Chapter Twenty

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Waking up next to Drake was always a highlight of my mornings. Even though I spent the night with Tim, I always ended up in our bed. Drake and I had a long talk the other day about the dynamics of this group.

We both agreed that Drake was my top priority, and I was his. That is how it will always be. "Besides my forever you still have to meet the council" Drake dropped on me while I was about to get into the shower.

"I have to what now?" I asked as I stood there completely naked and forgetting about the shower, which I could tell by Drakes eyes he was fine with that.

"Once we are married it's custom to introduce you to the council, they are the ones that set the laws that we have to follow, they aren't as bad as the movies make them out to be Lilith" Drake said walking closer to me.

Standing there, I was not sure how to feel about all this added information. "Well at least it's not tomorrow so I have time to make sure I'm ready for that and not make any mistakes" I said watching Drake walk towards me with one thing on his mind and it was not a shower.

After my shower I needed a cup of coffee, I had my morning workout and now it was time for the caffeine to do the other part of its job.

"Good morning baby girl" Tim says as he pours me my cup of coffee, I just smile at him waiting till I had my first sip of the good stuff. "Oh, I needed that, and good morning" I said to Tim.

"What's on the plans for today" I asked while I sat there watching Tim get to work on cooking me something to eat. I will never grow tired of watching a gorgeous man cook for me.

"Well, nothing much really, but I was hoping to take you to visit the pack lands today so everyone can meet you" he said looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

I sat there with my cup halfway to my mouth, "do what now?" I asked, why is everyone wanting me to meet everyone lately. "Lilith, eventually you will have to meet everyone, whether it be my pack or Drakes council, you are very important to us," he said.

I blew out my breath when he put it like that. "Okay you're right, and today would fine with me I just hope they like me" I said looking into Tim's eyes. "Hope who likes you?" Drake asked as he walked into the kitchen and came over to sit next to me.

"Tim is taking me to meet the pack" I said looking over my cup at Drake, I saw his eyes darken and he looked at Tim, "she better be treated right, my forever only deserves that" he said making it a point to darken his eyes at Tim.

I had to roll mine, even though the two get along it is only for my sake, two alpha males living under one roof is interesting.

"Drake, you have my word that she will be welcomed and loved" he said with a tint of growl to his voice, showing his own dominance.

"Okay guys enough of this alpha male, I want to enjoy my coffee thank you very much" I said wrapping my hands around the cup and enjoying it finally in the quietness.

"Yes, my forever" Drake said and kissed my forehead. He pulled out his cell and typed in a few things, "we can start moving all the stuff over tomorrow" Drake informed us.

Which meant tomorrow night we will finally be in our new home, and I could not wait for that.

My cell was going off, Tim grabbed it and handed it to me, without looking at the caller id, "hello?" I spoke. "Why the hell didn't you tell me you sold the house that was our parents?" my brother screamed at me through the phone.

"Well hello to you to brother" I said snotty. We did not get along at all, he was always Mr. Perfect in my parents' eyes and I was just the opposite, I was always the to be seen and not heard from.

"Well, I'm waiting" he said, "I don't have to tell you shit, you moved away from here and I haven't heard from you in years, so back it the hell off me" I said, and my voice held a deadly tone to it.

I could see out of the corner of my eyes, that Tim was starting to puff out and Drakes' eyes were getting darker by the second. Oh, they both were something to behold.

"Maybe I would have bought it" he said, "sure you would have, you didn't want anything back then and you still don't so why are you really calling me?" I asked, starting to get irritated with this conversation.

"Well, the house was one thing and the other is I'm moving back to town and wanted to let you know" he said. I sat there wondering what his ulterior motive was.

"Well, that's good for you, which surprises me that you would move back here" I said getting up to get more coffee.

"Like you sis, I don't have to tell you shit, but I thought you would want to know since you will be seeing me around more" he said.

I had to laugh, we both made sure when in the same town to avoid each other big time.

"Since you're moving back, I should inform you that I am getting married in a few months and you can meet my fiancé then" I said with a smile on my face, and I winked at Drake.

"You're getting married? Sure, you are nice joke sis" he said, and he was actually laughing. "You don't think I found someone, and they want to marry me?" I said into the phone about to break it.

My brother always said no one would ever want me, I was too plain and avoided people as much as I could. The fact was yes, I was plain, but I also saw how the guys in this town treated women and I did not want any part of that.

"I'm just surprised that someone would want you, and I look forward to meeting this guy, but I have to run, see you soon sis" and with that he hung up.

I looked at the phone and I swear if I could breathe fire at that moment, I would have burnt my phone and a path to my brothers' dumb ass. So next best thing I threw my phone and it hit the wall and shattered.

I forgot I had more of everything now that vampire blood was coursing through my veins.  

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