Doodles of New Beginnings

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Rosalind had woken up next to Sirius more times then she could count

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Rosalind had woken up next to Sirius more times then she could count...

It was 22.

Most of the time it had been her waking up next to him in bed. Another time it had been in the library after the couple had dozed off while reading a book together. One time it had been after she had accidently fallen asleep while they were both drinking in the kitchen.

However, now waking up next to Sirius felt significantly different. The engagement ring on a necklace around her neck had changed their entire relationship over night and she loved it.

As Rosalind woke up next to him now, she realised there was too much distance between them. His legs were tangled with her own as his chest was pressed against her back. Even with this close proximity, there was still too much unnecessary space between them.

"You're staring, love." Sirius' sudden voice caused her to jump slightly in shock. She could of sworn he was asleep not a second ago and she would know since she had been staring at him.

"Don't act like you don't enjoy my eyes on you." She retorted, expertly covering up the fact that she was indeed staring at the then sleeping man.

Sirius smirked. "I enjoy more then your eyes on me. Your hands for example are amazing but your mouth is even better, the orgas-"

"Okay!" Rosalind interrupted, face a vibrant shade of red. "It's too early for this."

"It's never too early for sex."

"Keep it in your pants, Black." She warned, even though they both knew that she wanted him just as must as he wanted her. From the smirk on Sirius' face, she knew that he was well aware of that fact.

"I would, Grindelwald, but I'm not currently wearing any." The man winked at her, thoroughly enjoying the blush on her face that didn't seem like it was going to disappear any time soon.

Rosalind groaned in exasperation. "Merlin's pants!"

"Merlin, Rose, can't you get in my pants?" The smirk on Sirius' face grew even more mischievous which Rosalind didn't think was even possible.

"I would but as you just told me, you aren't wearing any."

Sirius simply huffed in response, smirk gone, while Rosalind smiled in triumph.

She had always stopped herself from imagining a future with Sirius in fear of hurting her little heart even more when the relationship would eventually crumble. But now, with the ring safely around her neck, she couldn't stop herself from doing so.

A small cottage with an even smaller garden. Three bedrooms, one for the future married couple, one for their daughter and the other for their son. The cottage would be a welcoming place, the fireplace always on with a constant supply of hot chocolate and carrots (The carrots were a very important part of this dream future). It would also have to include many Hide and Seek spots.

Ever since the group had played it over six months ago she had developed a slight obsession for the children's game.

Of course there had to be a house next door for Benjamin and Remus but that was already a given. There also had to be a basement in either their house or Benjamin's for Remus on a full moon, better safe then sorry.

"I swear you bully me, love." Sirius pouted.

His pout reminded her that their cottage needed another room just for when Sirius had another tempter tantrum and needed to be put on a time out.

Sirius was a literal child but she still loved him anyway.

Rosalind smirked when the man continued to pout. "I know."

The man huffed in mock exasperation, removing his arm from around her waist and rolling his body over so his back was towards her.

Literal child.

"I think you would make a good professor at Hogwarts." Rosalind could imagine Sirius as a teacher; he gained control of any room he entered, he could be playful but serious when it was needed, good with kids, and he had an extensive knowledge about the stars.

"Professor of what?" He asked, slowly turning so he was facing the woman again.


The wide smile that appeared on Sirius' face had her heart beating wildly, smile growing as she saw his happiness.

"I always thought Moony was the one fated to be a Professor," He started, "but now I could imagine it. Me being a free man, Dumbledore begging for forgiveness and offering me the job as a sign of peace."

"Professor Black." She stated, face growing hot for reasons unbeknownst to her.

"I do like how that sounds. Professor Black." Sirius nodded to himself, appearing to be thinking deeply about himself teaching. The man looked over at her, smirking at the blush on the woman's face. "Seems like I'm not the only one who likes how it sounds."

"I don't know what you're talking about Sirius, you're going crazy."

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about." Sirius moved closer to her, the woman scrambling out of the bed and away from him following her. "Go on, love, say it. We both know you want to."


"Sat it." Sirius shuffled closer, her back pressing against the wall as Sirius' lips pressed themselves firmly on her own. Her hands automatically went to his lower back, pulling him even closer to her body.


The man separated himself from her, amused expression on his face. "And people think I'm the horny one in our relationship and here you are acting so desperate for me."

"Don't be such a wanker." Rosalind grabbed the man's neck, once again pulling his mouth back down to hers and ignoring his comment.

Sirius' right hand grabbed one of Rosalind's knees, hitching it up and around his waist. Her tongue grazed his, a moan leaving her as Sirius pushed her leg even higher. The sleep top she was wearing had been pushed up allowing one of Sirius' hands to slowly trail up her thigh.

Sirius let out a groan before detaching himself from her slightly, forehead still pressed against her own, breath coming out in quick pants. "You sure?" Sirius asked, warming her heart.

She looked at him, the man's lips were swollen, hair messed up and eyes dark. "I'm sure."

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