It's gonna be okay

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Adam nervously walked through the long, dimly lit hallway. He'd been at the demon headquarters plenty of times and he'd even met up with Lucifer multiple times. But it was still nerve wracking to go talk to the devil himself. Adam nervously knocked on the big, wooden doors of Satan's office.
'Come in.' A voice from inside said. A shiver went through Adam's body, but he shook it off and tried looking confident as he entered.
'Ah, there is my young, demon master. Come in, Adam, take a seat.' Lucifer said as he looked at the boy in front of him through his pitch black eyes.
'I hope I'm not interrupting something.' Adam said politely.
'I always have time for you, Adam. You're my star demon after all. So young, yet so good. Your skills aren't matched by any other. Or at least not when they had your age and experience. You've never failed any job I gave you, and that makes you earn some respect.' Lucifer said with a smile that looked more like an evil grin. Adam knew that the man in front of him didn't care for him at all, even though his words might suggest that. He only cared about what Adam gave him. If the boy failed any mission, he knew he was gonna be severely punished. And if there's one thing a demon fears, it's lucifers punishment.
'So, Adam, why did you come see me? It's not because you failed, is it? You've gotten harder missions in the past than this simple recruiting one.' Lucifer asked. His voice sounded like a combination of a kind gentleman and a murderer that was threatening his victim.
'No, I don't do failing, but I just wanted to report an interesting turn my mission took.' Adam replied.
'I'm listening.'
'So, Mona, the girl I'm recruiting, won't be as easily turned to our side as I thought. "Why?" You may ask, because she's being influenced by an angel.' Adam explained. The dark haired boy saw something light up in the eyes of the devil in front of him and he knew he had his masters interest.
'Go on.' Lucifer said, almost whispered, yet it sounded clear in the dark office.
'A friend of her is called Illyssa. I've befriended her as well to try and get closer to Mona. However comma, in the process, I've learned that Illyssa is an angel. I tracked it and right now, there's no demon assigned to her. The last person that tried to hunt her was Lynn and he failed.' Adam continued.
'That's very impressive, Adam. You go out to recruit and come back with the full identity of an angel that even your old master, the high and mighty Lynn, couldn't catch.' Lucifer praised.
'I haven't told you the best part yet. You see, I've managed to manipulate and gaslight the angel so much, that she truly believes I'm a really good person, to the point where she asked me to become an angel. She's trying to recruit me.' Adam explained.
Lucifer started laughing and Adam couldn't help but grin proudly.
'Oh she's up for a surprise. So what is your plan, Adam? How are you gonna approach this?' Lucifer asked.
'The thing that makes the most sense is to take her out. Then we've got an angel down and my target isn't influenced by the wrong side anymore. I had, however, an idea that might be more interesting. Instead of taking the angel down immediately, I wait. I'll play along, pretend to be intrested in the whole angel thing and ask questions. In her attempt to recruit me, she'll give me answers. Information about angels that we might not have yet. New information that we demons can use against the angels we hunt. If she trusts me enough to wanna make me an angel, she'll trust me enough to tell me those things. And as soon as I have the information I need, I take her out and pull Mona into our camp.' Adam explained.
'You see, that, Adam, is why you are so respected as a demon. Instead of following the logical approach that everybody can think of and get your work done, you go for an approach that gives you even more. There is no doubt that the information you can collect is of unimaginable value. You're now officially assigned to that angel and you're free to do this your way. With your talent, we can get information we couldn't even dream of. Don't mess this up!' Lucifer replied.
'Have I ever messed anything up before?' Adam asked confident.
'Exactly! Don't make this the first time! I want regular updates and as soon as you have the information you bring it directly to me. The sooner it spreads the better. You don't need to plan a meeting, just come straight here. Knock first. Got it?'
Adam nodded.
'I'll see you soon with the result. If you manage to do this, I can guarantee you'll be promoted.'
Adam smiled. That sounded like music to his ears.

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