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'I'm asking only one more time, who is she?' Adam asked. He stared at the boy in front of him with a combination of anger and annoyance. The boy was tied to a chair and whimpered when the dark haired boy spoke.
'Why do you want to know? What are you gonna do to her if you find her?' The tied up boy cried out.
'Just have a little chat with her. But if you don't tell us soon, you won't be around anymore for that.' Adam said as he walked over to the table next to the boy and took the dagger that was laying on top of it.
'But if I don't talk, you won't find her. She did everything she could to protect me, so I'm gonna do the same!' The tied up boy said, nervously glancing at the dagger Adam had taken from the table.
Adam laughed coldly, which sent shivers down the boys spine.
'I'm a demon! Finding people is what I do! Even if you decide not to talk, I will find her! That's just what I do. Not a single angel has escaped me yet. The only difference you make, is how long it takes for me to find her. So either you tell me exactly what I want to know now, or you'll learn what else I can do with this dagger.' Adam said. He threw the dagger at the table where it slashed into the wood and kept standing up, the blade stuck deep in the wood. He grabbed the boys wrists, that were tied to the chair's armrests and leaned closer to the boys face.
'Who is she?' He asked calmly, yet in a threatening tone.
'I don't know! I swear! She didn't show her face! She didn't tell me her name! It was dark, she just saved me and flew off!' The boy cried out. He looked absolutely terrified.
'Really?' Adam asked whispering.
'I swear! That's all I've got!' The boy screamed.
'I believe you.' Adam said calmly as he pulled the dagger from the table and started twirling it around in his hands.
'Seriously? We spent so much time to have that boy break and we got nothing from it?' An annoyed voice spoke from the other side of the room. Adam looked over at his demon student. She was laying down on a couch and had been silently observing the process her teacher was performing. She had long dark hair and dark eyes. Something about the vibe she gave off was unsettling for most, but as a demon, it didn't effect Adam at all.
'That's where you're wrong, Mona.' Adam said to the other demon. 'No matter how unimportant something seems, you get information from every detail. I'd hoped to get a name and face, but since that's not something he can give us, I'll have to work with the information he can give us.'
'But I don't know anything about her.' The boy said.
'You know more than you think. I'd like you to tell me as detailed as possible where you met her.' Adam replied.
'How will that help us?' Mona asked.
'Learn who you're searching for. Angels don't travel around that much. They stay in one place and work from there, unlike us. We need to move to where they go, but they stay where they are.' Adam explained.
'Are we gonna have to move again?' Mona asked annoyed.
'You should've seen that coming, Mona. Lucifer told us we've had every angel in the state. Ofcourse the next one we're supposed to track down won't be nearby.'
Adam turned back to the boy in the chair.
'So, will you tell us? Or do I need to show you what real pain feels like? Because I can tell you that everything we've done so far was a little child's game.'

James carefully opened the door to his new dorm. He was sad that summer vacation was over, but he was glad that he was gonna see his friends again. This was however the first time in two years that he was gonna have a new roommate, and he was a little nervous about who it might be. He didn't have that much social skills, so he hoped it would be someone that was good at befriending shy people. He walked into his new dorm and quickly looked around. There was a square table with one chair at each side, a small kitchen in the corner and a couch that was facing a tv. There was already a ps4 and a Nintendo switch hooked up to the tv, so James assumed his new roommate had already arrived. The room had four doors. One was the door James had just entered through. He walked over to the second door and carefully opened it. He saw it was a small bathroom. He then opened the next door. When he entered, he was met with a small bedroom. There was a bed against the left wall, a desk against the right wall and a closet against the wall opposite of the door. Since there was no unknown roommate in the bedroom, James decided this would be his. It was not really something to discuss about anyways. All rooms looked the same. James had been in this boarding school long enough to know that. He quickly ditched his stuff in his new room and decided to go see if he could find his new roommate. He walked over to the last door and knocked on it.
'Come in.' A deep voice said from the other side. James opened the door and saw a room that looked exactly like his own, but mirrored. A bed on the right, a desk on the left and a closet on the wall opposite of the door. Next to him he saw a boy with dark hair and a red hoodie that had the words "common sense" on it. The boy was setting up a keyboard in that fitted right in the small space between the bed and the wall that had the door in it.

'Hello, nice to meet you. I'm your new roommate.' James muttered.
'Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Adam.' The dark haired boy replied.
'Hi, Adam. My name is James.' The blonde said. Adam looked at James with a confused face as he seemed to be deep in thought. Suddenly realization struck.
'James as in... James Rallison?' Adam asked. James's jaw dropped.
'How did you know?' The blonde asked.
'So I'm right? I knew you looked familiar. Don't you remember Jameson? It's me... Adam! Adam Ortiz! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's been... how long? Ten years?' Adam said.
Suddenly James remembered. Adam Ortiz had been his childhood friend. One of his best friends when he was young. But he'd moved away when they were only seven years old.
'Adam! I can't believe it! It's been so long! How are you?' James exclaimed.
'I'm doing good. I didn't expect to see you here though. That was a nice surprise.'
'Yeah, when you moved away all those years ago, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. What brings you back?'
'Oh, you know... just moving here again after I tried some other places. Not really a reason.'
'Oh, I'm having lunch later with the others. You should come! I'm sure they'd love to see you again.'
'You guys stayed in touch?'
'Yeah, we finished elementary school together, all went to the same middle school and now we're all in high school here.'
'I don't know if I should join. I appreciate the offer, James. But you guys spend all this time getting closer and I left. I'm not sure I'd just fit in again like that.'
'Nonsense! The roommate I had the last two years also joined in on our friend group, and so did Jaiden's roommate. They were complete strangers at first but they fit right in now! Come on, man. Once friends, forever friends!'
Adam chuckled.
'Fine. It would be nice to see them again. When are you meeting up?'
'At 1pm.'
'Well, we better get going then, if we don't want to be late.'

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