Doodles of Hide and Seek

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The next day, Rosalind was sat in the meeting room with Sirius, Tonks, Benjamin and Remus

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The next day, Rosalind was sat in the meeting room with Sirius, Tonks, Benjamin and Remus. She was staring at Tonks in disbelief at what she had just heard. Sirius and Benjamin had readily agreed to the idea, Remus agreeing after them with a sigh but Rosalind just continued to stare at her.

"Sorry but you want to do what? asked Rosalind, eyes wide as she doodled on her left arm. "I don't believe I heard you correctly."

"Hide and seek," said Tonks, "It's the final night before everyone else comes to live here so we need to have some fun."

"Y-Yeah I get that." Rosalind mumbled, still confused. "But why hide and seek?"

"Because it's fun." Benjamin replied with a sigh, leaning back on his chair.

"Is it?" asked Rosalind. The morning had gone by quickly with no issues, the five adults had gotten to know each other better throughout the day but now they were bored. This prompted Tonks to request the group play a game of hide and seek. "We are not children."

"Are you being intentionally thick?" Benjamin asked rhetorically, "Just say the words 'yes, let's play'" 

"Yes, let's play." Rosalind repeated, receiving cheers from Tonks and Benjamin, Remus just smiled, and Sirius was smirking amusedly at her.

Ten minutes later, the rules had been set out; no going into the Master bedroom because of Buckbeak, no leaving the house and once you have been caught go back to the meeting room. It had been decided that Sirius would be the seeker, when it had been decided Sirius had threw a wink in Rosalind's direction.

She had felt her heart stop.

Though Rosalind didn't originally want to play the game, she couldn't help but feel excitement run through her body. She felt like a child again.

Sirius started the countdown as he turned around to face the wall.

Just as Rosalind was about to hide in the library, she saw Benjamin run into the room, his middle finger high in the air. Rosalind huffed, before quietly but quickly running up the stairs.

Her eyes narrowed as she watched Tonks run into Rosalind's bedroom. Thirty seconds left on the timer. She was screwed.

Rosalind groaned loudly as she saw Remus enter a different bedroom. Twenty seconds left on the timer.

She didn't have the time to run up another flight of stairs so there was only one room left for her to hide in - Sirius' bedroom. Rosalind grabbed the doorknob and tip-toed into the bedroom, closing the door after her. Her nose was instantly hit with a mouth-watering smell of smoke, leather, and vanilla. It smelt exactly like Sirius, not that she had been smelling him. Ten seconds left on the timer.

His bedroom was oddly clean aside from the stray fire-whiskey bottle.

Zero seconds left on the timer.

"Ready or not here I come." Sirius' voice echoed around the house and Rosalind could feel herself panic.

She wasn't great at hide and seek. The first time she had played, Benjamin had tackled her to the ground and cracked her head open. He wasn't even the seeker; he had just wanted to tackle her. It was the last game she had played until now.

Rosalind was praying that incident didn't happen again. She was currently standing in the middle of the room, in plain sight, so she quietly hid in his wardrobe.

Rosalind could hear footsteps on the ground floor of the house. It was silent for a minute before there was a shout and loud laughter.

Benjamin had been caught.

Rosalind smiled in relief; she wasn't going to be tackled today.

More footsteps sounded around the house as Sirius made his way up the stairs. Confusion overtook her as there was a few minutes of silence; no footsteps, no breathing and no sign of Sirius Black. There was another sudden shriek causing Rosalind to jump in fright. 

Was hide and seek always this scary? It should not be a game for children.

Benjamin had been caught.

Tonks had now been caught.

There was only Rosalind and Remus left in the game now.

There was another few minutes of silence. Rosalind wondered how he was moving around so quietly and quickly. There was suddenly a slam of a door, followed by a lot of curse words and muffled chatting. She could hear Sirius laughing but then the house went deathly silent again.

Remus had been caught and Rosalind was the winner.

In her excitement, she let out a loud "whoop" which was followed by her berating herself. "Merlin, I'm a fucking numpty..." Rosalind trailed off, the nerves settling in as she heard the bedroom door creak open. However, there was no footsteps, it was odd. There was a slight crack in the wardrobe door where she could see Sirius in his animagus form. The sneaky, cheating bastard. Her stomach erupted with butterflies as her breathing became louder. His ears whipped up as he registered the sound of her breathing; the dog slowly turned around to face the wardrobe causing the woman to scramble backwards and hit the wooden wall. Her head now hurt but at least she hadn't cracked it open this time.

Rosalind was seriously considering apparating out of the room and quitting the game.

"Rose," Sirius taunted, back in his human form, eyes starting at the wardrobe. "Ah, come on, Rose. No need to hide from me."

"It's hide and seek. It's kind of the point to hide from the seeker." Rosalind blurted without meaning too. Her mouth and brain didn't seem to want to work together as of recently. "Shit!"

Sirius barked out a laugh at her as he opened the door to the wardrobe, catching her. "Found you!"

Rosalind, still sat in the wardrobe, wiggled her fingers in an odd sort of greeting. "Hello, Sirius. How are you doing today?"

"Fine," he said with a smirk on his face, eyes drifting up and down her crouched figure, "well I'm fine now anyway."

Rosalind nervously got out of the wardrobe to come face-to-face with Sirius. Their noses were almost touching as their breaths mingled together. His eyes were boring into hers as he leaned forward the tiniest amount.

Her heart was beating wildly.

"I-I think you cheated." she breathed out, watching his eyes gradually get darker the longer they were stood in this proximity. "Yeah, you definitely cheated." Her feet took a few steps to the side, Sirius' following her actions.

"And what makes you think that?" He whispered, his breath tingling her lips.

"You were in your dog form." She replied, bright red in the face, "So, you cheated."

"Well why don't we go for a round two then." Sirius said, eyes fully dark as they glanced down at her lips, "I'll seek again."

"You mean you'll cheat again." She replied before her own eyes glanced down at his lips as they pulled into a smirk.

Sirius' face unconsciously drifted closer again, "You never answered the round two question."

"Round two?" She repeated, mind completely blank.

"Yes. Right here, right now."

Rosalind felt like she was about to faint. The backs of her knees hit his bed as she fell onto her back, dragging down Sirius on top of her. She was definitely going to faint. Sirius groaned as his body collided with hers, hands on each side of her head, now completely black eyes staring into her own. His smirk had been replaced with a look akin to awe at he looked at her. Rosalind could feel her face getting hot in equal embarrassment and desire; she had never felt that feeling before. Her eyes widened and hands started to sweat as she felt his lean body pressing directly into her own.

"S-So another game of hide and seek?" she panted, trying to control her heartbeat that she was positive he could feel as their chests were pressed against each other

Sirius was almost too wrapped up in the situation to pull away from her body, but he managed to stand up and hold out his hand to help her up. He breathed deeply as Rosalind's hand touched his when he pulled her up. Despite the fact they were laying on top of each other seconds ago, her hand in his hand still sent shivers up Sirius' spine. "If you want too, Benjamin can seek next."


It was silent between the two for a few moments, both breathing deeply.

Rosalind's mind scrambled to find something to fill the silence, but she ended up just saying "So, I won?"

"Yeah." Sirius chuckled deeply, eyes still dark as he stared at her, "You won, Rose."

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