Bonus chapter

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Author's note: So a couple people told me they wanted to see the reaction of Adam's parents when he told them what happened. I was also kinda sad that this story was over, because I really loved writing it, so I was immediately down to write a bonus chapter. Sorry for the wait, but inspiration didn't come for a while. I hope you like it.

Adam looked around as he entered the house. It had barely changed. The pictures on the walls showed his family older than they had been, but some old pictures were kept. Probably because he was in them. A wave of sadness hit him. Had his family really been hoping to see him again for ten years? Sure, he had missed his family like crazy, but he hadn't really thought about how his family missed him. He knew they probably missed him, but he hadn't thought about how they didn't know what happened. For ten years, they didn't know. Did he run away or did he get kidnapped? Was he healthy somewhere or was he fighting for his life... or maybe even dead.
James and Adam followed Caleb to the living room. As soon as Adam saw his family, he wanted to run up to them, hug them and cry. Instead he stayed calm, hiding his feelings away, just like the demons had taught him. He scanned their faces, looking for any sign of recognition. His mom and dad had been talking near the kitchen and his sister was waiting for Caleb to continue beating him in a video game.
'So, sweetie, who are your friends.' Adam's mom asked. Adam couldn't help but tear up. Hearing his mother's voice... so many memories came flooding his mind.
'That's James... You know, James Rallison, you remember... and here we got... we got AJ that returned home...' Caleb said, not being able to keep himself from tearing up too.
Adam stared at the floor as all the eyes in the room looked at him. He had to say something, but he didn't know what.
'Uh... Hey...' Adam muttered eventually.
'It's been ten fucking years and all you can say IS HEY!' His sister called, but when Adam glanced at her, he could see her smile. His mom walked up to him. She pushed his chin up and looked at him.
'Is it really you, AJ... or am I dreaming again?' She asked tears glistening in her eyes.
'It's me...' Adam whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.
His mom pulled him into a hug, sobbing in his shoulder. That's when Adam couldn't hold it in anymore as he started crying too. He soon felt his dad wrap his arms around them as well and then his brother and sister. James smiled as he looked at the family group hug.
'You've grown up so much...' Mrs. Ortiz said as they eventually pulled away from their embrace.
'It's been a while...' Adam muttered, not really sure what to say.
'Where the hell have you been?!' Caleb asked.
'Oh, boy, where do I start?' Adam chuckled.
Suddenly he felt very nervous. He had been so focused on seeing his family, he hadn't thought about what would happen once he told them what happened. They were very religious... what would they say if they heard he was a demon... if they heard he had worked for Satan... God forgave him, so his family would do that too right, if they listened for longe enough that is. And James? Would they accept James? Would they accept that Adam was gay? He didn't know.

'Want me to help?' James asked.
'Yeah... that would be nice.' Adam sighed.
They all sat down on the couch and James started talking. Adam corrected him every now and then on details, but mainly let the blonde speak. He didn't know how to say these things.
'So then he took the deal... which is why he disappeared... He had to go to Hell to be trained as a demon... and after that he had to work for Satan.' James said.
'So, you two are claiming that demons and satan and angels and stuff like that is real? Did you hit your head on the way in?' Caleb asked.
James glanced at Adam and the dark haired boy knew what the blonde tried to tell him. He got up, took a deep breath, and made his horns, tail and wings appear. He stared shyly at the ground as his family gasped and backed away a little.
'You're... you're actually a demon!?' His sister called.
'Dear God, our son works for the devil. What do we do now?' Mr. Ortiz panicked.
'No! I don't work for Satan anymore!' Adam quickly said, trying to calm his family.
'Anymore? So you did work for him at some point?' Mrs. Ortiz asked.
'The majority of the past ten years...' Adam muttered, trying to ignore the shocked gasps from his family.
'But before you get worried or mad or something, right now he's not working for the devil! Right now he's working for God!' James called.
'You've met God!? And you work for him!?' Caleb whispered in disbelief.
'I mean... I'm not really working for him... like, I'm on his side and he's chill with me and if he asks me anything I'll do it, but it's not like I have the function of an angel or anything.' Adam explained.
'Still... you met God! And Satan! Do you know how insane that is?!' His sister asked.
Adam hadn't really thought about it. For the past years he'd been so used to the idea of Satan and God as these people leading armies of angels and demons, he'd been so used to these supernatural beings existing, he couldn't imagine what shock that must be for people that aren't familiar with that world.

'So how did you go from demon working for the devil, to chilling with God?' Caleb asked.
'I gotta thank Jameson for that.' Adam smiled.
'After ten years, I ran into him again. He was my roommate. I was down the dark path pretty bad, doing stuff I will regret for as long as I live, but James got my mind back to how it was supposed to be. To how I was deep inside. I could pretend to be evil all I wanted, I couldn't be evil around James. He was always there for me... my other friends too. Remember Jaiden? She's an angel. As I started to act more like the person I wanted to be... well Lucifer didn't appreciate that. Once he got sick of me and tried to get rid of me, it was God that saved my life. He couldn't turn me human again, but I'm also not a full demon anymore. He knew I wasn't evil and he gave me a second chance.' Adam explained.
'I knew the lord was looking down on our family.' Mrs. Ortiz said.
'Yeah, sorry for being difficult as a kid when you were acting all religious. But I can reassure you that God does not hate Pokemon or the people that play it. He's actually quite fond of Arceus.'

Time went on as the family talked for hours. James leaned back, following the conversation without giving any input. After ten years, he wanted to give the family a chance to catch up. It was beautiful to see the happiness on all of their faces. James imagined what it would be like if he saw his family again after ten years. He couldn't imagine missing them for so long.
'So Adam, just a random question, can girls become demons too?' Adam's sister suddenly asked.
'You are not becoming a demon!' Her mom called.
'Relax, that's not why I'm asking. I'm just curious.'
'Yeah, girls can be demons. The demon that was my student the past couple years was a girl.'
Adam saw his siblings share a meaningful look, he didn't quite understand.
'So, was she hot? Or were you more interested in one of the other demon girls?' Caleb asked teasingly.
Adam's face turned bright red. Not out of embarrassment, but because of the stress. Should he tell them? He glanced over at James, who also seemed to be a little tens.
'I... uh... I didn't fall for any demon girls, no...' He said eventually.
'And anyone else? A non-demon girl maybe?' His sister asked teasingly.
'Yes, I mean, no, I mean... non-demon yes, girl... no.' Adam muttered.
'What do you mean?' His sister asked.
Adam tried to find the right words, but in the end, he didn't have to.
'Wait, you mentioned this at the door! James is your boyfriend, right?' Caleb said.
Adam and James glanced at each other shyly and nervously.
'Oh, my god.... THAT'S ADORABLE!' Adam's sister exclaimed.
Both Adam and James turned bright red as soon as she said that.
'I suppose that makes you kind of a part of the family, James...' Mrs. Ortiz smiled.
'Why don't you join us for dinner. It's about time to eat.' Mr. Ortiz said.
'And then you can tell us the entire love story between you two!' Adam's sister exclaimed enthusiastically.
'Oh boy...' James laughed. 'That's another long and complicated story to tell.'

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