Chapter Seventeen

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Since I had to work tonight, I decided to spend the day in bed. Grabbing my laptop, I opened a page where it showed every kind of wedding dress that you could want, all depending on price of course.

After a while and marking a few pages with dresses I needed to get something to eat. The house was still silent which had me a bit worried, ever since Drake moved in there has always been activity somewhere in this place.

Getting up I threw on a pair of my old sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt; the house seemed colder than normal as well.

Peeking my head into the kitchen, no one was there, and it was all cleaned up, no food or even a note. Walking around the house seemed different somehow, not sure as to why but it did.

I checked all the rooms on the main floor, nothing, so I decided to go upstairs and see the truth up there.

No one was anywhere in the rooms upstairs also, the last room I have not checked was Drake's office which I have not ever gone into yet. I opened the door, and it was empty.

I mean empty as the office was cleared up, no computers, no paperwork, nothing anywhere. Now my nerves were starting to get the best of me. I ran downstairs and decided to look more closely in the library where I knew he ran a lot of his office stuff down here also.

The library was cleaned out as well of Drakes stuff. I stood there trying not to freak out, but I was not doing an excellent job. Picking up my cell I called Drake's phone. It went straight to voice mail.

I thought about it and tried to communicate with Tim and nothing, so I called his cell, and it went right to voice mail.

My gut was going nuts, I started to cry and keep my head a tad clear and not completely losing it all at once.

I went to the kitchen to see if I had missed a note of what the hell was going on, nothing anywhere.

Clothes, that is what I need to see. Drake has his dresser with mine that I gave him, pulling open the drawers I lost it, there was nothing in them anywhere.

I sat on my bed and pulled my knees up to my chin and really started to cry, no note, everything is gone, he left me? They all left me.

I stayed in bed for the next few days, not eating or drinking. There were no calls, no visitors, nothing. It was like I did not exist anymore and honestly; I did not want to.

Drake was my life, I looked at the ring on my finger and I cried myself to sleep again.

By the fifth day there was a knock at the door, but by now with no food or drink I was too tired to even get up and at this point I did not want to. I just wanted to fade away into nothingness.

"Lilith?" came a voice in the distance, one I thought I knew but did not or my mind did not care enough to remember. "Holy shit, Lilith baby" was all I heard before the darkness took me back under again.

I woke up to voices yelling and things being thrown about. "What's going on?" I barely made out in my voice that seemed strange to hear.

I opened my eyes to see Drake on one side of me holding me close to his chest and Tim on the other side of him holding my hand. "I thought you all left me, abandoned me" I cried.

"Never my forever" Drake said kissing my forehead and holding on to me for dear life. "We wouldn't ever leave you, not even in death would that separate us" Tim said.

After I drank from Drake, I felt a bit better, strong enough to sit up, I looked at both, "what happened?" I asked.

"I was at my meeting for a few days, and I couldn't get through to you and Tim left you a note telling you he had to run back to his family pack house a few hours away and he would be gone for only two days" Drake explained.

"But everything was done, all your stuff for work and your dresser is empty, and there weren't any notes" I said looking at both.

The guys looked at each other puzzled and Tim got up and went to Drake's dresser, "she's right there's nothing here" he said.

"Tim come over here and hold her while I check something out" Drake said, and Tim came over and wrapped his arms around me and held me to his chest which I sank right into.

His warmth felt so good along with his scent.

We could hear Drake cursing from upstairs; once he came back down, his eyes were pure black, and his fangs were sticking out. "Someone's been in this house and drugged Lilith so they could take everything out.

They wanted her in an almost death state to come and rescue her so she would be with him, I'm going to kill that man" Drake said with the venom dripping from his words.

I froze in Tim's arms, I knew who that could be, "Louis was in this house?" I almost yelled but it came out a whisper. I could feel Tim growling low and deep. Both of my protectors were now in beast mode what I've come to call it.

"I want to move" I said and both guys looked at me, "Lilith?" Drake asked. "I can't be in a place anymore if he was able to get in here, I want someplace new for us" I said and I meant every word.

Both guys just nodded their heads in agreement. 

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