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Seven year old James sat alone on a swing. He was staring at the wooden fence that surrounded the playground. His friends had left already, but his mom wouldn't be able to pick him up until later. He didn't mind though. He was an introvert, so he didn't have a problem playing on his own every now and then. He was snapped out of his thoughts when a faint smell hit him. It smelled... burned. He started to worry when he suddenly felt heat coming from behind him. When he turned around he saw that the wooden fence around the playground had caught in fire. He let out a scream as he backed away from the flames. The fire was burning near the only entrance and it was spreading quickly. James started panicking. He had nowhere to go. He was trapped. The blonde ran as far away from the fire as possible and started to try and climb the fence. Unfortunately, he didn't manage to get very far before he fell. Tears started to fall as he kept trying, but kept failing. The playground wasn't that big, so the fire was getting close. James was sweating from the heat of the flames and desperately tried to get away. The fire was already catching onto the equipment on the playground.
'HELP! PLEASE, HELP ME!' The blonde cried out, but there was no one to hear it.
Suddenly a strong pair of arms grabbed hold of him. He felt how he was lifted into the air and when he looked up, he saw that he was being carried by a boy with light brown hair and giant, white wings. The boy flew over the fence and landed on a safe distance from the fire.
'Thank you so much! You saved me!' James cried out as he gave the boy a hug.
'What's your name?' The boy asked.
'I'm James. What's your name?' The blonde replied.
'I'm afraid I can't tell you that, James.'
'Why not?'
'Listen close because what I'm about to say is important, James. You can't tell anyone you saw me. You can't tell anyone what happened.'
'Why not?'
'People are not supposed to know angels exist. It would put me in danger. And it would put you in danger. Can you promise not to tell anyone?'
'I promise.'

'Do you have any idea what trouble you could get me in?' Jaiden said in a loud whisper as they snuck inside a building.
'I know and I'm sorry, but I didn't know what to do.' Adam replied.
'Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on and what we're doing right now?' James asked confused.
'We're in heaven right now and we're going to our dungeons.' Jaiden replied.
'Why are we going to the dungeons? Who was that man?' James asked.
'That was Lucifer and we're going to the dungeons to lock up Adam because if anyone finds out I let a demon run around freely in heaven I'm in big trouble.' Jaiden explained.
'I mean that's fair. I rather stay in your dungeons than land in Lucifer's claws.' Adam replied as they entered a long hallway with left and right rooms that were hidden away behind white, metal bars.
'I'm still confused.' James said as they slowed down.
'Don't worry, we'll explain everything.' Adam said as he reached out to open the door of one of the cells.
'Adam, wait!' Jaiden called out, but it was too late. Adam let out a scream of pain as he pulled back his hand.
'You're in heaven, idiot! This place is meant to keep demons out. You can't just go around and touch stuff.' Jaiden said as she opened the door for him.
'I'm sorry I wasn't aware of the fact that a fricking door would burn me.' Adam muttered as he entered the cell and watched as Jaiden closed the door again, locking it.
'What else in the room can burn me?' Adam asked as he looked at the bed suspiciously.
'Only the bars.' Jaiden replied.
'Can someone explain why we're in heaven hiding from Satan?' James asked, still very confused.
'Lucifer doesn't appreciate it that I refuse to recruit you right after I refused to kill Jaiden. He doesn't have any use for a disobeying demon and he...' Adam didn't finish his sentence. He knew it'd upset the blonde.
'And he what?' James asked.
Adam stayed silent.
'Are you still not done with your secrets?!' James shouted in frustration.
'James... Lucifer wants to kill Adam...' Jaiden said quietly. The blonde looked at Adam a couple tears appearing in his eyes.
'I didn't mean to run when you asked me to tell you the truth. But they were after me and I rather get as much time as possible to think of a solution before my inevitable demise.' Adam explained.
'But he can't get you here, right?' James asked.
'No, he can't. I'm safe for now, even if that means being locked away. Anyways, you were right, James. It's not up to me to decide what you should and shouldn't know.'
'Does that mean you'll tell me everything?'
'Ask whatever you want.'
'Okay... so what did you need to save me from? Why don't I remember ever being in danger? What was so bad you had to become a demon? What else did you hide from me?'
'You don't remember what happened because demons can use hypnosis to erase memories. I can't give you your memories of the events back, but I can share mine with you.'
'What do you mean with, share mine?'
Adam reached a hand out to the blonde. James carefully grabbed it and let the demon pull him a little closer.
'This might be a little disorienting.' Adam warned before he put his hand on the blonde's forehead. For a second, James was confused about what was happening, but then everything turned dark.

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