it being too early to be up.

I quietly left the room and went to see what all the noise was about. "Good morning, Lilith" a couple of the guys said, I mumbled "good morning, what is going on?" I asked.

"Installing a gate and more cameras" the one guy said. My face must have shown surprise, "Tim wanted this done asap and now that the stuff shown up, we are able to do it this morning" he said.

"That is great news" I smiled at them and turned to find Tim and kiss him for getting this done. I walked into the kitchen and walked over to where Tim was cooking.

I grabbed him and turned him around which surprised him since I never use my strength on the guys, I then kissed him fully. "Good morning, Babygirl, I will never complain but what was that for?" he asked.

"For being such a sweetheart and for the gate" I said smiling and grabbing a cup of coffee.

The look on Tim's face was perfect, the stunned to the devilish smirk he had on. He was about to ravish me right there in the kitchen until Drake walked in. He went back to cooking.

"Good morning love, " he said as he went to get his juice. Tim was about to make a smart-ass remark until Drake gave him a look, the remark died before it was said.

I chuckled a little bit, those two have been friends for so long just a glance and each one knew what the other was thinking, scary at the same time.

"What's on the agenda today?" Tim asked, "for me I'm taking the day off and going just do nothing but be lazy and enjoy the day" I said as I sat down to enjoy my coffee.

Both guys stopped what they were doing and looked at me, "what?" I asked, Drake came over and looked at me, "are you feeling, okay?" he asked a bit worried in his tone.

"I feel great, just wanted one day to stay around the house and just do whatever" I said. Tim put breakfast on the table and all three of us filled our plates and enjoyed the food.

"Is it a problem that I will be home Drake?" I asked looking at him, wondering why he seemed a bit off since I said I was staying home today.

"Never a problem, just took me by surprise is all" he said as he got up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and he left the room, I watched him leave and turned to look at Tim who seemed just as surprised as I was.

"Well, if you want company just say the word and I will be lazy right along with you" Tim said as he was clearing up the table and started cleaning up.

"Will do" I said with a smile, Tim left the room, and it was just me, I grabbed another cup of coffee and sat there just listening to the house and enjoying being by myself for a bit.

I decided to stay in my nightgown for a while and went into the family room, settled into the oversized couch which l loved, and turned on the television. After a few hours of that I figured it was time to shower and get dressed.

After the shower I thought about going to see Drake since his office was in the house now, and I had not seen him since breakfast. I walked up to the door, and I heard him on the phone.

About to open the door until I heard something that I was not too happy about. I backed away and decided to throw on my coat and go outside for a walk. I needed fresh air for a while.

I knew Tim was at the diner making sure everything was good before coming back home. He always spent the mornings there, so I did not have to rush. It felt nice having someone I could rely on.

I checked on the guys as the gate was already up and saw there was a box on the other side that held a camera in it so we could see who was wanting to come in, that made me happy.

No more unexpected visitors finally. I decided to go check out the back of the property, even though we had close to two hundred acres there was about five acres of woods that had a nice path going through it.

Tim and his guys made sure there was a path that went through the property. They also marked the boundaries which I was grateful for. Did not want someone coming onto our land and seeing a pack of wolves running around. 

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