The plan

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Adam knocked on the big, wooden doors in front of him.
'Come in.' A voice from the other side called out. It send a shiver down Adam's spine. No matter how ofter he came here, he'd never feel comfortable walking through those doors of doom.
'You asked for me.' Adam said to his master when he entered. Lucifer was sitting behind his desk and looked up at the demon that had entered.
'Well, yes. Take a seat, Adam. There's something I wanted to discuss with you. So how is your hunt going?' Lucifer replied.
'Pretty good, I believe. There were a couple issues with the spell, but we managed to fix everything. It just caused a little delay. It shouldn't take that long anymore though. But I doupt that's why you asked me here.' Adam replied as he sat down in a chair in front of the devil's desk.
'Sharp as always. You're right. I wanted to talk about something else. Mona mentioned to me what happened during the last red moon. That's what I wanted to talk about.' Lucifer said.
'But why? As far as I know, you don't mind me going out to kill.' Adam replied confused.
'While you had a very nice death counter going there, what grabbed my attention was the one that escaped. James Rallison.'
Adam felt his heart skip a beat. What did he want from James? The demon decided to not reply. Instead he waited in a nervous silence.
'You got that boy's name on my list of life and neither of us can just take it off there. The only thing protecting the people on that list however, is the fear you demons have for my punishment. Something that doesn't effect your "reasoning" during the red moon. I'm sure I don't have to explain that to you. Yet, when you had every chance of slicing his throat, you didn't. Why?' Lucifer looked straight into Adam's eyes. As intimidated as the dark haired boy was, he did everything he could to appear calm and collected, even if that meant looking back into the eyes of Satan.
'He's my best friend. There's a reason I got him on that list of life. I don't want him to get hurt.' Adam replied coldly.
'It always surprises me when some of my top demons care about something. I guess you're still young and have some love left. What you just said however, is not an answer to my question. As much as you care for that boy, you can't think during the red moon. You should've killed him. How did you get the control to not do that?' Lucifer asked.
'I genuinely don't know. It just... happened.' Adam replied. He hadn't really thought back to that night. Mainly because the idea of what he'd almost done scared him. But that also meant he hadn't thought about why it happened.
'I assume you told your friends about the red moon and that they had to be careful.' Lucifer said as he got up from his chair and walked over to a cabinet on the left side of the room.
'I did.' Adam confirmed.
'And I assume they didn't quite believe you.'
'But after that night, that Rallison kid believed you. He saw you after all.'
'Where is this going?' Adam asked suspicious.
Lucifer took some strong, alcoholic drink from the cabinet and turned to Adam.
'Want some?' He asked.
Adam slowly shook his head, never breaking the stare at his master. He didn't know where this was going and he didn't know if he liked it. Lucifer started pouring some of the drink into a glass and continued.
'Very few people still believe that my demons exist. Even less people believe in the effects of the red moon. You're little close call with your friend got me thinking. Maybe it's time to remind the humans that we're still very much here and that we're still as dangerous as ever.' Lucifer walked back to his desk and sat back down, looking Adam in the eyes again.
'And I need your help to do it.' He added. The room went silent.
'What do you want from me?' Adam asked eventually.
'I want you to be out during the next red moon. Let the people know there still are demons. Scare them. The citizens are still shook by the mass murder of last red moon.'
'But that won't make them immediately believe that demons are a thing.' Adam defended.
'That's why I have a plan. As the master of all demons, you probably already guessed that my powers are far stronger and superior to yours. As you all lose control and go wild under that blood moon, I don't lose any control whatsoever, even more, I have the ability to let one of my demons in my close proximity keep their control.' Lucifer explained. Adam adjusted his position a bit, scared to miss any information about this ability.
'I see I have your interest. My plan is simple, Adam. We are out during the red moon. I give you control. You kill, just like last time, but keep some people that see you alive and we keep doing this during the red moons until no one can deny that all those people saw something and were right.'
Adam could see the excitement in the devils eyes, but he himself felt a lot less excited. Killing someone every now and then didn't do him much, but even he didn't like the idea of slaughtering that many people in one night, especially if he was in full control.
'I don't have a choice with this, am I right?' Adam asked.
'Smart boy.' Lucfier smiled.
'I'll see you during the red moon next week then.' Adam said with a sigh as he got up from his chair to leave.

'Is everything okay?' James asked as the two boys were eating dinner at their dorm.
'Ofcourse, why would anything be wrong?' Adam replied.
'You've been acting a little tense since you got back from work this afternoon.' James said.
'Things are a little chaotic at work, but I'll be fine. Nice to know you care though.' Adam replied with a wink. James's cheeks turned a little red.
'You still didn't tell me what you do for work.' James pointed out.
'I know.' Adam replied, very well aware of the fact that James would've liked a more specific answer.
'Why don't you just tell me?' The blonde asked.
'Did the idea come to you that I might not want to tell you?' Adam replied.
'Why not?'
'That's a question of which I'll know the answer and you won't.'
'Why are you being so secretive about it?'
'Come on, Jameson. Everyone likes a guy that's mysterious.'
'Can I try to guess what work you do?'
'Sure.' Adam chuckled. He doubted James would be able to guess it. The blonde thought for a moment.
'I'm sure it's not just retail, otherwise you would just tell me... the only thing that I can think of that people would wanna hide for their friends is stuff that I just can't imagine you doing.' James said.
'Like what?' Adam asked.
'I don't know. Working in a strip club or something with prostitution, but again, I can't imagine you doing something like that.' James replied.
'Why not, Jameson? You think I'm not hot enough?' Adam replied teasingly. James immediately started blushing.
'No! No, it's just... wait is that what you do?'
'Ofcourse not! Are you crazy?'
Adam got up from the table and put his empty plate on the counter. He turned on the sink and waited for the water to get warm so he could do the dishes.
'Adaaaam, just tell meeee.' James wailed. Adams muscles tensed up. The blonde's whiny tone made something tickle in his belly, but he liked it.
'I'm not gonna spoil the surprise.' Adam teased.
James got up from the table and put his empty plate on top of Adam's.
'Surprise? Does that mean you'll tell me eventually?' The blonde asked.
'Maybe, maybe not.' Adam replied as he turned off the sink and started doing the dishes.
'Don't tease me like that.' James complained as he playfully nudged his shoulder against Adam's and started to help him do the dishes. Adam laughed.
'Don't be such a curious, little bagel bite.' He replied as he tabbed his finger on the tip of James's nose, leaving a bit of bubbly soap on the blondes face. He chuckled as he saw how James tried to wipe it away, but accidentally smeared it acros his face.
'Don't laugh!' James said annoyed as he wiped the soap away, still not completely effectively.
'What can I say, you look adorable like that.' Adam laughed. James's cheeks turned red.
'Oh, shut up!' He said angrily, which only made him look even more adorable in Adam's eyes.
'You missed a spot. Let me help you.' Adam said eventually. He held James's face in his hands and wiped the remaining soap from the blonde's red cheeks. The two boys locked eyes and it seemed as if time itself stood still. Adam noticed his face heat up as he felt like he was drowning in the blonde's eyes. For a beautiful moment, they just looked into each other's eyes, before Adam broke the eye contact first. He cleared his throat and turned away.
'Thanks for helping with the dishes.' He said as he put the clean dishes and silverware into the cabinet and walked to his room as quickly as he could, but still trying to not look rushed.
As soon as he closed the door behind him he let out a deep sigh.
"What the hell was that all about? What happened back there?" He thought. His legs were a little shaky so he decided to go sit down on his bed. "Is this normal? Why do I feel like this? Why is something fluttering in my stomach? What should I do?"
He shook his head, not knowing the answer to any of the questions he was asking himself. Then his mind drifted to a different question. "Did James feel that too?"

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