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Adam and James walked down the stairs, both still in their pyjamas.
'Finally you're awake! Why do you make us wait ages to open the gifts?' Luke complained. He'd been really exited for Christmas and now the day was finally here.
'Be patient, Luke. We can't start until the whole family is here.' Arianna said.
'Well, now that James and Adam finally arrived, can we open our gifts now?' Luke replied.
'Go ahead.' Mrs. Rallison sighed. Luke immediately attacked on the pile of gifts under the Christmas tree. Some time passed as everyone was opening presents, until James noticed a present he hadn't seen the day before. There was a little tack on it that read: The Rallison family.
'Who's this gift from?' James asked. Faith grabbed it out of James's hands and looked at the card.
'It doesn't say.' She replied.
'Oh, it's from me.' Adam muttered.
'Aw, Adam. How sweet of you.' Mrs. Rallison coed.
'It's nothing big. I didn't really know what to get you guys and I was in a hurry because I needed gifts for all my friends before they left.' Adam explained.
'You didn't have to get us anything, silly.' Faith smiled.
James took the present back from Faith and carefully tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a framed picture. In the picture were Mrs and Mr. Rallison. They were holding Arianna, who was just a baby. All the other kids were running around and playing together with Adam, Maaz and Jaiden also being in the picture, playing with the Rallison kids. The picture was taken about a year before Adam had left. Above the picture, on the frame, were the words: Thanks for being like a second home.
'That's so sweet!' Mrs. Rallison said with a smile.
'I can't believe you found that picture back.' Faith said.
'It's not that big of a deal.' Adam replied a little shy.
'I almost forgot! I also have a present for you, Adam.' Faith suddenly said.
'For me?' Adam asked surprised.
'Yeah!' Faith replied as she ran back to the tree to grab it.
Adam noticed James glancing at them with a weird look when Faith handed him the present. It was a very small box and he carefully opened it. Inside was a guitar pick. It had the same shade of red as the hoodie Adam always wore and in black letters it had his name on it. Adam took it out of the box and saw that the name "Ortiz" was on the other side of the guitar pick.
'Wow, thanks Faith. I really needed a new one anyway.' Adam said.
'Oh, it's no big deal. When you were playing for me earlier I noticed yours was a little worn out.' Faith replied with a little blush appearing on her cheeks.
'That's really nice and all, but I too have a gift for Adam and I left it upstairs, so come on.' James interrupted as he grabbed Adam's arm and dragged him back upstairs. Faith glared daggers at her twin brother, but James ignored it. He absolutley did not like how cute his twin sister was getting with Adam. It was normal to be this protective of your best friend, right?

Later that day they decided to go for a game of laser tag. When they arrived at the place, there was no one.
'I guess everyone is spending Christmas.' Arianna said when they walked up to the counter.
'Well, that means we won't have to wait for another game to finish. It can be just us, how cool is that.' Luke replied.
'So teams of three. Who's gonna be playing with who?' Arianna asked. James quickly glanced at Faith and when he saw she was about to say something he immediately interrupted.
'How about boys versus girls!' He said.
'Awsome! Now that Adam is here and James isn't at his dorm, I'm finally not alone with these girls.' Luke exclaimed.
'Well, let's go then.' James replied.

James and Adam were running around in the dark arena.
'How do you even know where you're going?' James asked. As he followed Adam. Adam chuckled. As a demon he could see in the dark, but it was not like he could turn that off, so he wasn't technically cheating.
'I guess I just have good eyes.' He replied.
'You wear glasses.' James said.
'At least I wear them. Where are your glasses?' Adam replied.
'Maybe we should split up. We're an easy target if we're together.' James said.
'Okay, see you later.' Adam said and he ran off to leave the blonde in the dark. He chuckled to himself as James wasn't sure if his friend had actually ran or if he was hiding in the dark. The arena was meant for a lot more peolple than six, so they actually had a hard time finding each other. In the distance, Adam noticed a tower. He ran towards it climbed to the top to get a good view of the arena. Even when he could see through the darkness, he still didn't notice any movement.
Suddenly his demon instinct kicked in, telling him something was wrong. He immediately turned around and held his laser gun ready to shoot. Faith was standing in front of him. She'd tried to sneak up on him, but was taken by surprise when he suddenly turned around.
'Don't shoot me.' She said as she raised both hands in the air.
'Give me a reason.' Adam grinned.
'Because I didn't shoot you.' Faith replied.
'Why didn't you shoot me?'
'I wanted to sneak up on you and do the "place your hands over their eyes and let them guess who it is" thing.'
Suddenly the lights on Faiths harness blinked and dimmed a bit.
'You shot me!' Faith said in disbelief.
'No, I didn't.' Adam replied confused.
'I did!' A voice from behind them said. James came climbing up the tower.
'What? You gonna betray the team?' The blonde asked jokingly.
'I was gonna shoot her, but you didn't give me the chance.' Adam replied. James got closer to Adam to whisper something in his ear.
'If you get down the tower, go to the left and then to the right, you find another tower. Its view is just as good, but it hides you better. Don't tell Faith.' He whispered.
'Thanks, Jameson. In that case I'll run. You better don't stay here too long. Otherwise Faith will shoot you.' Adam replied. He climbed down the tower and disappeared into he darkness.
'What do you think you're doing, Faith?' James immediately attacked.
'I'm not doing anything!' Faith defended.
'I see the way you look at Adam! And I don't want it!'
'I know he's your best friend, but I have every right to talk to him and befriend him too!'
'We both know you want a little more than friendship!'
'I'm a free women, James. I have the right to talk to whoever I want and to have a crush on whoever I want. You can't just claim him like that!'
'He's MY friend! Stay away from him!'
'Jeez! Stop being so protective! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a crush on him yourself! Just leave me alone!'
Faith raised her laser gun and shot her twin brother before running away and disappearing into the darkness.
'GET BACK HERE, FAITH!' James screamed, but there was no reply.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you had a crush on him yourself" what was that supposed to mean?

Adam was patting James on the back as the blonde was hovering over the toilet, throwing up the dinner he'd had.
'I told you that you shouldn't eat a mussel if it's still closed after you cook it.' Adam said with a sigh.
'I thought you were kidding.' James replied.
'Well, I clearly wasn't.'
James opened his mouth to reply, but quickly turned back to the toilet bowl to empty his stomach even more.
'That's not how you expected to celebrate new year's eve, right? How's he doing?' Arianna asked as she entered the bathroom.
'He's still getting everything out.' Adam replied as his best friend continued to puke.
'Well, the count down is about to start. If you don't wanna miss the new year.' Arianna said.
'I think I'm done.' James groaned as he flushed the toilet and got up. He was still very pale and his knees seemed just a little to weak to carry him. Adam helped him back to the livingroom and sat him down on the couch. He quickly went to go get his sick friend a glass of water and got back just in time for the count down.
'10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New year!' Everybody chanted.
Adam noticed that James was rolled up into a little ball and was holding his stomach, still looking pale and weak.
'Let's get you to bed.' Adam chuckled.
He helped the blonde up the stairs and into his bed.
'You can celebrate tomorrow if you want.' Adam said as he closed the curtains in the blonde's room.
'I'm sorry for ruining the firt new years celebration you've had in years.' James said with a weak voice.
'Don't worry about it. Now you better go sleep. You need to rest if you don't want to be half a zombie in the morning.' Adam replied.
'Do you wanna sing for me again, Adam?'
'Ofcourse, Jamson.' Adam replied as he took his guitar. He always sung the same song for the blonde. The same song he sung for him when they were little.

When he was done, he looked over at the blonde, who had fallen asleep. He looked very peaceful, which made Adam smile.
He put his guitar back and carefully closed the bedroom door behind him. When he got back downstairs, he found the living room empty. He noticed everyone was in the back yard looking at fireworks. He went outside to join them and looked at the sky. Suddenly he felt how someone grabbed his hand. It was Faith.
'Come, I wanna show you something.' She said. She led Adam inside, up the stairs and into the attic. She opened a window and climed outside.
'Isn't that dangerous?' Adam asked.
'Not if you're careful.' Faith replied.
Adam followed her through the window, onto the roof.
'You have an even better view of the fireworks from up here.' Faith said as she pointed at the brightly lit sky.
Adam looked up.
He was used to seeing fire. Hell was full of it and he used it for many different purposes as a demon, from torture to spells. He'd always seen fire as something destructive, but now that he looked at the sky, he saw that it was also something beautiful. In the cool winter night, looking at the sky, where millions of stars were skattered around and where beautifully colored fire lit up, Adam felt peaceful. His worries melting away for a moment.
'Hey, Adam. There's something I have to tell you. But James won't like it.' Faith said after a moment of silence.
'What is it?' Adam asked. He looked at Faith, who nervously looked back, a blush appearing on her cheeks.
'I...' she muttered, not knowing how to say what she wanted to say. Eventually she shook her head lightly, looked up into Adam's eyes and kissed him.

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