Explanations and skies filled with stars

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Author's note
So this chapter is really long because it was originally two chapters. But the first one wasn't that interesting and was kinda more used to explain the rules of this world. You know, how the whole demon thing works and stuff. But the second part should be a lot better. Also, the scintillam stones they talk about aren't real stones. I made them up.

'WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? YOU TOLD ME YOU COULD KEEP ME IN CONTROL!' Adam raged, forgetting all fear for his master.
They were back in Lucifer's office.
'Even my power has its limits. I thought I could hold it the entire night, but apparently I couldn't.' The devil replied calmly.
'I honestly couldn't care one bit whether or not he survived that. Our plan worked.' Lucifer said calmly.
'YOUR plan worked!' Adam corrected him, trying to calm down.
'Exactly. My plan worked and that's all I wanted out of this night. I don't care what kind of little problems your friends end up with. I always considered you one of my best demons, but you haven't been acting like it recently.' Lucifer said.
Adam had taken pride in his title as one of Satan's best demons and in his reputation of never failing, but when his friends were put in danger, he didn't give a crap about that anymore.
'Ever since you've been reunited with your friends, you've been acting weak! Don't think I don't know that you go out of your way to avoid killing and torture! I don't know what exactly is up with you, but if it doesn't change, I'll have to make you change!' Lucifer threatened.
'I don't know what you're talking about.' Adam lied.
'Liar, liar, pants on fire. Ever since you got back to your friends, you've been losing my respect. Act like the fucking demon you are or suffer the consequences!' Lucifer said.
'You're not allowed to hurt my friends... They're on your list.' Adam reminded him coldly.
'That doesn't mean I can't harm you! You've never failed me before, therefore you've never experienced my rage. But you must have heard enough stories to not wanna deal with that. SO GET YOUR MIND BACK OUT OF MY LITTLE PONY WORLD AND GET BACK TO BEING THE MONSTER FROM HELL THAT YOU ARE!' Lucifer had never lost his temper before in front of Adam, and while it would normally scare the living crap out of the demon, now he was to pissed off to think about that.
'WHY DON'T YOU LET ME DEAL WITH MY BUSINESS MY WAY! AS LONG AS I'M STILL GETTING THE JOB DONE, YOU SHOULDN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HOW I GET IT DONE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO PLAY BOSS SOMEWHERE ELSE!' Adam yelled back. The words had escaped his mouth before he knew it and he got smacked across the face hard as a reply.
'HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME! HOW DARE YOU SHOW DISRESPECT FOR YOUR MASTER! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DARE TO FORGET WHO'S THE ONE IN POWER HERE!' Lucifer screamed with a distorted voice, taking a small silver knife from his pocket.
Adam immediately backed away, terrified of what he saw in front of him. The devil smiled, grinned. He pushed the young demon against the wall as he was fully prepared to have Adam feel his fury.

The squad walked back into James's dorm, glad to see Adam on the couch, seemingly okay.
'Adam! We are so sorry we didn't believe you! That thing was terrifying!' Laddi immediately said.
'Calm down, what happened?' Adam asked, acting ignorant. He got up from the couch to let his scared friends sit down.
Suddenly James wrapped his arms around him.
'I was so worried, Adam. I didn't know if the demon had reached you too. I'm so glad you're okay.' The blonde said. Adam's muscles tensed as he bit his tongue to prevent himself from crying out in pain. He really regretted talking back to his master.
When James let the dark haired boy go again, he noticed that Adam immediately fell back onto the couch, his legs seemingly very shaky.
'You guys actually encountered the demon?' He asked, sounding shocked.
The squad proceeded to tell Adam everything that happened, but James didn't say a word. He looked at Adam, feeling like something was wrong. For the past week, he'd actively tried to avoid the other boy's eyes. Ever since their eyes locked while doing the dishes. The moment had made the blonde feel very weird. Nervous, yet so peaceful. Scared, yet so safe. Something fluttering in his stomach. He didn't really know what it meant, but he was terrified that the dark haired boy would find out he felt like this. He was terrified that if he knew, it might effect their friendship in a negative way.

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