Doodles of the Godfathers

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"Remus is so sexy

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"Remus is so sexy."

"Merlin's beard shush."

Benjamin had an unhealthy obsession with a man, specifically a man called Remus Lupin.

The two were sitting towards the back of a muggle café, drinking tea and sucking on lollipops that Benjamin swore he hadn't stole. Rosalind had made a mental note to pay back the man at the sweet store.

"Can you please stop kidnapping these poor lollipops?"

Over their fifteen years of friendship, Rosalind had learned many things about Benjamin. Benjamin loved tomatoes but hated tomato sauce. He will always sing the ghostbusters theme tune while showering. He liked only the colour mint green, no other shade of green. And when Benjamin Nilsson was in love, he was very open about the sexual aspects of it.

It was exhausting.

But she was unbelievably happy for him.

"I like taking things hostage though, their lollipop juice makes me happy."

"Ben," Rosalind whispered, "you're scarring the children and you're scarring me."

Benjamin shot the kids watching the pair a fierce look but they only stared in response. Kids just weren't as easily scared as they once were. "Damaged kids make for funnier adults. Traumatic education is the priority in children's learning."

"You've got some serious issues." Rosalind smiled gently at the kids overworked father. Sirius had truly stepped up since her explosion a week ago. He did his half, admittedly he was more tired and stressed now, but it was equal. He had even encouraged her to go relax with Benjamin while he and Remus looked after Katrina.

The couple wanted their daughter to have people she can rely on, as the sad reality was they were in a war and war took lived. They were prepared to not survive, and if they didn't, they wanted their daughter to have people who will bring her up happily and with love. The obvious candidates were Remus and Benjamin, who were named the Godfather's of Katrina. Remus had told them they were insane for entrusting such a huge responsibility to a werewolf. Sirius and Benjamin had called him ridiculous for saying that while Rosalind had honestly forgotten he even was a werewolf.

It wasn't her fault she forgot, I mean the man irons his socks.

Rosalind was preparing herself to walk into the cottage and find a disaster. Remus and Sirius alone together with a baby was a terrifying scenario that had now come true.

"How's my Goddaughter?"

"How's your boyfriend?" Rosalind shot back, Benjamin had been unusually quiet regarding Remus, apart from describing how sexy the man is.

"Merlin balls," Benjamin scoffed, a blush on his cheeks, "straight to the interogation. Things are very hot, but that does make sense since Remus John Lupin is fucking sexy."

"Right. I didn't need to know that part, did I?"

"Yes, you asked and I delivered." Benjamin nodded to himself as he drank his cold cup of tea.

Rosalind watched the man carefully. He smiled widely. Benjamin Nilsson was many things, but he wasn't a good liar, not to Rosalind anyway. While the sex may be good between  the two men, as Benjamin had spoke about in great detail, it didn't mean the relationship was.

She didn't want to be nosy but this was her best friend, so it was kind of in the job description. 

Benjamin and Remus were her daughters Godfathers, so she had to make sure they were alright.

"You're so full of shit." Rosalind stated

"That is untrue, I only just took a shit an hour ago." Benjamin responded, smile getting wider at the disgusted look on the woman's faces.

"No, no, no, don't change the topic. What's wrong?" Rosalind should win an award for her patience

Benjamin's mouth dropped open, "Nothing, absolutely nothing."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not." Benjamin lied

"Please Ben, come on."

Benjamin gave her a sad look, "I just don't get why nobody can fully commit to me, neither Cupid or Remus, He says he's too old, too poor and too dangerous for me."

Rosalind's fingers reached out to take the man's hand in her own. She smiled gently, "Remus very obviously wants to be with you."


"Actions speak more then words," She interrupted him, knowing he was going to object, "He can say one thing but if he's coming home to you, dating you and going out of his way to spend time with you during a bloody war then it means something, trust me, speak to me."

"You think?" Benjamin asked, taking another sip of the tea. How the man could enjoy cold tea was beyond Rosalind comprehension, it was quite disgusting.

"A hundred percent."

When Rosalind raised her head she didn't expect to see Benjamin unwrapping yet another lollipop. The duo had already eaten six lollipops and his pockets still seemed filled to the brim.

"How many did you steal?"

"Not enough," Benjamin groaned before repeating, "And I didn't steal them."

Merlin, this man was going to get arrested one day. Rosalind just wondered when it would happen, probably soon at the rate he was going.

The man pulled out three more lollipops.

Yes, definitely very soon.

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