No lone Holiday

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The whole squad was chilling in James's and Adam's dorm. They were playing some videogame on the switch, but they didn't have enough controllers for everyone, so they were taking turns.
'I'm gonna have to go.' Laddi suddenly said after checking the time.
'I promised my mom I'd be home today and I still need to pack all my stuff.'
'You're going home?' Adam asked without looking away from the screen. The whole squad stayed silent.
'You aren't?' Jaiden asked.
'No, why would I go anywhere?' Adam replied.
'Dude, we're have a nice long break from school. We don't have to stay here.' Rush said.
'It's not because we don't have classes that we are forced to leave.' Adam said with a shrug.
'Wait, you're actually staying?' Jaiden asked.
'What's the big deal?' Adam replied mildly confused.
'Don't you wanna spend the Holliday's with your family. You know, Christmas and New years.' Maaz asked.
Adam thought for a second. He'd honestly completely forgotten that the Holliday's were coming up. He hadn't celebrated them since he became a demon. Since he left his family to go work for Lucifer.
'I don't really celebrate the Holliday's.' He said eventually.
'Since when? You celebrated them when we were little.' James asked.
'Well, I don't celebrate them anymore. I'm not even going to go home for the break.' Adam replied.
'So you're gonna spend the Holliday's all on your own?' Laddi asked a little sad.
'Wait, are all of you gonna go home for the Holliday's?' Adam asked. He didn't really look forward to missing his friends for that long, not now that he finally had them for the first time in 10 years.
'I'm leaving tomorrow.' Jaiden muttered.
'Me too.' Rush added.
'I'll be leaving the day after.' Maaz said.
'So will I.' James muttered.
They were all quiet for some time.
'I guess I'll be staying here alone then.' Adam sighed.
'No, you're not!' James said determined as he took out his phone an threw it on the coffee table.
'Hey, Siri. Call mom!' He said. He put his phone on speaker so he could continue his game while talking.
'Hey, sweetie.' A voice over the phone said.
'Hey Mom, do you remember Adam? From when I was little.' James asked.
'Of course I do. You two were really close. You were really hurt when he moved away.' His mom replied.
'You were?' Adam asked in a whisper.
James's face turned a little red, but he ignored Adam.
'So you know, I didn't tell you yet, but I ran back into him recently. More specifically, he's my new roommate.'
'He is? That's amazing, James. I always thought he was a nice kid. But why are we having this conversation?'
'Adam won't go home for the Holliday's. He says he doesn't celebrate them, but I don't want him to be here all alone during the Holliday's. Is it okay if I drag him home with me and he celebrates it with us?'
'You don't have to do that, James. I'll be fine, I don't wanna interrupt your family. And besides...' Adam began but James cut him of.
'Eh, eh, eh. You're not gonna have a lone holliday! So mom, is it okay?' James asked.
'Of course it is, Sweetie. I'd love to have him over.' His mom replied.
'So that settles it. Adam is celebrating Christmas and New years with us.' James said with a smile.
'But I don't know what gifts to get your family!' Adam replied.
'Don't worry, I'll help you out. And you don't have to buy a gift for everyone.' James said.
'Okay, bye mom. Thank you and I'll see you soon.' The blonde added before he hung up.
'Thank you, Jameson.' Adam said softly. It touched him that the blonde would do this for him and he couldn't wait to celebrate for the first time in so many years.

'Hurry up, Adam. Mom's already waiting for us!' James said as he walked into his best friends room. Adam was standing in the middle of the room. His bags were laying near his feet and he stared deep in thought at his guitar case.
'What are you thinking about?' James asked.
'Whether or not I should bring my guitar.' Adam muttered.
'Bring it. You play all the time, I doubt you could go that long without any music instruments.' James replied.
'But if your mom is picking up your siblings too, then I don't wanna take up all the space.' Adam said.
'Don't worry. We're not picking up anyone else. All my siblings go to normal schools an not boarding schools. My mom just picked up Faith from her dance class, so she'll be there, but she isn't bringing any bags. There's plenty of space.' James replied.
'Why are you the only one going to a boarding school?' Adam asked.
'I wanted to go here to stick with the squad.' James replied.
Adam laughed.
'I should've known that would be the explanation. Well, if that's the case then I guess I'll be bringing my guitar then.'

'Hey, Mom.' James said as he opened the trunk of their car.
'Hey, sweetie. How's it going?' His mom asked.
'If you're talking about school, then you know that answer isn't good. But we've got vacation now, so that's cool.' James replied as he dumped his stuff in the back of the car.
'You're late, James. Do you know how long we were waiting here?' Faith complained without looking up from her phone.
'Sorry, that's my fault.' Adam replied.
'You get motion sickness in the back, right Adam? Faith! Let Adam sit in the front!' James called.
'I get motion sick in the back too!' Faith defended.
'Faith, Adam is the guest. Let him sit in the front.' Their mother said.
'It's okay. James mentioned you still live in the same house and if my memory serves correctly, that's not that far. I'll be fine.' Adam replied.
'You sure?' The twin's mother asked.
'I'm sure.' Adam replied while putting his own stuff in the trunk as well. He and James got onto the backseat and they started driving.

Faith finally looked up from her phone and turned around a little in her seat to look at the boys.
'Wow, you changed a lot!' She exclaimed as soon as she saw Adam.
'Well, it's been ten years. What did you expect?' Adam laughed.
'He may have physically grown up, but aside from that he's still the exact same.' James said.
'I like to believe I'm more mature and less stupid then when I was seven.' Adam replied.
'I don't know about that one.' James joked.
'I'm just a little surprised by the difference.' Faith said.
'Surprised in a good way or a bad way?' Adam asked.
'A good way.' Faith replied as she gave him a quick look over.
'I'm not sure if I need to take that as a compliment for my current me or as an insult for my seven year old me.' Adam laughed.
'It's a compliment.' Faith said.
'Thanks.' Adam replied.
'So, Adam. How are you doing?' Faith asked.
'Good.' Adam replied with a shrug.
'It's been ten years and all you have to say is "good"?' Faith laughed.
'Well, yeah. I don't live that much of an exciting life. Unless you wanna hear everything about our last math class.' Adam said.
'No, thank you. With James in my life, I hear enough about math.' Faith said.
'It's probably good you don't want to hear that, because I don't remember a thing of what the teacher said.' Adam replied.
'You know, sometimes I wonder how you pass your classes. Both of you.' James said.
'Oh shut up, mister "I wanna be a math teacher"! We're not all mathematical wonders.' Faith complained.
'At least I already know what I wanna do with my life after high school.' James defended.
'I still have time! I'll figure out what I'm going to do.' Faith said.
'Hopefully it'll be something worth it.' James muttered.
'Sorry that I'm not gonna go for something fancy like a math teacher like you. Or a doctor like your friend Maaz.' Faith replied sarcastically.
'So, Adam. What are you gonna do after high school?' Their mom asked to stop the discussion.
Adam thought about it. He didn't really know. He had no other option than to work for Lucifer until the end of time. But what would that mean for him in the human world. Would he go to college? And if so, what would he do there? He assumed that if he'd go to college, he'd follow the classes of either the people he had to recruit or the classes with potential angels. But what after that? As a demon he could mess with how fast he aged. He hadn't really changed it yet, so he looked as old as he was, but one day he'd probably stop his aging because he didn't wanna end up looking like a 300 year old. He'd probably stop it when he was pretty young. Maybe he'd stay a college student forever. But that would mean he wouldn't grow old together with his friends. If he didn't want them to notice, he was gonna have to leave them at one point. Adam didn't like thinking about that. He quickly shook his head. Those were worries for later. Now he should just enjoy his time here.
'I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I guess I'll see what the future brings.' He replied.

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