My Window

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{Chapter 7.}


I found myself fluttering my eyes open and leaning upward. It must have been late in the day, I hadn't slept much last night and the last thing I remembered was watching movies with Damon. The television in my room was off but, the window was open. He had probably left after I fell asleep. It was dark outside maybe about seven in the evening.

I sat up, peering around my room for anything Damon might have left but, nothing. A vibration came from my night table and I was confused. Opening the drawer, my phone sat there with the charger connected to it. My phone hasn't even occurred to me since moving to Mystic Falls. The last time I used it was when we were all in the car and I was listening to music.

I picked it up and glanced at the endless emails I've received. Most of them were condolences so I just marked them all as read.

" Lydia." Alec came into my room quietly, I looked up at him and put my phone back in the drawer.

" Hey." I greeted, with a yawn.

" Uncle Tony wants me to inherit the house." He explained.

" Then ... what's the problem?" I asked.

" I just wanted to run you through because, he called a little while ago and we were talking. He said because I have my drivers license I should be in charge." Alec looked at me with a swallow.

" That's fine." I agreed nonchalantly.

" Are you sure?" He asked sounding nervous. I shifted my body on the bed to face him.

" You don't want it?" I asked. He shook his head: no. "Why?" I asked again.

" Too much priorities." He shrugged.

" Then why don't you just tell Tony that?" I questioned.

" He'll discriminate me." Alec bit his bottom lip.

" Since when has the great Alec Rivers ever been afraid of discrimination?" I asked sounding sarcastic.

" Never mind, I see your point." He chuckled a bit looking at the ground. "I guess this place is yours then."

" That's cool." I nodded slowly.

" Can I tell you about Mom and Dad?" Hesitation in his voice.

" What happened?" I asked, scared for an answer. I knew they were already dead but, the cause was always the most heartbreaking part. Alec came to sit at the end of my bed, the opposite side of where Damon sat earlier today.

" This may sound strange but, sheriff Forbes called me after she left today and explained that the bodies were drained of blood. The only wounds that Mom and Dad had were in their necks. Those same wounds we saw that evening we came home for dinner." He explained shaking his head. "And according to the forensic team, they've had various cases like this before."

It took me a while to process everything, had our parents leaked blood to death? No that was literally impossible, there was blood all over the place. Then it had to be what I thought it was: a vampire. This was crazy.

" Alec-" I started but, stopped as Cassidy came into the room.

" It's weird right!?" He exclaimed turning around to see Cassidy.

" Hey guys." She came in and casually sat at the end of my bed, where Damon sat earlier today.

" Hey." I smiled a bit. Now would've been the perfect time to tell them about the secret behind Mystic Falls.

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