Chapter Twenty- Five

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"Here you go Babygirl" Tim said as he put in front of me a plate full of bacon, eggs, and a streak. I looked at it then up at him. "Really?" I asked, "You need it love," Drake said as he walked into the kitchen.

I shrugged my shoulders then just decided to hell with it and started eating, Tim and Drake sat with me, and we all talked about anything really to pass the time while I was eating.

I looked down at my plate, "oh wow I guess I was hungry" I said with a small laugh as Tim took my empty plate.

"You needed the food in your system love" Drake said as he kissed the back of my hand he took ahold of. I knew they were worried about me and wanted to make sure I was doing okay.

"I'm okay now, I had my moment now I'm ready to go after and kill this ass, I can't have him just doing what he wants anymore, it won't work" I said sitting there looking between Drake and Tim.

Both nodded their heads in agreement.

"I have an idea, but I don't think either of you will like it" I said, "no" Drake and Tim said together, "you are not putting yourself out there" Tim said with a growl to his voice.

I knew it was a long shot, but I just had to put it out there, I wish they would realize that I would not endanger myself, but I had to do something. "Louis is an ancient like I am Lilith, he's not one to underestimate" Drake said.

"Well, that's just wonderful, how are we supposed to take care of this?" Tim asked, getting frustrated. I could not blame him, dealing with an ancient is not easy they have centuries to master their skills.

"I'm going to make a few calls and then go from there, first I need to check on some things" Drake said, and he got up from the table and left.

I was sitting there with Tim, "this is frustrating as all hell, and in two months it is my wedding" I said blowing out a breath I did not realize I was holding.

"Well let's take our mind off of this stuff for now and why we don't pick out a style for our invitations" Tim suggested. I knew where he was going with this, and I agreed to it.

"I know I want calligraphy and it to have black and red in it somehow, but nothing to fancy or frilly" I said as Tim and I sat at the kitchen table going over a ton of invite samples.

After an hour we finally agreed on a simple but elegant design that fit Drake and my style together.

For the rest of the day, we did not see Drake, he was held up in his office but from time to time you could hear him through the walls, I knew just enough to leave him alone when he was like that.

So, Tim and I decided to spend some much-needed time together. It was nice to have my mind being taken off Louis and what happened to Tony. I heard my phone ringing in the other room.

"Hello?" "Is this Lilith?" The voice on the other end asked, "Yes, who is this?" I asked. "I am the lawyer that was in charge of Tony's estate, and I was wondering by chance if you would be able to come down to my office tomorrow, I have some paperwork for you to sign" the man said.

I stood there shocked that Tony had even left me anything, "Sure I can be there around one p.m. if that is an okay time?" I asked, "that will work, see you tomorrow" the man said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Tim asked standing next to me, "It was Tony's lawyer, he said I have some paperwork to sign" I said as I put my phone down and went to get something to drink.

"I'll drive you and we can go in together," Tim said. "That works for me" I agreed and walked with my drink back into the family room to watch a movie with Tim.

Tim rolled his eyes at my comment and followed me into the room, and we settled in under some blankets and spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching movies. 

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