The final truth

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As soon as James opened his eyes again, he lost balance. He almost fell and had to keep himself up using the bars Adam was locked behind. The demon looked at the blonde slightly worried. Jaiden looked at the two in confusion, since she hadn't seen the memories. For a minute or two, everyone was silent. James's mind was racing a mile a minute.
'W-what would've happened if y-you hadn't done that?' James asked eventually.
'Knowing Lynn... he would've tortured you into insanity before brutally murdering you... I couldn't let that happen.' Adam replied carefully.
'Did you know what you were getting yourself into?' The blonde asked, looking up at the demon.
'Yeah... or at least, kinda. I learned as much about demons as quickly as possible because I wanted to figure out where you were and how to save you. I knew I couldn't take on a demon and I knew the adults wouldn't believe me. I knew what was waiting for someone that became a demon... but I didn't just become a demon... I became Lynn's student. And that guy really teaches you what suffering is...'
The two boys turned silent again, neither of them liking the thought of what would've happened to James had Adam not done what he did.
'If you're staying here to hide from Lucifer... can... can I come and visit you?' James muttered after a bit. Jaiden and Adam shared a nervous glance, which made the blonde feel very uncomfortable.
'What is it?' He asked.
'Heaven has some sort of... energy. Similar to the way Hell has some weird type of energy. An energy that is supposed to keep angels out. Or if we're talking about heaven... an energy that's supposed to keep demons out...' Adam explained sadly.
'Than it's not doing a really good job, right? I mean... you're here.' James said, but he didn't like the sad look Adam gave him.
'James... this place... it's toxic to me. I may not feel it now, but in about a week... I'll be too sick to live...' Adam whispered.
James felt his heart drop.
'You're gonna die?!' He asked.
Adam didn't look at the blonde. He couldn't. He didn't wanna see him hurt.
'There has to be another way!' James cried, tears falling on heaven's white floor.
'There isn't. Either I die here from the toxins of heaven, or I land in Lucifer's claws and die a horrible, painful and slow death.... or I just ask God to finish me off quickly and painlessly.' Adam muttered, still avoiding the blonde's eyes.
'NO! ADAM, I CAN'T LOSE YOU!' James cried, reaching out to the demon through the metal bars.
'James, there's nothing you can do...' Adam whispered.
The blonde fell down on his knees and leaned against the metal bars, crying.
Adam sat down on the ground next to him, holding his hand, but being careful not to touch the burning metal.
'I love you, James... but you're gonna have to let me go...' He whispered.
'No! Adam, I can't!'
'But you'll have to...'
'No... I need you... I... I can't do this without you, Adam...'
'Listen here, marshmallow, you gotta promise to always have that necklace I gave you close to you. It'll protect you from demons. I have a feeling you grabbed some attention in Hell because of me... I'm really sorry about that. I want you to keep the necklace with you and tell the others to do the same. Keep them safe and... take good care of Thurnis when I'm gone.'
'No, Adam, don't say those things! I don't want you to go! You can't go!'
'I'm so sorry, James...'
Adam wiped a couple tears away as he let the blonde's hand go. He backed away a little, hiding in the shadows.
'No, Adam!' James cried out, reaching between the metal bars, but not able to get to the demon. Adam stared at the floor. He couldn't bare to see the blonde hurt like that.
'Jaiden? Can you call your boss? I wanna ask him for his mercy. If he finishes it... at least it will be without suffering.' He asked.
Jaiden looked from the broken, crying, blonde boy to the scared and hurt demon. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe Adam gave up. But she didn't see a different solution either.
'I'm already here.' An unfamiliar voice said. The three teens looked up to see a man all three recognized. Jaiden knew him, Adam and James had seen images. It was God himself.

'Can you leave me alone with the boys for a moment, Jaiden?' God spoke.
'If... if you're gonna kill him... at least let me say goodbye.' Jaiden said.
'Don't worry, I'm not ending it right now.' God spoke. Jaiden nodded. She looked over to the two boys before she turned around again and left.
'Adam was your name, right, young demon?' God asked.
Adam nodded, avoiding God's eyes and feeling a little intimidated.
'Did I hear it correctly? You want me to end it? Otherwise Lucifer will get you?' God asked.
'I know I'm a demon... I don't deserve your mercy. Yet I beg for it.' Adam muttered, staring at the floor.
'Why in the world would you think you don't deserve it, young demon?' God asked.
'I'm a demon. I'm the bad guy. I'm your enemy.' Adam muttered.
'Only one of those three things is true, young demon. You're not a bad person and you're not my enemy.'
'But I'm a demon!'
'Yet you're not evil. When young Jaiden first told me her friend was a demon, she begged me not to make her change locations. She was very convincing, telling me the story of a demon that couldn't possibly be evil. Even when you learned she was an angel twice, your first action was preventing her from harm caused by another demon. Lucifer wouldn't be after you if you truly were on his side.'
'But I've done so many bad things!'
'Good people can make the wrong choices. You may think you're a bad person, but you're absolutely not. Do you know why I'm so sure you're good?'
Adam shook his head.
'Because of him.' God said as he pointed at James.
'Me? What did I do?' James asked confused.
'You love... or more specifically, young Adam loves you. Demons are taught they lose their souls over time, their ability to care and love. It's not completely true. They lose their souls because of the bad stuff they do. More specifically, because they start to enjoy the bad stuff they do. Falling in love after being a demon for over ten years... it's quite remarkable. You really are something else, aren't you?' God explained.
'So... does that mean you're willing to end it for me without the suffering of heaven's toxins or whatever Satan has planned for me?' Adam asked.
'For fuck's sake, YOU'RE GOD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! There's gotta be something you can do! Adam only became a demon because I was in danger! Where were the angels to protect me then? Where were they when Adam had to give up everything for me?' James shouted.
'Jameson... please... It's okay. I know it hurts, but there is no other way...' Adam whispered as he reached for the blonde between the metal bars and held his hand.
'There is something I can do.' God spoke slowly.
'Wait really?' Adam and James asked in unison, looking up at God.
'Yes. After all, to put it in your own words, I'm God for crying out loud.' He chuckled.
'What is it you can do? Is it a way where he won't die?' James asked.
'It is. I have, to certain extent, the ability to reverse the demon process.' God replied.
'Reverse the demon process? As in, turn him back into a normal human?' James asked.
'What do you mean by, certain extent?' Adam asked suspiciously.
'You might keep some... abilities. The horns, wings and tail. But you can hide those by shifting to your human form. Your full demon form won't be accessible anymore, but your half form will be. So you can just live like a normal human back on earth.' God explained.
'But if Lucifer is looking for him, he won't be safe there.' James muttered.
'I'm repeating your words again. I'm God for crying out loud. I can give him protection. I only ask one thing in return.' God spoke.
'Anything.' Adam said, sounding a little desperate.
'Use the abilities you keep for good. If someone is in need, help them.' God spoke.
'Ofcourse!' Adam replied.
'Then I suppose there will be one less demon and one more good human... kinda.' God said.

Adam and James stood in front of a house.
'Are you okay?' James asked.
'A little nervous.' Adam replied.
'It'll be okay. I'm sure they will be so happy.' James said.
'I hope so.' Adam muttered before he rang the doorbell. The two boys waited for a bit, but then the door opened.
'What can I do for you?' The boy in the doorway asked.
'Uh... hi. I'm... uh.' Adam tried to speak, but he seemed to be to nervous to talk. The boy looked at him, squinting his eyes for a bit. Then his eyes grew wide.
'AJ? Is that you?' He asked.
'It's been while, isn't it, Caleb.' Adam chuckled nervously.
'AJ!' Caleb exclaimed before he pulled his big brother into an embrace.
'It's good to see you again too, buddy.' Adam muttered.
'Dude! It's been ten years! Where the hell have you been!?' Caleb asked emotionally.
'Oh, boy. That's... uh... that's quite the story. Is everyone home? I'd like to explain it all at once.' Adam said.
'Yeah, you caught us the one time the entire family is home. They'll be so excited to see you again! After ten years, you finally came back.' Caleb replied.
'Yeah... believe me, it's a pretty crazy story to tell. Can we come in?' Adam asked.
'We?' Caleb asked. He looked over to James as if he only now noticed the blonde was there.
'This is James.' Adam explained.
'Did he disappear together with you? No, I could've sworn I saw him around at school. And if the Rallison's had lost a child, I would've heard about it.' Caleb wondered out loud.
'No, James didn't dissapear. We just ran into each other again and now he's my boyfriend.' Adam explained.
'He's your... oh, uh, I...I didn't know you were... uh, congratulations. Now come in, we've been waiting, hoping and praying for ten years. It's time for some answers.' Caleb said as he stepped aside so the boys could come in. James noticed Adam excitedly wagging his tail. He hadn't even realised the dark haired boy had made it appear again. Boy, was his family up for a surprise. He may not be a demon anymore, he could still make himself look like one. Or maybe he was still a demon, but just not Lucifer's demon anymore. A different kind of demon. One that lived like a human but could make wings, a tail and horns apear. A weird kind of demon. An odd demon.

The end

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