Dangerous demons

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Illy nervously entered the old and dark warehouse.
'Hello? Adam? Why did you wanna meet up here?' She asked. A light breeze made her shiver, but she couldn't see where it came from. She walked in a little further until a voice from behind her made her jump.
'It's good to see that you came.'
Illy turned around, but sighed in relief when she saw the boy behind her.
'Don't scare me like that, Adam.' She said with a nervous chuckle.
'I wouldn't dream of it.' Adam replied with a grin as he walked past the angel and started lighting candles in the area, to light up the place.
'You'll have to excuse me, but the power went out, so we'll have to use these.' Adam explained.
'It's okay. They do make me a little nervous though. I told you angels were weak to fire.' Illy replied.
'I know. I hope you realize I payed very close attention when you explained everything.' Adam replied, turning away from the angel so she wouldn't see his evil grin. After a couple minutes, the entire warehouse was bathing in candle light, which seemed to make Illy slightly nervous.
'So, did you already decide something on the becoming an angel thing?' She asked a little uncomfortable.
'I thought about it, but unfortunately, I haven't really decided yet. You see, I still have some questions about demons.' Adam replied.
'Yeah. I was wondering if demons could be angels at the same time?'
'Why are you asking that?'
Illy started to slowly back away as an evil grin appeared on the dark haired boy's face.
'You see, little, innocent Illy, there's something I haven't been really honest about. Oops.' Adam said teasingly right before he morphed into his demon form and charged at the angel. Illy screamed and turned around, trying to run, but the demon was prepared for that. He used his powers to collect all the little flames of the candles around them and sent them into a fiery circle around the angel, forcing her to stand still.
'Adam... please... don't do this.' She begged, falling to her knees as the heat of the fire was already draining her power.
'Why wouldn't I?' The demon asked grinning.
'Please, it's me Illy. Have mercy.' The angel begged.
'Mercy? I'm a demon! What do you expect?' The demon started laughing while the angel could only look back up at him, her heart broken, as she was fully aware that the last thing she'd ever see, would be the person she had truly believed was her best friend.

'Are you cold?' Adam asked worried when he noticed the blonde boy next to him was shivering. They were sitting in the car, driving back to their dorm.
'No, I'm good. I think the lack of sleep is hitting me, that's all.' James replied, trying to make sure his voice didn't shake. He couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. He and Adam had been so close, the blonde had thought their lips would touch, but they didn't. Adam had pulled away. Did he notice what had almost happened and if he did, did he care?
"Of course he'd care. He'd feel super uncomfortable. How would you feel if your best friend tried to kiss you?" James thought. But Adam was his best friend, so maybe that wasn't the right question to ask. Why did he even try to kiss him? They're just friends, right? But Adam didn't feel like just a friend anymore. James felt confused. What the hell was it that he was feeling? He didn't understand what was going on. He could only think of how the boy next to him made him feel. James hadn't ever been in love before, but he didn't know if he had to believe this was it. His heart said yes, but his brain wasn't sure. What it was, was just one question the blonde had. The main question was what he should do now.

Adam tried keep his breathing under control. He was almost about to hyperventilate, if it wasn't for the fact he didn't want to make the blonde boy worry. He quickly glanced at James, feeling a blush fight it's way up his cheeks.
'Are you cold?' He asked when he saw the other boy shiver.
'No, I'm good. I think the lack of sleep is hitting me, that's all.' James replied.
Adam nodded, but wasn't sure if the blonde noticed. He was having a hard time keeping himself from shaking too, although he suspected it was for a different reason. What would've happened if he hadn't pulled away? What was going on? Adam had faked relationships to use as manipulation so much that he had forgotten that love was a thing that existed. But there was no way James liked him that way too, right?
"But james didn't pull back, you did." A voice in the back of his head said.
"James is exhausted. The sleep deprivation must have gotten to him if he was too loopy to react. I'm not sure he even noticed. That's probably for the best, I don't wanna ruin our friendship." He thought. Adam slightly shook his head. He didn't know how to deal with these weird feelings he'd never had before. And he didn't know what to do next.

'Is everything okay?' Jaiden asked. Both Adam and James looked up in surprise. The squad was chilling in the girl's dorm.
'Why would anything be wrong?' Adam asked.
'You two have been really quiet the entire time. Did something happen?' Jaiden said.
'No!' James replied just a little too fast.
'We're just tired.' Adam muttered, looking away to hide the blush that appeared on his face.
'Still struggling with those nightmares?' Laddi asked.
'We tried something to see if it'll help, but we have to wait for tonight to find out wether or not it keeps working.' James explained.
'We're all waking up with nightmares, but none of us are having it as bad as you do.' Rush said.
'Well, James had the closest encounter out of all of us the first time, and then he still saw the demon a second time.' Laddi replied.
'But Maaz had a really close encounter too, right.' Jaiden pointed out.
'I'm actually not that scared of the demon.' Maaz said.
The entire squad stared at him in disbelieve.
'That thing almost sliced your throat! You are not telling me that doesn't scare you!' Rush said.
'Well, at the moment, I was terrified out of my mind. But I've been thinking back to it, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something. The way the demon acted after it let me go, it's been raising so many questions. I wished I could get some answers.' Maaz replied.
'Maybe Adam can help. He knows a lot about this stuff.' Laddi suggested.
'That doesn't mean I know why demons do what they do. I already told you what my theory was. I think it didn't want to hurt you and was just barely able to control itself.' Adam replied.
'But why? It's a demon, why didn't it try to kill me?' Maaz asked.
'There's a lot more to demons than just bloodlust.' Adam replied.
'Like what? What is it that demons do?' Maaz asked.
'There are three main things demons do. The first is hunting down angels and eliminating them. The second thing is trying to recruit new people to become demons and the last thing is making deals with humans.' Adam explained.
'Deals with humans? How does that work?' Rush asked curiously.
'Well, as human, you can use a spell to summon the nearest demon. Then you tell the demon what you want, and they'll give you their price. You can ask for almost anything, but it ain't cheap. Often you gotta give them your soul or your heart or something along those lines. Only the desperate and the heartless make deals with demons.' Adam explained.
'How do you summon a demon? What kind of spell do you need?' Maaz asked.
'I ain't telling you that one, chief! I don't want you summoning demons! They're dangerous and if you try to summon them, you're making a big mistake! Don't ever make a deal with a demon, okay?' Adam replied.
'I don't wanna make a deal with it! I just want to talk to it, ask it about that night. Why it didn't wanna kill me.' Maaz explained.
'Still, I'm not telling you shit. Even if you don't want a deal, it's dangerous. Inviting demons into your life is an awful idea. Don't even think about it!' Adam warned.
'You almost sound as if you speak from experience. Did this Illy girl tell you this, or did you do something we don't know about?' Rush asked.
'Illyssa got into contact with a demon and that didn't end well. She thought he was her friend, but he never cared. He used her and when he didn't need her anymore... let's just say that it destroyed the friendship I had with her and that she's not out there anymore.' Adam explained, sounding sad.
James walked over to him and pulled him into an embrace, trying to comfort him. The only thing it did however, was make him blush as something in his stomach started fluttering.

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