Wake up

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The terrified scream still echoed through the streets even after the body of the women Adam just killed fell to the ground. Adam took a moment to enjoy the taste of the blood in his mouth before he got up to continue his hunt. There was more prey to be caught. He flew from rooftop to rooftop to find any sign of life.
'ADAM! ADAM WHERE ARE YOU!' He suddenly heard someone yell. Adam immediately turned towards the sound.
"Prey" he thought as he moved towards the sound with a speed that only a supernatural creature like himself could use.
'ADAM!' He heard again. He dove down into an ally and from the shadows he saw what he was looking for. A young, blonde boy that stood in the middle of the street. In his current state, Adam didn't even recognize the blonde.
'ADAM!' The boy called out again. Adam could hear his voice shaking a little.
'This is stupid. I should go back.' The boy muttered. He was about to turn around when he glanced in Adam's direction and froze. Adam moved a little closer, just enough for his presence to have the streetlights go dark. He closed his eyes and sniffed, trying to smell the nervousness of his prey.
'Adam?' The boy asked hesitantly. The shaking voice and the smell of the boys fear made Adam growl in anticipation and fueled his bloodlust even more. He opened his eyes again to look straight at the boy, who immediately backed away a couple steps, but didn't seem to be able to do anything else. The boy was frozen in fear, which made Adam grin widely, revealing his fangs. When he smelled an even bigger increase in fear, he couldn't wait any longer and with a screech, he charged at the boy. The blonde's legs seemed to start working again as he quickly ran. Adam could smell the tears that started to run down the boys cheeks. With his demon speed, he could easily catch up to the blonde. But he slowed down enough to not immediately get to him. He loved the hunt. He loved how much fear and stress it was bringing his prey. Pretty soon though, he couldn't help himself. He needed blood. He jumped onto the boys back to make him crash against the ground. The blonde turned on his back and started struggling with his eyes closed. His worthless attempts only made Adam chuckle to himself as he held the boy down with his unnatural, demon strength. He could feel the blood from his previous victims and his own drool drip from his chin as he licked his lips. Just as Adam was about to bite down, the blonde opened his eyes and froze in fear again as he looked straight into the demons eyes.
Adam froze too. At first he didn't know why he didn't bite down, but then a voice in the back of his head started yelling at him.
The demon growled as he closed his eyes, trying to shake off whatever was wrong. Either his lack of control, or the voice in his head. He hadn't been able to actually think since the moon had risen, yet a couple of vague memories seemed to play in the back of his mind.
"I can't." Adam thought.
He growled as he tried to back away from the blonde boy, but in reality he didn't move. As soon as he broke eye contact, his body tried everything it could to continue his attack. But his mind, that hadn't actually worked the entire night, was fighting with every little bit of strength it had to not harm the boy underneath him.
He opened his eyes again, and his heart almost broke at the sight of the fearful eyes that were staring back. With the biggest effort he'd ever put into something, Adam managed to control his body enough to let go of the blonde boy. The blonde immediately crawled back up and ran.
"Don't go after him! Don't go after him!" He tried, but failed. He charged back at the boy that was running for dear life. As he got closer, the demon sliced at the boy with his claws, hitting the blonde on his right arm and making him cry out in pain. Adam grabbed the blonde by his injured arm and lifted both himself and his prey in the air using his wings. The boy started struggling again as he cried even more. Suddenly a loud scream cought the demon by surprise, making him jump and drop his prey. Both he and the boy looked over to see a girl around their age frozen in fear staring at the two. The blonde was the first to shake off his surprise as he ran. Adam quickly turned around to see the blonde run into the building with the student dorms. From the corner of his eye Adam saw that the girl started to run away too. He had to choose which prey to follow. Adam turned back around to chase the girl. He preferred hunting outside because he could fly there. His wings were to big to fly inside. He licked his lips in anticipation as he raised his claw to slash down.

Mona walked through the forest. She couldn't find her master when she returned from Hell, so she assumed his spell might have gone wrong, trapping him until someone else could free him. When she got to the rock she knew Adam was gonna cast his spell on, she saw nobody. She quickly inspected the place, but didn't see what part of the spell could've gone wrong. It was all set up perfectly according to her own memory. But her master would never consciously leave this behind.
'ADAM!' She called out as she started to search the forest.
She was already near the edge of the forest when she saw something. A figure laying on the ground on a hillside just past the trees.
'Adam?' She asked as she carefully shook the boy.
Adam opened his eyes and used his hand to shield them from the bright sun. He looked awful and he was completely soaked in blood.
'I'm assuming that means your spell didn't work.' Mona said as she looked at his blood drenched clothes.
'I don't know where I missed, but you try to cast a spell when you're in that mental state.' Adam said defensively.
'Hey, I'm not blaming ya.' Mona replied.
Adam groaned as he got up from the ground. He was having a really bad headache. He walked back into the forest and Mona followed him. Adam picked up the book that was laying right next to his failed spell setup.
'I don't personally see anything wrong with the setup.' Mona commented.
'That's because there is nothing wrong with it. Nor was anything wrong with the spell that kept me in.' Adam said as he flipped through the pages of his book. He stopped, read a short part and started swearing.
'What is it?' Mona asked.
'I messed up on the part of the spell that made it work temporary.' He said. 'I was supposed to say horis, hours. But instead I said minutes. I'm such a fucking idiot!'
'Calm down. Did you harm any of your friends? If no, then you have nothing to worry about. What do you care about those other people?' Mona said.
'I didn't kill any friends, but it was close. I don't like how close. I don't care if the angel will like me less. Next time I'm staying in Hell. It had been so long since I was out during the red moon. I'd forgotten how little control you had and how hard it was the day leading up to it.' Adam replied.
'How many people did you kill? Because if I look at you, I'd say you didn't hold back.' Mona asked.
'Seven adults, four kids and three teens.' Adam replied.
'That's not nothing. I'm impressed.' Mona replied.
'If more people had been out, I would've gotten more. Anyways, I gotta go. I think my roommate will be worried if I don't come back.' Adam muttered.
'You're going back like that? I think you'll be worrying him even more.' Mona pointed out. Adam looked down at his blood soaked body.
'You're right. I might go back to my room in Hell first to quickly change clothes and take a shower.' He said.
In the distance they heard the siren of a police car. They both looked towards the city as they saw red and blue flashing lights at different places.
'Definitely something the police will like. All those bodies, but no clues to catch the culprit. You can't catch a demon. Not like that.' Adam said with a slight chuckle.

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