Doodles of the Hogwarts Medical Wing

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"Do you want to sit down?"

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"Do you want to sit down?"

"Oh, no thank you, I'm fine."

"You sure?" The ginger man asked, earring swaying slightly as he nodded his head at the chair he occupied. "You look like you could do with sitting down."

Rosalind let out a sigh, smiling slightly, "Is that your way of telling me I look tired?"


"Then I no longer feel bad about taking your seat." Rosalind wrapped her coat tighter around herself as she sat down, thanking the man who smiled in response, "Have you seen Dumbledore?" She whispered to the man, who only shook his head in response.

The medical wing of Hogwarts was not a joyful place to be. The cold atmosphere chilled her to the bone, the harshness of the chair digging into the back. It was made worse by the stares of the occupants off the room. Nothing was more nerve-wrecking than the stares.

But Rosalind welcomed the momentary silence.

Of course, the unthinkable had happened only hours earlier, leaving the Wizarding World in complete carnage. Dumbledore had wasted no time in contacting his companions to begin his plan for fighting back against Lord Voldemort. 

He was the ringmaster, and the people in this room made up his circus, ready to perform perfectly at his command.

Deep down Albus Dumbledore was a kind man, but Rosalind knew from experience that people change when they stumble upon a power they could harness for their own gain. 

Rosalind had been shocked when she had discovered what had happened during the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. She very rarely kept up with what was happening in their world, now, here she was, sat in the middle of the chaos with the Chosen One a few feet away from her. It was strange and so sudden, and she wasn't sure how to react to the situation. It's not as though she wasn't used to being around dark magic, in fact she was around it every second of every day... but this was different. Lord Voldemort had returned with a vengeance, targeting a fourteen-year-old boy. 

It was all very stressful.

Rosalind would be lying if she said she hadn't been starring at the occupants of the room. Because she was. She had no desire to be at Hogwarts, craving her sofa and pyjamas, but there were times that she wasn't in control, so she just took to entertaining herself.

Unfortunately for Rosalind, they all stared at her in return, watching as she doodled on her hands with an abundance of different coloured pens. 

"Excuse me?"

For half a second, Rosalind didn't realise she was being spoken to until nobody else responded to the girl.

"What's your name?" 

Rosalind sat up straighter in her seat, hesitantly smiling as she answered, "Rosalind, and you?"

"Hermione Granger." Hermione introduced, smiling uncomfortably as awkwardness hung thick in the air, "I like your drawings, is that one a hippogryph?"

"It's a pigeon."


Next to Hermione sat three gingers, all very different in looks but they all shared the same flaming red hair that stood out against the white of the room. One was a lanky boy with freckles on his face and the same look of concern as the girl had as his eyes darted around the room. The second was a short woman with a motherly aura around her. She had supplied Rosalind with a welcoming smile despite her odd appearance and her one-woman game of hangman. The third was a tall and calm-looking man with a ponytail and fang earring. Rosalind could never understand how someone could look so calm in the face of danger and death. She just assumed he was trying to stay calm for the sake of his family members.

Then there was shaggy and black dog, even more interesting that the other people in the room. Eyes that only left the sleeping boy to look at her arm, interested in the hangman game she had been playing on her arm.

Spoiler, she had lost the game.

Earlier in her life, Rosalind had found herself having a deep love for dogs, always asking owners for permission to pet them as a child. It had been years since she had been in the company of a dog. Though her love for dogs had dwindled slightly after her various apartment complexes she had lived in had a restriction on having a pet, she was still quite excited about being in the presence of a dog. 

Benjamin had attempted to sneak in a pet snake three weeks ago, only to be shouted at by her landlord and was almost banned from the apartment building. Rosalind had never been so happy to have a grumpy and short-tempered man as a landlord. She absolutely despised snakes; it was a stupid fear as snakes weren't common in England, but they were definitely common inside the walls of Hogwarts.

Especially with Severus Snape roaming the halls.

The entrance doors swung open, to reveal a cluster of deep purple robes, a long beard rivalled in length by his hair, Albus Dumbledore. He moved forward, nodding and greeting those in the medical wing, repeating the same action to the healer who had entered from a different door to check on Harry. 

Dumbledore bent down towards Rosalind; head ducked slightly to whisper to the woman privately, "How are you doing, my dear?"

Rosalind scrunched up her face, fingers lacing around her pens tightly in response, "Oh just dandy."

The white-haired headmaster held eye contact with her for a few moments, smiling crookedly, "We can talk later." He waved his hand around, another two chairs appearing (one for himself and one for the ginger man still standing, who thanked him quietly), "We have a long wait ahead of us." He tapped her on her wrist.

Rosalind knew what that meant, the two had created it when she was a very small child. She held his favourite pen out to him, red and inky (it would be a nightmare to get out during her shower that night, but definitely worth it).

"Noughts or crosses?"

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