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Adam was sitting in class. He was bored out of his mind and not paying attention to the teacher whatsoever. He stared at a girl with long, dark hair that was sitting a couple rows in front of him. The girl's name was Mona and Lucifer had ordered him to recruit her. His mission was going pretty good, but he wasn't quite done yet. Even though he was far from ready, he was confident that he could do it. He had never failed any of Lucifer's assignments before and he knew he was good. Aside from that, he had a feeling that Mona would be an excellent demon. She had the character for it. The bell rang and Adam got up. He saw Mona get up as well, but she immediately ran outside of the classroom.
'She is in a hurry.' Adam muttered to Illy. Illy sat next to him in class and was Mona's best friend. He'd befriended the two to get closer to Mona, but he didn't really feel a connection.
'She had to get home early. Her family is leaving for a short vacation. She should be back after the break.' Illy replied.
'Right, I forgot.' Adam said.
He and Illy walked outside of the building together, when suddenly Illy stopped.
'Is something wrong?' Adam asked.
'There's something I need to tell you about, Adam.' Illy replied.
'What is it?' Adam asked.
'The red moon is coming up. Do you know what that means?' Illy replied.
Adam froze. What did she know about the red moon?
'It means the moon colors red. What else could it be?' Adam said.
'Yes, but it means more than that. During the red moons, demons come to our realm and usually go out to kill as much as they can. I felt like I had to warn you about that. You have to stay inside and be careful. I already warned Mona.'
'Illyssa... you're getting way too serious with your superstition and supernatural crap. Demons don't exist. There's nothing that's going to happen during the red moon.'
'No, Adam, you don't understand. They actually are real. You have to believe me.'
'Listen, I'm interested in the supernatural stories you have and I support you in your hobbies, but I'm not believing any of that stuff unless I see clear evidence with my own eyes.'
Adam always thought that it was very ironic when he showed disbelieve for Illy's supernatural stories, since he knew she really wasn't lying. He was actually very impressed with how accurate the information she found was.
'I... I can show you something.' Illy said hesitantly.
'What?' Adam asked.
'I can show you proof that it's true.' Illy explained.
'How?' Adam asked.
Illy grabbed his arm and dragged him into an alleyway so no one could see them. Adam started to get a little nervous. She could proof it. What was that supposed to mean? Did she know that he was a demon? Would she throw something at him that was a demon's weakness.
'Adam... you and Mona are my very best friends. I trust you with everything I've got. You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this.' Illy said.
'Illy, what the hell is going on?'
'Promise me, Adam!'
'Okay, fine. I won't tell anybody.'
'Good. Thank you. I was gonna show you proof that angels and demons and stuff like that exists. More specifically, I'm gonna show you that angels exist.'
Suddenly Illy spread out a pare of giant, white wings. Just like demons, she could retract them and make them invisible, but now she was showing him her wings.
'I'm an angel.' Illy muttered. Adam stared at her in shock. Illy was an angel? How? What...?
Illy took a step closer to Adam, but he immediately backed away. Those wings were probably covered with angel dust and he didn't want to get burned.
'I have reason to assume there's a demon in the city. I don't know who and I don't know why it's here, but it's a danger for everyone during the red moon. Can you promise me you'll be careful?' Illy asked.
'You're an angel.' Adam muttered, still in shock.
Illy laughed as she retracted her wings again.
'You probably have a lot of questions. I'll explain everything you want.' She said with a smile.
Finally the gears in Adam's head started to turn again. Illy was an angel. That was not what he was expecting. Usually demons have to work hard to track down an angel, but she just threw it in his face just like that. He wasn't even on an angel hunt right now. He was on a recruitment mission.
Part of him wanted to tell Illy she didn't have to explain it, because he felt like he was gonna get a lot of information he already knew, when suddenly an idea popped up in his head. The knowledge angels had about demons and their abilities is pretty limited. But the knowledge of demons about angels and their abilities is just as limited. Maybe he could dig for some information about angels he didn't have yet. Something that would benefit both himself and all the other demons that ever had to hunt an angel in the future.
'Please.' He said. 'Tell me everything. '

Adam groaned as he got up. He was only just awake, and he was already pissed off. He got up, took a towel from his closet and left his bedroom.
'Goodmorning.' James said as he gave his best friends a smile. He was already sitting at the table, eating breakfast.
'You can drop the "good".' Adam muttered.
'Are you okay?' James asked worried.
'Do I look okay?' Adam snapped before opening the door to the bathroom and slamming it shut behind him. James stared at the door in shock and confusion.
"What the hell just happened?" He thought.

'I think Adam might be mad at me.' James muttered as he sat down with his friends. 
'Why do you think that?' Jaiden asked.
'He was acting really... weird this morning.' James replied.
'What did you do this time?' Rush asked.
'I don't know. But something is definitely wrong.' James replied.
'Maybe we should ask him. He's coming.' Laddi said.
Adam just entered the room. He quickly scanned the place and walked over to his friends when he found them.
'Hi, Adam. How are you?' Maaz asked nonchalantly.
'Hi, Adam. How are you? That's you, that's what you sound like.' Adam said. He repeated what Maaz said in an annoying, high pitched voice and the words he said after that were in a tone that clearly showed that he was pissed off.
'What's wrong, Adam?' Laddi asked.
'Why do you assume something is wrong?' Adam said with an aggressive voice.
'You're acting a little weird. So what's up?' Jaiden asked.
'Why can't y'all just keep your noses out of my business? Jeez!' Adam snapped.
'Because you're being an asshole even though we're trying to help you!' Rush defended.
'I didn't ask for any help!' Adam snapped back.
'Well you clearly need it, mister attitude problem!' Rush shouted.
'Haven't you irritated me enough already today?' Adam yelled.
'We didn't do shit to you!' Rush yelled back.
'Calm down! Both of you! Rush, stop yelling. And Adam... stop being an asshole. What the hell is happening, man? We're your friends why are you acting like this?' Maaz asked.
Adam opened his mouth to snap something back at Maaz, but then he locked eyes with James. The blonde looked at him in confusion and worry. Adam shook his head and took a couple deep breaths to collect himself.
'I'm sorry.' He said with a forced calmness. 'I know you're just trying to help. Some stuff is going on and I shouldn't take it out on you guys. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I guess I better just go vent a little on my own.' He looked back at his friends one more time before walking away.
'What could be wrong?' Laddi asked worried.
'Maybe he's nervous about the red moon coming up.' James suggested.
'Come on, you don't actually believe that, right?' Maaz asked.
'We don't, but he does. It could very well be a factor that's giving him stress.' James replied.
'But that alone can't be it, right? If he was just stressed he wouldn't get that aggressive that easily, right?' Jaiden asked.
'I don't know what's wrong, but perhaps we should leave him a little for now.' Maaz suggested.

It was raining pretty bad outside. That's why everyone was inside. But Adam threw the door open and walked out into the courtyard. He didn't care that he was immediately soked. Demons couldn't get sick anyways. He saw an empty soda can on the ground and he angrily kicked it away with a growl.
'Just fucking control yourself, man!' He screamed to himself. His vision was clouded by the anger, irritation and frustration he felt. He took a couple of deep breaths that didn't make him feel better whatsoever. He tried to think straight, but very quickly realised that was gonna be harder than he expected. The red moon that would appear that night was already effecting him so strongly.
'Maybe I should just skip. If I'm gonna be snapping at friends and teachers I'm gonna get in trouble. But the angel... I have to stay and try to control myself.' He muttered to himself. He tried to clear up his mind, but his emotions didn't allow that.
'I just gotta stay away from people and conversations today.'
Suddenly another thought appeared in his mind.
The way he felt now, he wasn't gonna be able to properly focus on anything. For school that wouldn't be a problem. He was a demon, he had other ways of passing his classes. But he would really need his focus if he wanted to use his spells tonight. The ones that would trap him while the red moon was risen. That was gonna be a challenge, and if he somehow failed to properly set up the spell...
For the first time since he got up this morning, he felt something other than irritation, anger and frustration. He felt fear. This all seemed to be a lot harder to control than he remembered.

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