Don't wanna

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James woke up with a scream. For just a moment, he expected Adam to come in with his guitar, to sing and drive the nightmares away, but then the blonde remember what happened. It had been a couple weeks since he last saw Adam, but it still hurted just as much. That day made such a mess of his mind. Everything he believed about the boy he loved had proven to be a lie. Not just that Adam revealed his true nature. Not long after, Jaiden popped up out of nowhere with angel wings and her injured brother in her arms. Yet he preferred learning that his friend was an angel over learning that his boyfriend was an evil, manipulative bitch.
James wiped away some tears before they could land on his pillow and make it wet. He should try to find a way to fall asleep again. He hadn't slept much since that day. His grades were getting worse and worse, but he couldn't tell his family why. If he'd start talking about breaking up with his demon boyfriend, they'd thing he was crazy. Teachers at school had asked about Adam's absence, but by now they just accepted they had a student less, despite the fact he was still officially a student of their school.
"I should try to sleep. How do I calm myself enough to sleep?" He wondered. Wasn't there a story he could think of?
"It's a beautiful night." He thought. "I'm laying in the grass in the forest, looking at the stars after a pretty dope day of having fun. Suddenly the squad comes to lay with me. We talk for a bit and joke around, just overall having a good time. But then they tell me they have to go. Before they go, however, they have a gift for me. They got me some magic the gathering cards. Some really rare and cool ones that I really like. I'm like "Oh my god, thanks guys." And they go "No problem, James. We care about you and we love to see you smile. We have to go now though, but we'll see you again soon.". As they walk away, I think about how amazing my friends are. Suddenly my Grandma appears next to me. She gives me a hug and says that she has some M&M's for her precious little boy. I'm really happy to see my grandma again and I give her a big hug. We catch up for a while until she tells me she has to go as well. I say my goodbye's and look back up at the beautiful night sky. Then someone else comes to sit next to me. When I look up, I see my favorite person in the world. And he has two cones with my favorite ice cream. Adam gives me one and together we... Adam..."
Damp spots appeared where the blonde's tears hit his pillow.
'Adam...' He whispered before he buried his face in his pillow and started sobbing.

Adam was laying in his bed. He hadn't returned to his dorm since that day, but he had his own bedroom in Hell. He crawled up under his blanket, staring at the wall. He was holding a little teddy bear close. It was a bear James had given him for his fifth birthday all those years ago. Adam doubted whether James picked it out himself, or if his mom bought it and told him to give it. Either way, it was one of the few things he'd brought to Hell from his life before he was a demon. He heard a knock on his door, but before he could answer, Mona walked in.
'You still not leaving your bed?' She asked. Adam didn't reply. For the longest time he always tried to appear strong in front of other demons, especially his student, but he knew Mona could see right through his act. They'd spend to much time together and she knew him too well.
'We know who the angel is, we know where she lives, all we need to do is take her out. Lucifer will be happy, we can move on to a new job and the new case will get your mind off of things.' Mona said.
'I told you, we're not taking down Jaiden.' Adam said, his voice hoarse from crying.
'Dude, I just don't want Lucifer to punish us. You know that's torture far beyond what we ever did to other people. I know you're hurt, but believe me, that's gonna hurt much more.' Mona warned. Adam didn't reply again. He just stared at the wall, holding the little teddy bear close. He imagined it was James himself. That he was holding the blonde, but he couldn't fool himself. He'd never hold James again. At least his blanket hid the bear from Mona. He didn't wanna hear her teases about it.
'It wouldn't have worked out anyways. He's a human and you're a demon. You're immortal remember. He would've died and you would've been even more hurt. If it even worked out before that. Did you really think you could hide all that for him forever? Trust me, it's better this way. Humans and demons don't belong together. If you so desperately wanna love someone, love another demon.' Mona said as she sat down on the edge of Adam's bed.
'Go away, Mona. I don't wanna hear it.' The male demon groaned.
'You'll have to accept it sooner or later.' Mona replied.
Adam pushed her off his bed and got up, making sure to hide the teddy bear under the blankets so she wouldn't see.
'Where are you going?' Mona asked.
'Earth. I want some fresh air. Everything's better than spending all day in Hell with a bunch of moody demons.'
'Where on earth are you going? I can keep you company.'
'No, I wanna be alone.'
Adam took his guitar from the corner of his room before he walked out the door.

James was walking through the forest. His friends had told him to go get some fresh air. He knew it wasn't good for him to stay in bed all day, but he didn't wanna see people right know. That's why he didn't accept their offer to join him and it's why he walked through the forest, rather than the city. He very specifically avoided the place where he and Adam had watched the stars. The forest was big enough to walk around it.
Suddenly James heard a voice. It sounded beautiful. He followed it and just as he pushed some bushes aside to see who the voice was from, he recognized it.
Adam was sitting in the grass near a pond, his eyes closed as he finished the last line of the song he was singing. He stared at the water for a moment and sighed before starting to play a new tune and singing along.

'Look me in the eyes
And tell me honestly
What kind of monster you see
An angry ghost? A mask?
The symptoms of my disease
Is that all that you think of me?'

James wanted to leave. He didn't wanna keep listening, he didn't wanna see or hear the other boy. He was demon, a monster... but he did have the voice of an angel. One part of James wanted to run up to Adam and slap him, another part wanted to run away before the demon saw him. But in reality, James just stood there. Not running either way, not doing anything but listening.

'But what about

What about broken, scarred, betrayed, alone?
What about the real me that I want you to know?

I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be cold
This world's forcing my hand
Can you just understand?
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
But I am

The one you see today
It's not like I had a choice
When my life was dragged to the dark
For years my heart in chains
Like trying to scream without a voice
No wonder my mind came apart'

James couldn't help but feel something sting in his heart. He'd heard Adam sing plenty of times before, but never like this. His voice sounded so fragile, so broken. Was he really struggling? Was he really hurt? No! It was all just another trick. But Adam didn't know James was there... So how could it be a trick?

'But what about
What about broken, scarred, betrayed, alone?
What about the real me that I want you to know?

I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be cold
This world's forcing my hand
Can you just understand?
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
But I am

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh, ohhh
Can you understand?
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh, ohhh
I don't wanna be
But I am

I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be cold
This world's forcing my hand
Can you just understand?
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted

I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be cold
This world's forcing my hand
Can you just understand?
I don't want, wanna be, wanna be twisted
But I am'

Was that true? It almost sounded as if it wasn't Adam's fault at all. Suddenly he didn't sound so evil anymore. He just sounded hurt... and broken...
"Snap out of it!" James though to himself. "It's just a stupid song. Adam sings songs all the time. There's no truth in here. I'm not falling for his charm again. He's a fucking demon. Nothing good about him."
With much more effort than he expected, James turned around and walked away, leaving the demon behind. His heart was breaking, screaming at him to go back to Adam, but James tried to ignore it as tears started to fall again. He knew it wasn't a good idea to leave his room.

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