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Lydia Rivers is the next big thing in Mystic Falls. A small town like this is exactly what she needs: new fresh start. Things in her old area were a little mixed up so coming here for her college education was a great opportunity. As for family, she had everything she wanted: an older brother named Alec who was twenty and a younger sister named Cassidy who was eighteen. Her parents were happily married as well. Alec was the sort of loud that everyone liked and Cassidy was independent but, Lydia didn't know what she was.

The Rivers family moved into a large house located near mystic falls high school, it was at Cassidy's advantage.

As the car pulled into the new driveway, Lydia looked up at the side of the house. It was white with a wooden porch at the front and a big backyard. Alec was the first one to hop out of the car excitedly, he was always like this. Cassidy slid out of her seat as well and Lydia was last. They walked to the front letting their parents unlock the door leading them inside. It was an empty place just as expected, with a chandelier in the spiral of the dark brown staircase. The three adolescents wandered upstairs to call dibs on their rooms.

Moments later, the large moving truck appeared in front of the house and Mr. Rivers called everyone to the backyard to help take in some boxes. While Alec and Cassidy took boxes out of the moving truck, Lydia could feel something strange. Ignoring it, she picked up a box, turned around and crashed into a guy on the sidewalk. A gasp escaped her lips but, he caught the box she almost let crash to the ground. Lydia looked up to see a guy with brown hair and green eyes looking down at her.

" I take it that you guys are new to town." His voice was curious.

" Yeah." Lydia paused and took the box back. "Sorry about bumping into you by the way."

" It's okay." The guy smiled at her and she blushed. "I'm Stefan Salvatore."

" I'm Lydia Rivers." She smiled back sweetly. "You live around here?"

" Actually I live in that brown house down the street." Stefan pointed in the direction.

" I'll make sure to swing by then." She smiled.

" You can whenever you want. Do you guys need help with moving in?" He asked.

" I think we're okay for now but, thanks Stefan." There was a bit of silence before he continued down the sidewalk.

Going inside with the box in her hands Lydia watched as Stefan had walked away.

" I think he's into you." Cassidy whispered discreetly, passing by with another box in her hand.

" You startled me." Lydia darted her eyes at Cassidy and swallowed. "You can't be into someone you just met."

With those words said, Lydia put her box down on the kitchen counter and sighed. She hoped for the best in this new town and starting with a new slate is all she wanted most.

Lydia walked out of the kitchen to retrieve more boxes from the moving truck.


By the end of the day the house was filled with boxes and everyone was settling in their new rooms. (Of course they slept on mattresses that lay on the floor.) Lydia's room was filled with her thoughts. Hopefully they would finish preparing the house soon because she wanted to venture the town a bit before school would commence again.

" Wanna go out tomorrow?" Alec leaned on Lydia's door frame with an apple in his mouth.

" Alec?" She shuffled around on her mattress not looking towards the door.

" Who else?" He asked taking another bite out of his apple. "So is that a yes or?"

" Of course I wanna go." Lydia hesitated. "Although, Mom and Dad will need some help." She thought.

" Well, that's what Cass is here for." Alec let out a chuckle.

" If we're just going out to town, we can take her. She's eighteen Alec." Lydia turned to face the doorway. The light that shone through was blinding.

" What if we aren't just going out to town?" Alec asked with a devilish smile followed by another bite in his apple.

" Kind of like sneaking out then?" Lydia smiled at the courageous idea.

" Don't call it that yet." Alec closed Lydia's bedroom door as he left.

The first night here and Alec was already up to no good but, not that Lydia cared much. New town: new reputation. She was going to go with the flow for as long as she could hold up.

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