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Adam and James walked through the streets.
'I'm gonna be honest, I really missed you when I left.' Adam said.
'We missed you too. We were all really upset. It was weird though. No one at school seemed to question where you'd gone. Almost as if everyone had just immediately forgotten you existed.' James replied.
'Well, I never was the popular kid. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys were the only ones at school that cared.' Adam said.
'JAMES! OVER HERE!' A voice from the left yelled. When they looked over they saw a group of kids their age at a table in front of some sushi bar.
'Let's not tell them yet. I wanna see if they can figure it out themselves.' James whispered to Adam before walking over.
'You haven't changed at all, have you?' Adam chuckled.

'Hey guys. This is my new roommate, Adam.' James said as he took a seat.
'Sup.' Adam muttered. He looked around in the group. He immediately recognized Jaiden and Maaz. They had been his other best friends when he was younger. He didn't recognize the other boy and girl though.
'Nice to meet you, Adam. Welcome to the group.' Maaz said with a smile.
'I hope James isn't giving you a hard time already.' Jaiden said jokingly.
'Don't worry about that, Jaiden. I think James and I will get along just fine.' Adam replied. He made sure to use Jaiden's name because he wanted to see how she would react. She looked a little confused, but didn't say anything.
'There's something familiar about you, Adam. Have we met before?' Maaz asked suspiciously.
'Should've known you'd see things through, Maaz.' Adam chuckled.
'Well, it must have been a moment I wasn't there, because I don't think I've met you before.' The unknown girl said. She had a pretty high pitched voice, but looked really nice.
'Same here.' The unknown boy said. He had quite the unique look. He was bald, wore a bright yellow beanie and had a piercing in his eyebrow.

'I remember! Elementary school! You moved away when we were seven! Adam, I can't believe it, it's been so long!' Maaz exclaimed.
'You noticed sooner than Jameson over here.' Adam chuckled.
'Well, you didn't really give me a chance to figure it out.' James defended.
'It's good to see you again, Adam. It's been so long.' Jaiden said.
'About ten years.' James replied.
'Can somebody give me just a little bit of explanation?' The unknown girl asked.
'Adam was our best friend in elementary school. He was a part of our close squad. But he had to move away when we were seven. It almost broke our hearts to see him go.' Maaz explained.
'In that case, welcome back to the squad, Adam. I'm Jordan, but everybody calls me Rush. I was James's roommate the last two years and got into this gang as a result.' The unknown boy said.
'Nice to meet you, Jordan.' Adam replied.
'Don't call me that. It's Rush.' Rush replied.
'The only one that still calls him Jordan is his grandma.' Maaz explained.
'Hi, I'm Laddi.' The unknown girl said.
'Nice to meet you as well, Laddi.' Adam replied. He smiled. He'd really missed his friends. He had loved them so much when he was younger. They were just like family, no, they were even closer than that. Even though he hadn't seen them in ten years, he still felt how much he cared for them as soon as he saw them. And he knew that Rush and Laddi would feel like that soon too.

Seven year old James nervously stood on the corner of the street. He looked around, scanning, trying to find his very best friend.
'You came!' A voice from behind the blonde made him jump. He turned around to see a familiar, dark haired boy.
'How did you sneak up on me like that?' James asked laughing, but his smile soon dropped when he saw Adam's face.
'Is everything okay?' The blonde asked worried.
'I'm fine... it's just.... I came to say goodbye, James.' Adam muttered.
'Goodbye? What do you mean?'
'I'm leaving.'
'What do you mean, leaving?'
'I mean that I won't be coming to school anymore. I won't be able to go play with you guys anymore and I won't be able to see you guys again. I'm leaving.'
James felt something sting in his heart. Their squad was really close, but they'd never considered that any of them might be leaving one day.
'But... but where are you going? Why are you leaving? When will you come back?' James asked a little panicky.
'James... I won't come back. I'm moving to a different state.' Adam replied sadly.
The blonde was speechless for a moment.
'When are you going?' He asked after a long silence.
'I'm leaving right after this goodbye.'
'I'm sorry, buddy.' Adam muttered.
'No! You can't go! You're our friend! You can't leave!' James said angrily.
'I don't have a say in this, James. I wished I did, but I don't. There's nothing you can do about it. I'm sorry, but this is farewell.'
A couple tears started to escape James's eyes, which led to Adam tearing up as well. James wrapped his arms around his best friend and pulled him into an embrace.
'I'm gonna miss you so much, Adam.' He said.
'I'm gonna miss you too, Jameson.'
They let go of each other again.
Adam waved at the blonde with a sad smile.
'Goodbye.' He said, before turning around and walking away.
'Goodbye.' James almost whispered as he saw his very best friend walk out of his life forever.

'So, how did you do after you moved?' Jaiden asked as they were all eating their food. Adam shrugged.
'Life just continued. I went to school, kept playing music en so on and so on. It was all just... a lot lonelier.'
'What about your new friends?' Maaz asked.
'I didn't really make any.' Adam said.
'You didn't have any friends for ten years?' James asked shocked.
'I had some people I got along with, but being honest, you guys are the only people I ever really considered friends.' Adam muttered.
'I don't know if I have to be flattered or feel bad for you.' Jaiden said.
'Don't feel bad for me. I don't need pity. I turned out just fine. And hey, destiny brought us back together.' Adam smiled.
'Seems like all of you have a pretty close connection, even though you've been apart for ten years. Which is technically, most of your lives.' Rush pointed out.
'Yeah, that's pretty cool.' Laddi added.
'True friendship works like that, I guess.' Maaz replied.
'Hey, I don't mind! I'm just glad I found you guys back. I could've ended up in god knows what place with god knows what people. But I ended up with my good old buds. Who would've thought.' Adam said.
Suddenly his phone rang.
'Sorry, I gotta take this.' He said before getting up and walking a couple steps away from the table. He wasn't far enough for the others to not hear him though.
'Sup.' He said.
'Yeah, I know... I'm just hanging with some buds... That's none of your business, Mona... Now?... Fine, I'll be right there.'
He hung up and walked back to his friends.
'Who's Mona?' James asked curiously.
'No one important.' Adam replied.
'Look at Adam. The lady killer is on the job!' Maaz teased.
'Unlike what you may expect from somebody as handsome, amazing and humble such as myself, I'm not actually that popular with the girls. Mona is my colleague and she called because of some work stuff. That's why I gotta go. Some emergency. They really can't go two seconds without me. Anyways, I'll see you guys later.'
Adam quickly grabbed his stuff and ran off.

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