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'He's on your list!' Adam said, panick running through his veins.
'That list protects him from harm, not from recruitment. He's already your friend and you're a master when it comes to manipulation. I don't think you'll need a lot of time for this one. It'll be a good chance to come back from your recent failure. Now, off you go. I have more business to attend to.'
As soon as Adam left the office, he ran. He didn't go back to earth, instead he ran to his room in Hell. He locked the door as soon as he entered and started panicking.
This couldn't be happening! This couldn't be true! There was no way he was gonna recruit James! No way he'd stain that boy's pure and innocent soul! But how much choice did he have? It was a test. He knew it was a test. Lucifer knew he was disobeying and losing loyalty. It was a test. He wanted to know if Adam would do this. If he did, Lucifer would drop his suspicion. If he didn't, it would be over. Satan doesn't have any use for disobeying demons. He wouldn't just torture Adam, he would destroy him.
"But if James becomes a demon, you'll be forever together." A voice in the back of his mind said.
'No!' Adam said out loud, shaking off the thought. It wasn't worth it. He would never let James go through the crap he went through. He'd never do that to the blonde.
"If James is a demon, he'll never doupt how evil or good you are. It's the only way for him to really understand you." The voice in his mind pointed out.
Adam shook his head to try and get rid of the thought. He couldn't do that. Recruiting James would be selfish. No, he hadn't lied when he said he'd die to protect the blonde. It was a test... and Adam knew he was gonna fail it.

James carefully opened the door to Adam's bedroom. Breakfast was ready, but the demon was still asleep. The dark haired boy was sleeping in his boxers, with his blanket mostly off his body. He was laying on his stomach with one arm wrapped around his pillow and the other dangling over the side of his bed. His horns were the first thing that caught James off guard. Aside from that, the demon had his wings folded on his back and his tail dangling over the side of his bed, long enough to have a part of it lay on the floor. James looked at the demon in awe. He'd only seen Adam like this once, when he first learned he was a demon. Adam had fled quickly, so James hadn't really had the chance to properly see him in his half-demon form. James slowly reached to touch the demon's wing, when suddenly Adam moved and groaned, startling the blonde and making him pull his hand back.
'James? What are you doing?' Adam asked as he rubbed his eyes.
'Breakfast is ready, but you were still asleep.' James explained, not able to keep his eyes off of the demon's horns. Adam noticed and chuckled.
'It actually requires a little bit of effort to stay in either my human form or my demon form, so sometimes, when I'm asleep or something, I'll change into my half-form because my body is resting.' Adam explained.
'I haven't seen you like this since I first learned you were a demon and I didn't really get a good look then.' James muttered.
Adam chuckled and got up.
'Feel free to look and ask questions.' He said.
James carefully touched the demon's horns as he looked at them.
'They're really strong, you know. You can't just break them. Even a chainsaw wouldn't be able to damage them. Unless it was enchanted. But who would enchant a chainsaw?' Adam explained.
'You can have enchanted weapons? Like in minecraft?' James asked.
'Ofcourse you link it with games again. An enchantment doesn't make a weapon stronger. It is able to fuse something with the weapon. If you fuse for example angel dust with a chainsaw, it wouldn't have any trouble slicing through my horns and it would hurt like hell in the process.' Adam explained.
'And your wings?' James asked as he carefully touched the demon's big, batlike wings. They looked rough, but they felt actually kinda soft.
'What about them?' Adam asked.
'Do you have anything interesting to say about them? How do they work?' James asked.
'They're wings. I flap them and they lift me into the air. Though the laws of physics have less effect on supernatural creatures, it's still pretty straightforward.'
'Wait, the laws of physics have less effect on supernatural creatures?'
'Yeah, I've been wanting to pull that fact out against the teacher during physics class, but unfortunately I'm supposed to keep my demon identity a secret.'
'And your tail? What's that for?'
'I don't know. Most flying creatures need their tail for balance, but we don't. I have absolutely no idea what purpose they have. If I use it, I kinda see it as a third arm. Say I'm carrying a bunch of stuff in my arms and need to close the door behind me, I'll wrap my tail around the doorknob and pull it shut.'
'Can I... touch it?' James asked.
Adam nervously flicked his tail back and forth a bit before he reached it out to the blonde. James carefully held it and looked at it. Adam's tail was very long and just like the wings, it felt soft. The end had an arrow shape and James wondered if the sharp point could be used as a weapon. Adam bit his lip as he watched James mess with his tail.
'Isn't it in the way sometimes? Like, it's pretty long.' The blonde asked.
'Not really. It's very flexible and I can always make it dissapear by turning into my human form.' Adam replied.
'It's softer than I expected.' James said as he rubbed the tail, causing the demon to let out a soft moan. James looked up in surprise.
'You like that, don't you?' He asked.
Adam blushed and stared at the floor. James smirked and pulled the demon closer, kissing him deeply while rubbing his tail that was moving restlessly. Adam not only wrapped his arms around the blonde, but also his wings, holding James close as if he was in some sort of cocoon. The demon softly moaned into the kiss as James rubbed his tail. The blonde slowly let his hand slide down the demon's chest. Suddenly Adam pushed James down on the bed and crawled on top of the blonde. His eyes were glowing and his tail was wagging as he stared into the blonde's lustful eyes.

Almost two months had gone by since Adam had gotten his new assignment and he hadn't even tried once to recruit James. He wasn't going to. He'd protect the blonde, even if that would cause his own end. He had tried to spend as much time with James as possible. He didn't know how much longer he'd have.
Adam woke up from the sunlight that escaped from behind the curtains. James was cuddled up against his chest and he held the blonde close in his arms, also wrapping his wings around him. He closed his eyes again to try and enjoy the moment. He didn't know how many more would come. Suddenly the blonde moved a little and groaned before his eyes opened.
'Good morning.' Adam whispered, feeling like it was too early to talk loud.
'G-good m-morning.' James replied.
'Are you okay, marshmallow? You look a little... nervous?' The demon asked.
'I'm fine... I just had a nightmare... Adam? As a demon, you're immortal right?'
'Well I can be killed with the right weapons, but I won't die from age or other typical things humans die from.'
'Does that mean that, when I eventually die, you'll have to live with that loss forever?'
Adam didn't immediately reply. He didn't know what to say. The truthful answer was no. If Adam didn't recruit James, Lucifer would make sure he wasn't around anymore for James's death. But in theory, if Satan didn't kill him, he would be without his love forever.
'Adam... is there any way I can prevent you from hurting if I were to die?'
'What if... what if I became immortal myself? Then we'd be forever together. If I were to become a demon then...'
'What do you mean?'
'You're not becoming a demon, James. I won't allow that!'
'Why not?'
'Jameson, your soul is so pure and innocent. I won't let that get tainted with the touch of Hell. Besides, I won't let you go through the suffering of becoming a demon. By now you know I need to do horrible things without having a choice. I endure terrible torture if I fail anything. I won't let you go through that.'
'But it's the only way for us to be forever together.'
'Believe me James, there is nothing I want more than for us to be forever together, but it can't happen. You have no idea what you'd get yourself into.'
'You became a demon for me, Adam. How is this any different?'
'Because I saved your life with it. It's not worth it. I would never be able to forgive myself if you fell pray to Lucifer.'
'But wouldn't it be worth it if we could be forever together.'
'No, it wouldn't, because we wouldn't love each other forever!'
A beat of silence went between the two boy's.
'What do you mean?' James whispered.
'Demons lose their soul over time. They lose their empathy. They lose their ability to care. They lose their ability to love. Give it a little over a hundred and fifty years, and you won't give a crap about me anymore. How much do you think it's gonna be worth it then?'
'So... eventually... you won't care about me anymore?' James asked, his voice shaking. Adam sighed. Tears glistening in his eyes.
'No... eventually I won't care about you anymore. I won't care about anyone anymore. But luckily, you won't be around for that...' It hurt the demon to say it out loud, but it was the truth. At least, it was the truth if he ever survived Lucifer.
'It's a schoolday today. We don't wanna be late. Why don't you take a shower? I'll make breakfast.' Adam said as he opened his arms and wings so the blonde boy could get up. James slowly nodded, his mind racing. When James left the room, Adam noticed a red envelope on his nightstand. He was sure it wasn't there when they went to bed. He recognized it though. His hands were shaking as he took it, panick and fear flickering up inside him. He had thought he'd have more time. He opened the envelop and pulled out a piece of paper. The ink was so red, it might have been written in blood. Adam's heart sank as he read the short message that was on it.
"Lucifer wishes to speak with you."

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