Doodles of Break-Ups

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When Rosalind entered Benjamin's bedroom her face was as red as a tomato

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When Rosalind entered Benjamin's bedroom her face was as red as a tomato. She could still feel her fingers tingling from where she had touched Sirius' arm.

"What's got you looking like a stop sign?" Benjamin said, his volume very loud causing Rosalind to shush him. "It's not like anyone can hear me."

"Just be quiet."

"That's like asking me to be attracted to vagina, it's not going to happen- ever!" He said with a deadpan expression.

"Merlin, give me strength" She fanned her face in an attempt to cool it down.

It did not work.

"So, why are you so red?" asked Benjamin, eyes narrowing in suspicion before widening, "Did you kiss? I mean finally. From the way he looks at you I'm surprised it hasn't happened earlier."

"No, we didn't," Rosalind said, face getting even hotter despite her attempts to cool it down "and we have only known each other for a little over a month."

"Exactly. You should of jumped on him three weeks ago." Benjamin spoke, humping the air while chuckling loudly.

Rosalind laughed loudly despite her attempts to keep her face stoic. "Stop it!" she slapped his arm to stop his crude movements. "We didn't kiss."

"Then why do you look like a Gryffindor flag?" he asked

"I-I touched his bare arm."

"Kinky." He joked, receiving another slap from Rosalind. "You're such a foetus, Lind."

"Leave me be, me and my pens like our innocence." Rosalind defended, wrapping her arms around her body, and moving to lie down on his bed.

"You and the pens need some distance." said Benjamin, laughing at the dramatic gasp that sounded from Rosalind. "Anyway, I need some advice from you." Benjamin joined her on his bed and lied down next to her.

"You're asking me, of all people, for advice."

"I'm not going to use it!" Benjamin defended, "I just want to hear your opinion."

"Okay. Of course. What is the matter? Are you okay?" Rosalind could feel herself getting nervous, her giddy mood from her encounter with Sirius had been replaced with worry for her best friend.

Benjamin sighed loudly and shrugged, "I broke up with Cupid."

Rosalind's eyes comically widened as she sat up to get a better look at the man's face. She was in shock, despite their issues she never thought they would have broken up. Especially with Benjamin being the one to break it off. Benjamin had always been so dependent on Cupid Johnson even if Cupid was a very distant person.  "Oh my Merlin. Are you alright? Actually, that is a really stupid question."

Benjamin let out a laugh with no trace of humour in it. "My mother raised me to never be in a relationship when I'm attracted to someone else," he shrugged "and now she's dead I won't let her down."

Rosalind remembered how much his mother's death had affected him. It broke her heart just thinking about her best friend in any kind of pain.

"Plus," he started speaking again, "I deserve someone who treats me right, puts me first and Cupid wasn't doing that." He grabbed her arms and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. Rosalind could hear him sniffling next to her ear, breaking her heart all over again.

"This just shows how strong you are, Benjy, because you were able to walk away from the man you loved before you both got even more hurt." Rosalind felt a surge of relief and happiness flood through her as she heard him laugh at her words.

"Such wise words, Lind."

"Weirdly, you're not the first person to say that to me this past week." Rosalind admitted

"Who else said it?" asked Benjamin, at the flush that covered Rosalind's cheeks he knew the answer straight away, "Ahh, Sirius."

"Y-yeah." she said, and a moment of silence followed before Benjamin squealed in happiness. Rosalind swore his emotions could change at the snap of his fingers.

"You fancy him. My god, it's finally happened." Benjamin shook her shoulders widely. "God has finally answered my prayers to get you laid."

"I don't fancy him and don't be crude."  She stuttered out unconvincingly

"Crude is my entire personality.," spoke Benjamin, "and I have proof you fancy him."

"Oh yeah - and what would that be?" She asked Benjamin. However, Rosalind wished she hadn't asked him when he tackled her onto the bed, leaning his weight on her, and rolled up the sleeves of her cardigan. Sure enough, right on her left arm was 'Sirius x Rosalind'

God, she was pathetic.

But she was also in denial.

"I don't like him." Rosalind bit out stubbornly.

"Sure, you don't sweetie, sure you don't."

Rosalind shook her head as a signal she wanted to move on from the conversation. "What was the advice you wanted to not use?"

"Well as I mentioned before, I'm attracted to someone else." A small blush appeared on his cheeks causing a small smile to appear on Rosalind's face.

"and who is the unlucky guy?"

It was Benjamin's turn to slap her arm this time, "I'm not ready to admit it yet but I want to know if I should go for it or not?" His blush was getting slightly more prominent the more he spoke.

They were both blushing an awfully large amount today.

"Okay." Rosalind knew who he was attracted too, she knew her best friend better than anyone else did; It was a man named Remus John Lupin but if he wasn't ready to admit it, she wouldn't push him too say it. She was just happy that he was starting to become his old self again. "If the man makes you happy and will treat you right go for it. But remember, take care of your heart, Benjy."

Benjamin smiled at her and pulled her into another huge hug, "As long as you take care of yours, Lind."

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