Who is it?

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'I can't believe you'd think we'd abandon you just because you were a demon.' Maaz laughed as the squad was walking down the street.
'I mean, can you blame me for thinking that? Demons don't have a very good reputation.' Adam replied.
'We know you better than that.' Rush said with a wink.
'Even with everything I did?' Adam asked timidly.
'The question is, how much of that was your own choice. Demons can't disobey Satan and they can't control themselves during the red moon. I kinda feel bad for them. They might not wanna harm others at all.' Jaiden said.
'The thing is, most demons don't mind. This whole thing sort of... makes you lose your soul and stuff. But not me. Or at least not yet. I'm too young. We're immortal. Even twenty years is like the blink of an eye in the life of a demon. And I'm not even twenty years old yet. I'm very young for a demon so you can bet your silly ass that I wouldn't ever even dream of hurting anyone.' Adam explained.
'We know. You're a good guy and we trust you.' Laddi smiled.
'Can I ask you a question, Adam? The necklaces you gave us to protect us. Does it hurt when you come near us when we're wearing them?' James asked.
'Kinda, yeah. It's why I told you to only wear them during the red moon. While the story I told about the toxins in the volcano is true, those stones aren't from a vulcano. They're straight from Hell. So if you were to wear them 24/7, it wouldn't harm you. But it would keep me away.' Adam explained.
'What's it like when you're near them?' Maaz asked curiously.
'It's like being near fire. The closer I get, the more it burns. If I were to actually touch it, it would burn real bad. Not as in fire or acid, but much worse. So if I stay at a far enough distance, it's more of a comfortable warmth than pain.' Adam explained.
'That explains why you so desperately wanted us to only wear them during the red moon.' Maaz said. Adam nodded and was about to reply when he suddenly froze in his tracks.
'Adam? What's wrong?' James asked worried.
Adam turned around and looked at the direction they came from before scanning the entire street around them.
'This way.' He muttered before diving into an alleyway, the others following confused. The alleyway led to a tall, brick wall they couldn't get passed. Adam went to stand in between his friends and the street they came from, his arms spread protectively as his eyes scanned the area around him.
'What's going on?' James asked nervously.
'We're being followed.' Adam muttered.
'Followed? How do you know?' Maaz asked.
'Demon senses.' Adam replied.
For a moment everyone in the alley was quiet.
'I know you're there! Show yourself!' Adam called out. He didn't change into his demon form yet, not wanting to accidentally scare his friends or be seen. He was ready to make his claws appear if it would turn into a fight though.
'Where is it?' James asked.
'I don't know.' Adam replied, still staring intensely at the alley in front of him.
'Can't your demon senses see that?' Rush asked.
'No, I can just feel someone is following us.'
The atmosphere was tense.
'Last time I'm saying it, show yourself!' The Adam called.
Suddenly a figure appeared right in front of them, making Adam's friends jump in surprise, but making the demon sigh and roll his eyes.
'Why was that neccessary, Mona?' The dark haired boy asked annoyed.
'I'm just messing with you.' Mona laughed.
'Well don't! Have I ever told you what happened when I first tried to mess around with Lynn?'
'You did. But you also told me that you're going easy on me.'
'Exactly! Don't make me change my mind about that. What do you want, Mona?'
Mona looked over Adam's shoulder at his friends, who were awkwardly following the conversation.
'Can I talk to you alone for a second?' Mona asked.
'Fine. I'll be right back.' Adam said before making his wings appear and taking off to the nearest rooftop, his student following him.
'What did you wanna say?' He asked as he landed.
'It's about the spell.' Mona said.
'Did it go wrong, again? Mona, I swear if you keep messing up the simple instructions I give you...'
'No, no, no, don't worry. The spell is doing fine. In fact, it should be done tomorrow. The thing is... I won't be here to see the result, because tomorrow I was gonna go... take care of some business.'
Adam raised an eyebrow.
'What business?' He asked.
'You know... girl stuff.' Mona replied, trying to avoid the question.
'You're going to visit your little brother, aren't you?'
'How did you know?'
'I have an excellent memory, Mona. I remember it's his birthday. I know you care about him. But you shouldn't visit him. I haven't seen my family in years. It'll be only harder to leave and it'll just cause more heartache.'
'I know you don't want me to go, but... this is really important to me, Adam. Please, can I go?'
'I can't just let you do whatever you want, Mona. I'm already not nearly as strict as a demon master should be. I don't want to train a weak demon.'
'It's the last time, Adam. Please... I promised him I would take him for paintball when he turned ten. Come on, Adam, please...'
'Fine! But this will be the last time, got it! And I'm not waiting for you to finish the spell. I'm tired of running in circles. I want to get that angel and take her down. You're gonna miss the best part.'
'Thank you, Adam. I won't forget this. And I promise it's the last time.'
'Yeah, yeah. Just go already. And don't sneak up on me and my friends next time. Just give me a call instead.' Adam muttered before he flew down from the roof to join his friends again.
'Who was that?' James asked, trying to hide the jealousy in his voice, but not fully succeeding. Adam smirked at the blonde.
'Don't worry, little marshmallow. She's a demon partner, but nothing more than that. Lucifer ditched her with me. No need for that jealous look. I don't like her. I fall for guys, remember.' The demon said before winking, making James blush slightly.
'You could like both...' the blonde muttered and Adam laughed.
'Don't worry, marshmallow. There's no one that could make me lose my love for you. You'll always be my number one.'

Adam felt his heart racing in anticipation as he added the final ingredient to the potion. Finally, after Mona messed it up three consecutive times, it was done. Finally he could find the angel and take her down. He was almost shaking in excitement as he took the angel feather, careful to not get any angel dust in his hands. He slowly dipped the feather in the potion and started using it to stir. As the potion was swirling around, it started to change color. It got lighter and lighter until he could see through it, but he didn't see the bottom of the cauldron the potion was in. Instead it was as if he stared through a window. Vague, blurry characters appeared and Adam patiently waited for the one person that would be in focus. There she was, her name written in red, fiery letters above her head. A name Adam recognized immediately... A face Adam recognized immediately. For a solid minute, he stared at the potion, frozen, his mind trying to comprehend what he saw.
'It can't be... No it can't be her...' He muttered in shock.
'It can't be Jaiden...'
He backed away from the cauldron until his back hit the wall behind him. What now? There was no way he could just take her out. It was Jaiden. She was his friend. She was the friend of his friends. He had been so scared they would hate him for who he was, but if he killed Jaiden, they would definitely hate him. And on top of that, he didn't wanna kill her. She was his friend. But why? Why was she so okay with him being a demon? If she's an angel, she must know what demons are really like. Any other angel would've fled far away from him. Any other angel would've reported him in heaven, making it so much harder to get an angel's trust. Maybe they would even try to take him out. But not for a single second did Jaiden show fear, or distrust, or nervousness. Even though she was an angel in the presence of a demon. She must really trust him. Angels usually don't trust easily. They're terrified of demons.
'No!' He muttered.
'There's no way I'm taking Jaiden down... She didn't act on me being a demon, so I won't act on her being an angel... I just have to make sure Mona doesn't find out...'
Adam walked back to the cauldron, taking the feather out of the potion.
'Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm so screwed!' Adam cursed. 'If I don't show any results, I'll lose my status as the demon that never fails and Lucifer will punish me.'
He shivered at the thought. When he had talked back, Lucifer told him he went easy on him. But Adam doubted if he'd do that again. He was terrified of Lucifer's punishment. What was he gonna tell Mona. She would probably see right through him. No, he couldn't remember this. No matter how much trouble it would be later, he had to forget what he saw.
Adam took the cauldron and threw it on the floor, spilling the potion everywhere. He then took the feather and put it on the concrete floor, before pulling out a lighter and setting the feather on fire. He walked over to a mirror. He'd never tried hypnosis on himself before. He rarely used it on other people either because of the unpleasant side effects. Yet, he had to forget what he saw. Adam stared into his own eyes, trying to see past them. He focused as hard as he could on the memory he tried to forget. He stared at his own eyes intensely, soon starting to feel dizzy. He almost fell over and had to grab the edge of the mirror to prevent himself from falling.
'What happened?' He asked out loud. He turned around and his jaw dropped.
'No!' He screamed, running towards the burning feather on the floor, stomping on it to try in extinguish the flames.
'Fuck!' He yelled as he stared at the ashes on the ground. The feather would be unusable for another spell.
'How did this happen?!' Adam asked himself.
'The angel must have gotten in and done this before I could see who she was. Damn it!'
Adam kicked the cauldron on the floor away and groaned. Why didn't he remember how he got here? And why did he have such a bad headache?

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