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Warning: Brief violence, it's not too bad, but just to be sure I thought I'd mention it in case you're sensitive to that.

Adam and James were laying down in the grass, looking at the sky. James was cuddled up against Adam's chest and had his face buried in the demon's hoodie. Adam had his arms wrapped around the blonde, holding him close. When Adam first became a demon, he had genuinely believed that he'd never be happy again. Yet he had never felt as happy as he was now. He took a deep breath, inhaling the blonde's scent. It made him feel so peaceful. He knew he'd do anything to protect his little marshmallow. When he looked down, he saw the most adorable little smile on the blonde's face. James had his eyes closed, but Adam didn't think he was asleep. The demon couldn't help but smile happily as he closed his eyes as well, pulling the blonde just a little closer to him. Suddenly he felt the James's lips softly press against his own. Right when he opened his eyes, the blonde pulled away again.
'You call that a kiss?' Adam chuckled before pulling the blonde into a much more passionate one. Their tongues battled for dominance, to which Adam won. He rolled over and climbed on top of the blonde as they made out heavily.
'I hope I'm not interrupting.' A voice from behind them asked. Adam and James immediately pulled away from each other and Adam got off of the blonde, blushing heavily, but trying to hide it.
Mona was staring at them, her expression impossible to read.
'I told you that if you had something important to say, you should call me instead of sneak up on me!' Adam said, trying to sound mad, yet he felt more embarrassment than anger.
'You weren't picking up your phone...' Mona shrugged.
'Give us a second, love.' Adam said to James, walking over to the female demon and starting to whisper.
James just stayed down on the ground, looking at the two demons with interest, yet he couldn't hear what they were saying. Adam seemed a little annoyed though.

'I'm sorry, marshmallow, but I gotta go.' Adam said as he walked back to the blonde, reaching out a hand to help him get back up.
'It's okay. Duty calls.' James replied, taking the demon's hand and getting up from the ground.
'This shouldn't take too long, I'll see you tonight.' Adam said before his wings appeared and he took off, turning invisible to make sure other people wouldn't see him fly.
'Don't you need to go with him?' James asked Mona when he realized she was still there.
'I told him I need to take care of something first.' Mona replied.
'Well, don't let me stop you.' James said as he was about to walk past her, but he was stopped when she put ther hand against his chest and pushed him back.
'I wanted to talk to you, James.' She said seriously.
'Me? What do you wanna talk to me about?'
'Adam... I wanna warn you for him.'
'Warn me?'
'He's not who you think he is, James. I know you're not gonna believe me when I say this, but I can't forgive myself if I just sit by and do nothing. Adam is a heartless, manipulative monster that has never in his life loved anyone.'
'Watch your words! That's my boyfriend you're talking about!'
'Who's boyfriend do you think he was before that?'
James opened his mouth to reply, but realized he didn't know what to say. Adam never mentioned any past relationships. But what did that have to do with any of her accusations.
'Let me tell you a story, James. The story of how Adam recruited me to become a demon. You see, I had a best friend that was an angel, so he had to be as subtle as possible. He was acting just so sweet and charming, it didn't take long before I fell head over heels for him. Even my angel friend Illyssa trusted him. But that one was a mistake. He used her to get sensitive information about angels and when he didn't need her anymore, he took her out. He didn't kill Illy, he destroyed her. To me he said that she left without ever saying goodbye. I was heartbroken and he was the only one there to support me, but in reality he just manipulated me into believing he was everything I had. He eventually convinced me to become a demon and after that he explained how it had all just been a manipulative trick. He never loved me. I sure wasn't the first person to fall for it. And if I can believe my eyes, it looks like I'm not the last one either. Listen here, sugarcube. He has never loved anyone. He didn't love me, he doesn't love you. He's just manipulating you to get you to eventually do whatever he wants.'

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