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The school year had been going on for a couple weeks now. The squad was all hanging in James's and Adam's dorm. They were playing super smash bros, but only four people could play at the same time, so they were taking turns. Adam was watching the others play when his phone rang.
'I'll be right back.' He said before leaving to his own room to take the call.
A couple minutes later he got back.
'I'm sorry, I have to go. Some stuff happened at work.' He said.
'But it's Sunday.' Rush, who was also not playing, said.
'I know, but still.' Adam muttered as he started looking around for his keys.
'I just realise you never actually told us what you do for a job.' James said. The blonde used one hand to keep playing and the other one to grab Adam's keys of the coffee table and throw them at their owner. Adam caught them and gave his friends a thoughtful look.
'Yep, you're right.' He said before opening the door and leaving.
'Still loves to goof around. He really didn't change one bit.' Maaz sighed.

'What was so important?' Adam asked a little annoyed when he entered.
'I have found a feather.' Mona said with a smirk.
'Cool, you went bird watching. So why did you call me?' Adam asked.
'It's not just a feather.' Mona said. She grinned wide as she pulled out a long white feather. Adam's eyes widened at the sight. There was no doubt about it. That was a feather from an angel's wing. Adam pulled the sleeve of his hoodie over his hand and snatched it from Mona to better inspect it. It was colored with the purest white he'd ever seen.
'How did you get your hands on this?' Adam asked.
'Remember the guy we tortured yesterday? Well after you left and told me to clean up, he broke. He said that he was ready to die, but when I told him we were just gonna continue on Monday, he realised he wouldn't be able to go through a day like that again. Now he didn't know a name or face again, but apparently, while she was flying him to safety, people shot at them. She almost dropped him, resulting in him grabbing on to her wing to not fall and accidentally pulling out this feather. But watch out, it's probably covered in angel dust and we both know that burns like hell.' Mona said.
'Yeah, you don't have to tell me that. This is amazing. Finally we're done hunting down people that were saved by her. With this, we can get so much information. But first we need to check if it's actually from the angel that was assigned to us. Do you know what we need to do if it isn't?' Adam asked.
Mona rolled her eyes.
'Sent it to Lucifer so he can either sent it forward to the people that are assigned that angel or assign it to a new group of demons if no one is hunting that angel already. You can stop your pop quizzes, Adam. I'm not a noob anymore.' Mona replied.
'I'm still your master and you're still my student. You may think you've come far, but you're not even close to being ready.' Adam said.
'But I'm tired of being the student! I need to do everything you say, which is just clean up work half of the time. When can I become a partner in a duo instead of just a student?' Mona complained.
'Stop whining! I'm going easy on you. Back when I was training, my master was a lot harder. Really taught me what suffering was. Be glad I'm not like that.' Adam replied.

'Who was your master?' Mona asked curiously.
'Lynn. That guy's been a demon for hundreds of years. He's got no mercy or anything. That guy had bloodlust like nothing else. A good master to learn from, but you'll suffer in the process. There's a reason he's one of the highest in rank. He's old and has a lot of experience. Besides, the longer you're a demon, the less mercy and empathy you got.' Adam explained.
'But you say you go easy on me? What does that mean?' Mona asked.
'I haven't been a demon for that long at all.'
'Really? I thought you were like, really old and experienced.'
'Another reason why you're not ready to be a fully fledged demon yet. You need to get information from every single thing you got. Make connections. I told you I found my childhood friends again, so you already knew that they were still alive, still in school.'
'Still, I figured, because Lucifer is so fond of you, and because you're so respected for your talent and succes as a demon, you must have a lot of experience.'
'It's true that Lucifer is very fond of me. Ofcourse he prefers demons that are known to not fail the orders he gives them, no matter who they're supposed to hunt down. It's true that I'm the youngest demon to be a master and I was very surprised when he assigned me a student, but neither of us can deny that it's working out just fine. You've grown a lot and while you're still not there yet, you're going quicker than most.'
'I talked to Lynn the other day, but he didn't mention that you were once his student. He did say that he was very impressed with your skill and talent and he hoped to be able to work with you as a partner some day.'
'He really said that? Huh. I always thought he didn't like me. Probably because he was a rough master.'

'He also told me to remind you that the red moon is coming up and that you still didn't explain to me what that means.'
Adam froze.
'What do you already know about the red moon.' He asked a little tense.
'Nothing really. Just that it doesn't effect me if I spent the time in Hell. But I don't know anything else about it. You've always instructed me to stay in Hell when it was coming up and I've followed that order in the two years that I've been your student, but sooner or later, you'll have to tell me. And Lynn seems to think that moment is now.' Mona looked at Adam with a hopeful look. She wanted to know what all the fuzz was about and what exactly her master was hiding.
'I suppose it's time for me to tell you. Heck, Lynn told me after the very first red moon I had as a demon. It would've been really nice to know that crap before the red moon, but that's just his way of teaching, I guess. I don't want you to sneak out or something and get caught in the middle of the red moon without knowing what it is.' Adam muttered.
'According to human superstition, when the moon colors red, a portal opens between the human realm and Hell. They believe that in de night of the red moon, also known as blood moon, demons escape from Hell to come here and brutally slaughter everything they see. But we both know that's a load of bullshit.' Adam explained.
'Portal between Hell and earth? Ha! Do they really not know we can come here whenever we want. That's why it's human superstition, I guess. Because it's wrong. But what is it that actually happens.' Mona asked.

'The red moon affects the way a demon thinks and acts. Basically, they lose control and don't know what they're doing, often resulting in slaughtering everything they see. Demons get aggressive under the red moon. They would kill anybody, even if they don't want to. They can't control it. Most demons spend the time in Hell because they like to be in control of themselves, but not everyone wants that.' Adam continued.
'What do you mean?' Mona asked.
'Have you ever read Harry Potter?'
'I watched the movie's. But what does that have to do with this?'
'In the books, there is a character called Greyback. He's a werewolf. On one side, the "good" side, you have Lupin. He's the good werewolf. He doesn't like transforming at the full moon and is scared to hurt anybody when he loses control. On the "evil" side, you have Greyback. He tries to be as close to people as possible when he transforms, so he can kill and bite as much as he can. Demons are just like that. Most of us want to be in control of ourselves, some of the younger ones that are still in training don't really want to kill everyone in their path. Those demons stay in Hell. But some demons, usually the old and wise ones that don't have any soul, empathy or mercy left, they want to be out. They want to see blood. It doesn't bother them that they can't control themselves, their bloodlust is to much. Those demons are the reason humans know something is up with the red moon, but by now it's an old superstition. Barely anyone still believes it or even knows it.'
'So if I go out on the red moon, I'll most likely kill everyone I see?'
'Exactly. But be warned. The day before the red moon rises, we can get a little... grumpy. We're just annoyed and frustrated with literally everything. So you might want to spend that day in Hell too.'

Mona nodded silently. The two stayed quiet for a moment until it was Mona who spoke.
'I've been your student for a while now and I got to know you a lot better. I can tell something is wrong, don't try to hide it.' She said.
Adam sighed.
'I'm a little worried about the red moon.' He said eventually.
'Why?' Mona asked.
'I've told you I got reunited with my friends, right? Well, I'm a little worried for their safety during the red moon. I don't know if there are any other demons that are operating from this city or not. If there are other demons here, and they are out during the red moon, my friends are in danger. They're on Lucifer's list of life. No demon is allowed to harm them. But the only thing that protects the people on that list is our fear of the punishment Lucifer gives us if we disobey. Something that doesn't effect our acting during the red moon. They're not protected.'
Mona thought for a second.
'I didn't know you were such a softy. I don't think there are any other demons in the city. There have been no police reports of murder or kidnapping aside from the people we tortured and killed. But ofcourse, I can always go out during the red moon.' She said. Adam immediately charged at her. He pressed her against the wall and stared deep into her eyes. His own eyes were pitch black and soulless, but Mona could see the fire of Hell burn deep inside. She'd never seen her master like that, or at least, not towards her. It kind of scared her.
'AS YOUR MASTER, I COMMAND YOU TO STAY IN HELL DURING THE RED MOON! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?' He said in a distorted and unnaturally loud voice.
Mona nervously nodded.
'Good.' Adam said in his regular voice as his eyes turned back to normal and he let Mona go.
'Get everything ready for the spell we need to use to see if the feather is from the right angel.' Adam commanded as he picked up the purely white angel feather that he had dropped earlier.

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