Chapter Eighteen

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I called Tony and he agreed with what was going on to take a leave of absence for the time being, but my job will always be there for me when or if I ever needed it.

Now that was settled and I felt a lot better that when everything was settled, I still had my job that I loved, I could now concentrate on finding a new home and putting this one up for sale.

I did not have to worry about packing anything up for Drake and Tim made sure the rest of the guys were set on taking care of everything.

The next day Drake and Tim and I went to look at a few houses out in the country, the fourth one we all fell in love with. There were six bedrooms, four bathrooms and a huge kitchen which made me smile Tim fell right in love with and we all agreed it was a must have for us.

I was excited on the way home; we were finally going to have our own place that was a fresh start for us, and Drake had a big enough office that he was sure he was not going to have to travel unless necessary.

The property sat on two hundred acres, most of it wooded, so Tim and the rest of the guys could change and go for a run in their wolf form when they wanted to. Also, the bonus was we could have the wedding and reception right at the house.

Drake was already getting the place set up with security before we moved in, all of it was going to be ultramodern and there would be no way anyone would be entering the property without everyone being notified.

I left all that up to Drake, I was good with it and had no clue about it, so I let him do his thing, and Tim was making sure the rest of the guys were vetted to be with us.

Stone admitted to telling Louis about the schedule and when I would be asleep, so it was easy enough to do what he did.

Let us just say that Drake took care of Stone the only way he knew how to take care of someone who threatened his forever.

Life was starting to look up and take the form of a simple but happy life. We were going to move into our new home within a few weeks, but until that time Tim and Drake made sure that I was protected around the clock.

We all knew Louis was a threat and one not to take lightly according to Drake, Louis was ruthless and relentless when he wanted something. Louis had set his sights on me at first it was to get back at Drake for killing his sister, but it has now grown into something far worse.

I was his obsession, something to have at all costs, Louis did not care one bit.

"I want to go into town, I need to do some shopping for the wedding" I said that morning after breakfast, Drake looked at me, "you think it's wise love during the day?" he asked.

"If Tim goes with me, I don't see why not, after mating with him the sunlight for some reason doesn't bother me as much as it used to" I said getting up and going to sit on his lap.

Drake pulled me into him, "I just worry about your safety love is all" he said as he put his face into my neck and inhaled my scent.

"Well, I can pull two others off of duty and have them go with us that way there is more than just us two" Tim offered.

"That will work since we are all packed and we will be moving into our new home tomorrow," Drake said. Looking up at him I smiled and showed him my fangs and jumped off his lap and ran into the other room laughing when he got up and chased me.

I could hear Tim groan from the kitchen, his hearing is super sensitive so I know he will be going outside for a while, while Drake and myself are busy in the bedroom.

"You know Lilith, we are going to need to soundproof the house with how vocal you are," Tim said in the car on the way to town.

I had to laugh, "that wouldn't be a bad idea Tim, because I know how loud you get when we're together" I said and stuck out my tongue at him. We both laughed and saw the store I needed to go into.

Tim parked the car, but before we got out, "Lilith there's something I want to ask you, after you're married to Drake, things won't change between us, will it?" he asked.

I looked at Tim, took my hands, and placed them on either side of his face, and had him look at me, "nothing will ever change between us, we are mated, and I love you, Drake is number one yes, but you are also top priority in my life as well" I told him.

I kissed him with so many unspoken words that were still between us. I hoped he felt what I was trying to say in the kiss.

"I love you to Lilith" Tim whispered against my lips.

We got out and met with the other guys that surrounded me, it made me feel special, but it also irritated me that I needed this because of some mad man.

As we entered the store, I knew it as soon as I saw the dress, there it was displayed on the mannequin I saw on the website.

I got ahold of the sales lady and asked that exact one, she smiled and found one in the back that was my size.

She took me in the back and helped me put it on, she got all the guys sitting and I stepped out from behind the curtain and walked onto the platform that was in front of six mirrors so you can see every angle that you needed.

I turned and looked at Tim, "what do you think?" I asked him nervously.

Tim got up and walked over to me, "my sweet mate, you look absolutely stunning and so breathtaking. When we get married you better look this good for me" he said.

I inhaled as he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Lilith, will you do me the honor of being my mate and wife for life as well?" Tim asked. I tried to hold back the tears, but I could not.

"Yes Tim" was all I could get out before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me with everything he had been feeling.

The guys were whooping it up, they were proud and happy for Tim, I could not figure out why until Tim looked at me and smiled, "It is because I am the alpha of the pack" he said.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open, "are you serious?" I asked him, which made him laugh even more, "yes my love, which means you are Luna of the pack that is why the guys take it as a badge of honor to protect you" he said as he kissed me.

The guys all bowed to me and nodded as well. "Well okay then" I said and laughed. "I so have to brush up on everything supernatural" I said, and everyone laughed.

After I changed and paid for the dress, the sales lady was going to have it dry cleaned and I could pick it up within the week. I thanked her and we all left and decided to celebrate and headed out to the restaurant to get some lunch. 

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