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Adam, Mona and Illy were sitting together in Illy's room.
'So then he took a sip from the water bottle and just stared at me in shock, because the bottle wasn't empty nor did the liquid inside taste like vodka. And I was just like "I wonder why, mister teacher-man, I wonder why! Hahahaha".' Adam said, laughing throughout his story.
'Wait you said that?' Mona asked.
'No, I thought it. But I wanted to say it. I just didn't want to get in trouble.' Adam replied.
'I thought you poured out the vodka, then what did he take a sip from... oh wait! OH WAIT! ADAM! That's disgusting!' Illy called out.
'I didn't pee in it! I just scooped some water from the toilet.' Adam explained.
'Okay, that's a little better, but still disgusting.' Mona replied.
'Well, what was I supposed to do? I didn't do anything wrong! It was my friend who put the water bottle in my backpack!' Adam defended.
At that moment Mona's phone rang. She picked up and left the room for a little to answer.
'What happened after that?' Illy asked.
'I told my teacher the rumors were started because someone took a sip from my water and thought it tasted funny. But that it tasted like that because my water filter at home broke.' Adam explained.
'You came up with that lie on the spot? I'm almost impressed.' Illy replied.
'Okay, Mrs."I'm and angel"! I know lying is bad, but what else was I supposed to do. My friend wasn't going to take the blame and I had no evidence that I was innocent.' Adam said.
'Fair enough. Even as an angel, I don't really see a good way out of that situation.' Illy replied.
At that moment Mona came back in.
'I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to leave. Something came up and my mom won't be able to get home before midnight, so I need to go babysit my little brother.' She said as she started collecting her stuff.
'No problem, have fun.' Illy replied. Mona gave her an "you know I won't"-look that made both Adam and Illy laugh.
'If he gets too annoying, you can call me and I'll come over to help.' Adam said with a chuckle.
'Thanks, that means a lot to me.' Mona replied before placing a quick kiss on Adam's lips.
'I'll see you guys tomorrow!' She said before leaving the room.

'I'm still not used to the fact that you two are dating.' Illy said after a couple seconds.
'Did you really not see it coming?' Adam asked.
'Well, I knew you two were into each other, but I didn't think either of you had the guts to confess.' Illy replied. Adam chuckled. In reality, he didn't actually like Mona like that. It was just one of his go to methods to recruit. Have the girls fall head over heels for him, then starts dating them, then manipulate them into doing whatever he wanted them to do, even becoming a demon. It had even worked on a couple guys in the past too. He'd never actually had feelings for anyone though.
'Can I ask you something, Adam?' Illy asked.
'Ofcourse.' Adam replied.
'But you have to promise me you won't tell Mona!'
'Just promise me.'
'Okay, I guess. What's wrong, Illy?'
'Nothing is really wrong, I just... I wanted to ask you if you want to become an angel.'
Adam raised eyebrows almost to his hairline in surprise.
'What?' He asked.
'Do you want to be an angel. We need to be with more if we want to stand a chance against demons and I have never met a person that was so nice, kind and overall good. You'd be perfect to be an angel.' Illy replied.
A part of Adam wanted to burst out laughing at the irony, but he managed to control it.
'Why don't you want Mona to know?' He asked suspiciously.
Illy sighed.
'You know how she is. I'm scared she'll get jealous because I asked you and not her.' She replied.
'Why didn't you ask her?'
'She doesn't really have the right character. Not to say that she's a bad person or anything, but she can be very impulsive and careless. That's not good for an angel. You on the other hand are really calm and collected. You're always so kind and good. I know we don't know each other for that long yet, but you're already my best friend. I trust you more that anyone because in such a short time, you already proved to be such a good human.'
'Stop it, otherwise I might started blushing.' Adam replied acting a little flustered.
'So, are you gonna do it?' Illy asked.
'I... uh, this is all going a little fast. I'm not sure if I...'
'No, I get it, don't worry. Take as much time to think about it as you need. Feel free to ask questions and stuff too. Just don't let it slip to Mona.'
Suddenly Adam's phone rang.
'Sup!' He said as he pressed the green button on his screen and brought the device to his ear.
'Adam, I don't want to bother you, but can you please come over. Simon is being such an asshole and I can't take it anymore. Somehow you can always calm him down and stuff. I really need your help.' Mona begged over the phone. Adam chuckled.
'I'll be right there, sweetheart.' He replied.
'Thank you so much! Your the best boyfriend ever!' Mona exclaimed.
'Oh, well. If you say so.' Adam replied, acting flustered.
'And after we put Simon to bed, we can watch a movie or something like that. Just the two of us.' Mona said.
'I can't wait. I'll be right there.' Adam replied with a grin on his face. He hung up and started collecting his stuff.
'I'm sorry, Illy, but I gotta go.' He said.
'Does Mona nees you already?' Illy asked.
'Yeah, Simon is a little brat.' Adam replied.
'Don't forget to think about the angel thing.' Illy said.
'Don't worry I won't. I'll see you tomorrow.' Adam replied before leaving her room. As soon as he left the house, he started laughing. Just the irony. She really thought he'd be a perfect angel, when in reality, he'd been a demon for years now.
'Oh, Illy.' He chuckled, 'Betraying you is just gonna be too much fun.'

Adam yawned as he entered his dorm. He hadn't slept the entire night. He was just about to enter his bedroom, when James came out of his own bedroom.
'Adam! Where have you been? I couldn't find you last night.' James asked as soon as he saw the other boy.
'I... uh... I was spending the red moon with a coworker that was very scared of being alone for the red moon.' Adam lied.
'Can you please tell me stuff like that beforehand? I was worried sick!' James replied.
'I'm sorry, I'll warn you next time. Sweet of you to be so worried about me though.' Adam said with a wink. James's cheeks turned slightly red.
'Ofcourse. We're friends. You would be worried too, don't try to deny it!' James defended.
'You're probably right.' Adam chuckled. Suddenly he noticed a bandage around the blonde boys right arm.
'What happened to your arm?' He asked instinctively, but immediately flashbacks from last night appeared back in his mind.
'Oh that... I... You were right, Adam. Demons are real. And they come out during the red moon.' James muttered.
'YOU WENT OUTSIDE?' Adam asked, sounding shocked, but in reality he was putting on an act. He remembered exactly what happened that night, but he couldn't let anyone else know that.
'I'm sorry. I should've listened to your warning.' James replied.
'It's okay. I'm just glad you made it back in one piece. You're very lucky to survive an encounter with a demon.'
'Can we stop talking about it. It was terrifying and I don't like to think of the memories.'
'I understand. Just promise me to not go outside next time.'
'I promise. I was just about to leave. I'm not sure if you checked your phone, but the squad is meeting up at Maaz's and Rush's dorm.'
Adam glanced longingly at his bed through his half open bedroom door.
'Sure, let's go.' He said eventually.

'Did we miss any gossip or drama?' Adam asked as they entered Maaz's and Rush's dorm.
'Not that I know of. Why?' Maaz asked.
'Because there's a lot of whispering in the hallways. It's like a soft buzzing sound. Everyone is nervous and tense about something.' Adam replied.
'Really? I hadn't noticed. Probably because I didn't go outside yet today.' Rush replied.
'Wait, you guys don't know yet?' Jaiden asked.
'Know what?' All the boys asked almost simultaneously.
'You didn't hear? It was all over the news this morning.' Laddi said.
'Do we look like the type of people that watch the news every morning?' James asked.
'Just tell us what happened.' Maaz said impatiently.
'There was a mass murder last night. They found 14 dead bodies throughout the city. All killed in one night. The closest one was found just outside of the dorm building.' Jaiden explained. The room went silent and James and Adam looked at each other, knowing what the other was thinking.
'It must have been a gang or something. No human can do 14 kills in one night all alone.' Rush said to break the silence.
'Unless it wasn't a human.' James muttered.
'What do you mean?' Maaz asked.
'The news did say that the injuries found on the victims resembled claws and teeth more than really a weapon, but they couldn't figure out what animal it could've been.' Laddi explained.
'What if it wasn't an animal.' Adam muttered. He knew that if he didn't say it, James would. So it didn't matter whether or not he'd tell his friends what it actually was. Maybe he could convince them to stay inside next time as well.
'What do you mean? It couldn't really have been anything else than a human or an animal.' Laddi asked.
'It was the red moon last night. It could very well have been a demon.' Adam explained.
'Oh, come on. You're not still going on about that, right? Demons aren't real.' Maaz said.
'They are.' James whispered.
'Don't give it to him like that, James. Why would you possibly think something like a demon could exist?' Maaz asked.
'Because I saw one.'
The room went silent.
'What do you mean?' Jaiden asked worried.
'I went outside last night... and I saw it.' James muttered, not liking the memories that returned to his mind.
'You probably saw some animal and thought it was something else. Things can look different in the dark.' Maaz replied.
'I didn't mistake it, Maaz! I saw it from up close! It was right in front of me, pinning me down to the ground! It even injured me! A combination of luck and coincidence got me out of the situation!' James explained as he showed his friends the bandage around his arm.
'Are you sure?' Rush asked a little hesitant.
'James probably just saw a wolf or a bear or something that attacked him. In situations like that, your imagination can really run wild.' Maaz said.
'I'm telling you, it was a demon!' James insisted.
'Demons don't exist!' Maaz replied.
'Then tell me, Maaz. What is your explanation for the death of 14 people in one night, by a creature that the police can't identify?' Adam said.
Maaz opened his mouth and closed it again, not knowing how to reply.
'As insane as that story may seem, we can't deny that the circumstances are strange.' Laddi muttered.
'Yeah, but I don't think there's anything we can do about it. We're just a group of teenagers. The best we can do is try to stay safe ourselves.' Rush replied.
'And we can do that by staying inside during any future red moons.' Adam concluded.

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