Do(n't) accept

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'ADAM!' Mona called.
'Huh? What?' Adam asked confused.
'I've been trying to get you attention for the past minute!' Mona said, sounding very annoyed.
'I'm sorry, I zoned out. But I'm back now, so let's do this!' Adam explained.
'It's been five days, Adam. I can already see you're hurting without your friends.' Mona sighed.
'I'm fine!' Adam said as he looked away, hoping she wouldn't see the tears that were glistening in his eyes.
'God damn it, Adam! Stop being so stubborn! You care about your friends. You can't just ghost them.'
'They were just a temporary distraction. It's better this way. Lucifer was right. I haven't been myself recently. But I'm not weak and I'll show everyone I'm still one of the top demons!'
'Adam, I know your pride means a lot to you, but the one thing that you and all the other demons shouldn't forget is that you've only been a demon for about ten years. You haven't lost your soul yet... you haven't lost your heart yet. You still care... and you care about them.'
'Even if that was true, I still need to get back into the game. I lost them and I just gotta accept that!'
'You don't even know if you lost them. You didn't go talk to them. Maybe they'll accept you for who you are.'
'Why would they? I'M A DEMON! Everyone knows they're evil.'
'You know, when you first told me you were a demon... I didn't mind. I didn't think you were evil at all...'
'Mona, you were falling head over heels for me, ofcourse you didn't mind.'
'But even if I wasn't, I still would've accepted you! It might not be the best advice to give, but I immediately stepped away from what I thought about demons, because you were one, and I knew you. Or at least I thought I knew you. You had put on an act, convincing me you were the kindest person in the world, even convincing Illyssa. I though you couldn't be evil and I was hella wrong! But they don't need to know that. They think they know you as this sweet guy and they'll accept you.'
'That's a real nice explanation, Mona, but you forget something. You didn't know shit about demons before you became one. I told them so much already. They know we work for Lucifer, they know we hunt angels and recruit new demons. They know a demon killed all those people during the red moon! They know I killed all of those people!'
'You won't know if they think like that unless you go see them. What if they do accept you. Than you missed out, just because you're too stubborn! One talk is enough to see how they think about it. Just give it a chance. I don't like to see you hurting like this...'
A beat of silence went between them before Adam sighed.
'I'm just scared of the confrontation if they don't accept. I'm not sure if I can deal with that. It... it... it would break my heart...' he said quietly, not used to opening up about his feelings and feeling very uncomfortable doing so.
'You can always fly out. If you don't go, you'll regret it for the rest of your life... And you're immortal, so that's a long time.' Mona said.
'You're right, Mona. I'll go talk to them tomorrow.' Adam replied in defeat.
'Go to them right know. I see enough suffering when I pass by the tortured souls in Hell. I don't need to see your's too.'
'But someone needs to keep stirring the potion for the spell for a full hour and afterwards it'll be too late and...'
'I'll do the stirring. Now get out! I kinda miss having the warehouse to myself the entire day.'

Adam walked down the empty streets. He was wearing his hood, both to hide his face and to protect himself from the rain. The rain that was falling was very soft. You didn't hear it and unless it hit on your bare skin, you didn't feel it. You could see it though. It seemed like some weird static on your vision. Adam felt like every moment he could hear a voice scream something like "Adam! Is it true that you're a demon!" Or "That's the demon, let's get out of here quickly!". His friends probably told everyone already.
"You're spooking yourself. No one would believe them." Adam thought. He crossed the street and entered the building with the dorms. Where should he go? His own dorm? Maybe James was there? Or maybe they were all hanging out in one of the other dorms? He didn't know. He decided to go to his own dorm. If no one was there, he could start packing his stuff to leave.

Adam opened the door to find the room empty. He sighed and walked over to his bedroom. Before he got there though, James's bedroom door opened and the blonde came out.
'Adam!?' He exclaimed.
Adam looked down at the ground. He didn't know what to say. Suddenly he felt the blonde's arms around him, pulling him in an embrace.
'Don't scare me like that! You were gone for days! You didn't reply to any calls or messages! I was so worried!' James said, holding the boy he loved close.
'You were?' Adam asked in surprise.
'Ofcourse I was! I care about you, you doof! You're my boyfriend!'
'Even though I'm.... you know?' Adam asked staring at the ground as soon as James let go of him.
'You're still the same Adam, right? It's like you always said. There's more to demons than bloodlust. You can tell me a lot of things, but I'll never believe you're evil.' James explained. He pushed Adam's chin up, forcing the dark haired boy to look into his eyes.
'I know you better than that.' He added.
'But all the kills and attacks during the red moon?' Adam asked.
'We weren't sure if that was you or not. So it was you?'
Adam stared at the floor again.
'I'm so sorry.' He whispered.
'You told us demons don't have control during the red moon. I know you never would've done that otherwise.'
Adam smiled shyly. He knew he was gonna get an "I told you so" from Mona as soon as he got back. He was kinda embarrassed for being so scared to come back.
'Why didn't you come back?' James asked in a soft voice.
'I was scared. I really thought you guys would think I was evil. I really thought I lost you guys.' Adam muttered. He felt a lot more comfortable talking about his feelings in front of James. The blonde took Adam's hand and stared deep into the demon's eyes.
'You're not getting rid of us that easily. We all accept you for who you are and for what you are. We care about you. I care about you.' James whispered before pulling the demon into a passionate kiss.

Seven year old Adam walked down the street. He noticed his best friend standing on the corner, facing away from him.
'You came!' Adam said, making James jump. The blonde turned around and started smiling as soon as he saw his best friend.
'How did you sneak up on me like that?' He asked laughing, but his smile soon dropped when he saw Adam's face.
'Is everything okay?' James asked worried.
'I'm fine... it's just.... I came to say goodbye, James.' Adam muttered, feeling heartbroken.
'Goodbye? What do you mean?' James asked confused.
'I'm leaving.'
'What do you mean, leaving?'
'I mean that I won't be coming to school anymore. I won't be able to go play with you guys anymore and I won't be able to see you guys again. I'm leaving.'
Adam felt his heart break as he spoke. Their squad was really close and he knew they'd never considered that any of them might be leaving one day. But he didn't have a choice.
'But... but where are you going? Why are you leaving? When will you be back?' James asked a little panicky.
'James... I won't come back. I'm moving to a different state.' Adam replied. State? That was the only thing Adam could come up with, but he had a feeling Hell didn't count as a state.
'When are you going?' James asked after a long, shocked silence.
'I'm leaving right after this goodbye.' Adam replied.
'WHAT! ALREADY?' James called out.
'I'm sorry, buddy.' Adam replied, feeling tears well up in his eyes.
'No! You can't go! You're our friend! You can't leave!' James said angrily.
'I don't have a say in this, James. I wished I did, but I don't. There's nothing you can do about it. I'm sorry, but this is a farewell.'
When Adam saw tears escape from the blonde's eyes, he couldn't help but start crying too. James wrapped his arms around Adam and pulled him into an embrace.
'I'm gonna miss you so much, Adam.' The blonde said.
'I'm gonna miss you too, Jameson.'
They let go of each other again. Adam waved at the blonde with a sad smile.
'Goodbye.' He said, before turning around and walking away.
'Goodbye.' He heard James whisper behind him. It took Adam all of his self control to not turn around and run back to the blonde. Instead he kept walking. Walking out of James's life, forever.
'That was about time.' A familiar voice said as Adam turned around the corner.
'I'm done now, Lynn.' Adam muttered.
'That's master Lynn to you, you little brat.' The older demon said as he grabbed Adam by his upper arm and dragged him along.
'I can walk myself, master Lynn. It hurts if you do it like that.' Adam complained.
'You're gonna be hurting a lot more than that soon enough. Don't think your training will be a cakewalk. You'll be sorry soon. But at least I'll make sure you turn out to be a great demon. Ruthless, merciless, violent, dangerous and filled with bloodlust.' Lynn chuckled.
None of those descriptions sounded appealing to Adam. He doubted he'd ever become a demon Lynn, Lucifer or any demon would be proud of. Not that he cared for his demon status at all.

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