Taking flight

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'You okay?' James asked as he sat down at the edge of Adam's bed, looking at his boyfriend worriedly. Adam groaned and pulled his blanket over his head.
'Hey, what's wrong?' James asked, pulling the blanket away again.
'I've got a really bad headache...' Adam mumbled.
'Do you need a painkiller or something?' James asked. Adam looked the blonde in the eyes, giving him a look that told the blonde he'd said something that didn't make sense.
'Normal medication doesn't really work in demons?' Adam said when he realized the blonde probably didn't know that.
'Oh, really? Is there some sort of painkiller for demons than?'
'No, not really. We've got healing abilities, so the fact that I'm having this headache is a little weird. It might just be from stress.'
'What's stressing you out?'
'Some chaos at work...'
A silence fell over the two boys.
'When you talk about work... do you mean working for the devil?'
A new silence followed.
'... yeah. I do...'
'Are... are you...'
James almost couldn't get the words out.
'Are you... killing... people?'
'Ofcourse not! I've told you many times now, Jameson. Demons don't just thrive on murder. In fact, I only kill when absolutely necessary.'
'So... you have killed people before?'
Another beat of silence went between them more uncomfortable than the last one.
'...yes. I have killed people... I'm sorry, James...'
The blonde nodded, his mind racing, not knowing what to think.
'It's just... I know you, Adam... I love you... It's hard for me to believe that you would...'
'I know... I don't want to though! Believe me, I didn't get much of a choise with this... I would've preferred it if I never had to become a demon.'
'How long have you been one?'
'About ten years... it's why I had to leave when we were little. I didn't go to a different state. I had to leave all my friends and family to go to Hell.'
'But why?'
'To be trained to be a demon.'
'No, I mean, why did you have to become a demon in the first place?'
Adam stayed silent, memories flooding his mind. He felt scared, broken, scarred, alone, twisted, messed up and so full of doupt. He hadn't had a choise. He never had a choise. The alternative would've been so much worse.
'I don't think that's a story you're ready for...' Adam said eventually.
'But Adam, I can take it! I'm not a little child!'
'It's not about age, it's about... ignorance is bliss... believe me, you don't wanna know.'
The blonde stared at the floor, knowing that any other attempts to get the story would probably fail anyways.
'Maybe some rest will help with your headache... let me know if you need anything.' James said as he got up. Adam quickly placed a kiss on the blonde's lips and smiled.
'Thank you... I love you, my little marshmallow.'
'I love you too.'

The squad was walking through a forest. They were going for a picnic because they all loved the outdoors and spent way to much time inside animating.
'I'm glad you could join after all.' Maaz said.
'Yeah, me too. I wasn't sure at first since I've been having a horrible headache all week, but it's better now.' Adam replied.
'Glad to hear that, I was worried.' James said, but when he turned to look at Adam, he didn't see him.
'What the...' he began, but then Adam appeared out of nowhere in front of him again, getting a startled scream from the blonde, making Adam laugh.
'Jump scares? Really? That's low...' James grumbled.
'Maybe, but I thought it was funny.' Adam laughed.
'I don't know... it kinda makes me feel a little uncomfortable if you use your demon powers against us... even if it's just turning invisible...' Laddi muttered. She hadn't forgotten her fear during the red moon.
'That's not really using against you...' Adam defended.
'I mean, you used it to scare him.' Jaiden said.
'Fine... I promise I'll never use my powers against you. But that doesn't mean I'm not using them in front of you.' Adam replied before making his wings appear and taking off to hover over their heads.
'But what if someone sees you?' Rush asked.
'There's no one in this forest. As long as I don't go higher than the trees, I'm fine.' Adam replied.
'That flying does look really cool. I wished I could fly.' Laddi said.
'Oh really?' Adam smirked before grabbing her arms and lifting her into the air.
'See, you're flying now!' Adam laughed flying away between the trees and circling around for a bit.
'This is both terrifying and awesome!' Laddi exclaimed.
'Don't worry, I won't drop you.' Adam chuckled. He put Laddi back down with the rest of the squad and smirked.
'Anyone else wanna try?' Adam asked.
'No thanks, I'm good.' Jaiden replied.
'Hell, yeah! I wanna fly!' Rush exclaimed.
'Me too!' Maaz added.
After Adam took the both of them flying he looked over to James.
'You wanna try, marshmallow?' He asked.
'Sure, but don't go too high.' James replied.
'You scared?' Adam asked.
'No!... maybe a little.' James replied blushing a little.
'Don't worry... I won't let anything happen to you.'
Adam wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist and lifted him into the air, flying away.
'I gotta admit, this is pretty cool!' James smiled.
'Just you wait until you see this!' Adam exclaimed before flying straight up. James closed his eyes, a little scared of how high they were getting.
'Open your eyes...' Adam whispered.
'I don't know, Adam. I don't like being this high!'
'Do you trust me?'
'Then open your eyes...'
James hesitated for a couple seconds before he slowly opened his eyes. He gasped when he saw they were flying just above the tree tops. It looked like a sea of green leaves and it was beautiful.
'This is gorgeous!' James whispered.
'I know... that's why I wanted to show you...'
'I'd almost wanna become a demon, just to be able to do this.'
'No you don't! Believe me, that's not worth it. And if you so desperately want wings, I'd suggest trying to be an angel before you'd even consider being a demon.'
'I don't think Satan will like you saying that.'
'Don't worry, marshmallow, he doesn't know what I'm telling you. It's not like he can hear everything we say. Right now it's a moment just between you and me.'
'A beautiful moment between you and me.'
James turned his head a little and gave Adam a kiss on his jaw. Because of he way the demon was holding him, he couldn't reach any higher. It was enough to make Adam blush though.
'The most beautiful moment between you and me.' He whispered before giving the blonde a kiss on his head. James blushed a little too. He took a deep breath of fresh air and let his hand glide over the tips of the highest leaves.
Adam smiled, feeling so at ease here up in the sky with James being safe and happy.

Suddenly a loud bang echoed through the forest. Adam groaned as he felt a sharp pain in his leg.
'ADAM!' James screamed. That's when the demon noticed they were falling. He tried flapping his wings, but it didn't work. It was as if his wings weren't there at all, even though he could see them.
'Hold on tight!' Adam screamed. He tried grabbing the branches from the trees, but most of them immediately snapped. He managed to grab a strong enough branch and stop their fall.
'You okay?' He asked the blonde.
'I'm fine... what happened?' James asked.
'I don't know'
'Adam, your leg! It's bleeding!'
'I know, I can see it. And feel it.'
Adam pulled himself up and James grabbed a nearby branch so their weight wasn't on one branch.
Adam inspected the wound in his leg. He saw something glistening inside.
'What is that?' James asked.
'It seems like a bullet.' Adam replied. He started digging in the wound, groaning a bit because it hurted, but then he pulled out something metal.
'That's disgusting...' James said as he turned his head away from the bloody bullet.
'It's the only way it'll heal.' Adam replied as he wiped away the blood to inspect the bullet.
'So if you get shot, you can't fly anymore? Good to know.' James muttered.
'It's not the fact that I got shot. It's the thing I got shot with.' Adam said, throwing the bullet on the ground so it would stop burning his fingers.
'What do you mean?' James asked.
'It's made from silver and in the tip it has a small piece of the same stones from your necklaces. That's why it hurt so much and that's why I briefly couldn't fly.' Adam explained.
'You seem to not be that bothered for someone that just got shot.'
'It happens more often than you'd expect. There are a lot of demon hunters out there. But now the bullet is out of my system, it should heal in no time. We shouldn't stay here though. Whoever shot that bullet might still be around. Let's find the others and go.' Adam explained. He spread his wings and flew over to James, carefully grabbing him and flying down, landing safely on the ground.
Adam started walking in a direction James assumed was going towards their friends. The blonde's mind was racing. There were demon hunters? How dangerous were they? If they know about Adam's weaknesses, they must be a pretty big thread. Did that mean the boy he loved was in danger?

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