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Adam caught up to James outside, grabbing the blonde's wrist to make him stop.
'Please, James, let me explain!' He cried.
'NO!' James yelled, pulling his arm free, startling the other boy.
'I know everything, Adam! I know what you did to Illy! I know how you manipulated Mona! I've just seen with my own eyes that you were torturing Jax! We put all our faith in you when you said you were good, but all of it was just a lie! I don't wanna hear your explanation! I don't wanna hear your new clever lies! You're a demon! I don't know what else I should've expected! YOU'RE A FUCKING DEMON! YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATHIC, BLOODTHIRSTY, SADISTIC AND EVIL MONSTER! STAY AWAY FROM ME, ADAM ORTIZ! STAY AWAY FROM ALL OF US!' James screamed. For a couple seconds he stared into the demon's eyes. Adam slowly lowered the arm he had used to grab the blonde's wrist. He looked at James, not knowing what to say, feeling hurt.
'Goodbye... monster.' James muttered before he turned around and ran away.

James ran as fast as he could. He had to get away from the demon. The memory of Jax flashed before his eyes. The blood dripping on the ground. James didn't just feel nauseous anymore. He felt sick to his stomach. He burst through the door of Jaiden's and Laddi's dorm. Not only was it the one closest to the entrance, it was the one where he knew his friends were hanging out right now.
'Hey, James. What's up?' Maaz asked, but the blonde boy ran past him and into the bathroom, being just in time before he emptied his stomach in the toilet.
'Oh my god, James. Are you okay?' Laddi asked as the squad came to check up on their friend. James shook his head as he sat down on the ground next to the toilet, sobbing and hugging his knees.
'What's wrong?' Jaiden asked, crouching down next to the blonde.
'J-Jaiden... you need to f-find J-Jax.' James cried.
'Jax? What does my brother have to do with any of this?' Jaiden asked confused.
'Adam has him! H-he's t-torturing him! W-we were w-wrong! He i-is evil!' James sobbed.
Jaiden's face turned pale.
'I gotta go.' She said urgently as she ran away, the others not trying to stop her.
'James, what happened?' Maaz asked as he took Jaiden's place next to the blonde and wrapped and arm around his shoulder, trying to be comforting.
'A-A-Adam is evil! I s-saw it with m-my own eyes! He never l-loved me! H-he was just m-manipulating me so I'd d-do what he wants!' James sobbed, burying his face in Maaz's shoulder. All of his friends were silent as he sobbed. None of them knew what to think. They'd all blindly followed the idea that Adam was a good person despite being a demon. They'd just blindly believed that everything he had said about demons was true. Looking back on it, it seemed naive. They didn't know exactly what James had seen, but it had to have been something really bad. They'd hear the story later. Now, James wouldn't be able to tell it. He was too hurt.

Adam flopped down in the couch in the warehouse. He turned on his side to stare at the wall, not wanting Mona to see his tears.
'Are we not gonna continue?' Mona asked.
'I need a moment...' Adam replied, trying to keep his voice from shaking. He felt like he could completely break down any second, but he so desperately wanted Mona not to see him like that.
'Look, it's better this way, Adam. Yeah, yeah, you cared about him and stuff, but it's really better like this. Now you can focus more on demon stuff, just like Lucifer wanted. You would've gotten in trouble if you kept that attitude up.' Mona explained, no empathy sounding in her voice.
'I don't need your pep talk, Mona.' Adam muttered.
'Than what do you need?'
'I... I... I want... I want James back...' Adam whispered, a shiver going through his body as tears started to fall.
'I wouldn't say you're one of Lucifer's proudest demons if I saw you now. Get yourself together, man. You're a fucking demon. No time for tears or care.'
'Don't you see that's exactly what caused this problem to b-begin with!' Adam hoped Mona hadn't heard the stutter. He didn't wanna seem as weak as he felt, but he knew she could see right through him.
'Listen, man. It happened. James hates and despises you and there's nothing you can do about it. Move on. We got enough crap to deal with. We still need to finish up with Jax, but it seems like he fainted, so we'll have to find a way to wake him up again.' Mona said.
Adam could hear her walk away from the couch and walk over to Jax. The male demon turned just a little, so he could see. Jax indeed seemed to have passed out.
'We can finish this tomorrow or something.' Adam muttered as he got up from the couch.

Suddenly the doors burst open.
'What the...'
Jaiden stormed inside, running straigh towards her brother with speed neither demon expected.
'Hold it right there!' Mona called as she quickly placed a small, silver knife against the unconscious boy's throat. Jaiden froze, halfway between the door and her brother.
'Please, don't!' Jaiden begged.
'How did you find us?' Adam asked. His voice calm, despite the fact that his mind was chaos and he still felt like crying his eyes out.
'James.' Was all Jaiden said.
'Man, that boy only causes trouble.' Mona complained.
Adam glared daggers at her from behind Jaiden, before pulling out a small knife himself. He placed it against Jaiden's throat as he stood behind her. He wasn't actually gonna hurt her. He knew he wouldn't be able to do that. Jaiden didn't react on the action. She didn't flinch, her breathing didn't speed up. She seemed completely calm.
Suddenly Adam pulled his hand away as a burning pain flashed across his face and hands. He backed away and saw Jaiden fling Mona across the room. He didn't need to think twice as to where the pain came from. Two giant, white angel wings had appeared on her back, covered with angel dust. Jaiden started to mess with the knots that tied her brother to the chair. Adam saw Mona slowly get up at the other side of the room. She grabbed her silver knife and ran up to Jaiden, who didn't see her.
'NO!' Adam screamed. He ran towards the other demon as fast as he could before he tackled her to the ground. At the same moment Jax's robes fell to the floor. Jaiden carefully picked up her injured brother and flew away through the door as quickly as she could.

'Why the fuck did you do that! I could've gotten her!' Mona yelled as she pushed the male demon off of her.
'If you dare to lay a finger on her, I swear you'll regret it!' Adam threatened. Mona took a step back, surprised by her masters sudden aggression, yet she didn't step down.
'She's the angel we've been hunting for months now! We finally found her and now you wanna protect her? You have no reason to! It's not like she's still your friend after she saw all of this! We came here with only one objective, to take her out! There should be nothing to stop you!' Mona called.
'I'm still your master, Mona, so you need to do as I say! You're not hurting her, or any of the others in our squad.'
'You mean their squad! You really think they still wanna have you around? Besides, if we don't get her, Lucifer will make us feel his anger and neither of us wants that!'
'He'll understand! She's on his list.'
'Don't try to play tricks on me, Adam. I may be less experienced than you, but I know the rules of the list. Everyone on there automatically gets taken off if it is revealed that they are a threat to demon kind or they are an angel.'
'It doesn't matter, Mona! You're my student, therefore you need to do as I say. You're not hurting any of them.'
'You can't keep hiding forever. Lucifer will find out and he won't show any mercy.' Mona turned around and walked away, leaving the male demon alone in the warehouse.
He knew she was right. If he didn't take out the angel, he'd get Lucifers punishment. Last time the devil had gone easy on him, but he knew this time would be different. He felt his knees weaken before he fell to the ground, sobbing, glad Mona wasn't there to judge him. He messed up. He messed up so bad. James... His little James... His little marshmallow... There was no way the blonde would ever forgive him. No way the blonde would ever trust him again. It wasn't fair. Adam never asked for this. He never wanted this. He hadn't had a choise. If he'd had one, he never would've become a demon. He never would've had to do all of this. If only he could ever explain it to the blonde. If only James could understand.

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