Doodles of Dementor's and Avoidance

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Mundungus Fletcher was a moron

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Mundungus Fletcher was a moron.

"Mundungus, you are a moron." Benjamin repeated what Rosalind was thinking. He was leaning back on his chair with his eyes set on the shaking men.

All Grimmuald Place was full to the brim of angry people. Rosalind had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing, they all looked like headless chickens. And it was a very inappropriate time to be laughing.

Harry Potter had been attacked by a dementor and everyone was going mental.

Molly Weasley looked about ready to castrate the poor man.

Albus Dumbledore had left a few minutes ago and Rosalind had never seen him so mad. It was all a bit overwhelming. Before Dumbledore had left, he had informed everyone he would return tomorrow with a plan to retrieve Harry and bring him to Grimmuald Place.

Rosalind's heart dropped as she made eye-contact with Sirius. The previous anger his face held disappeared as he looked at the woman. Rosalind had managed to ignore Sirius for the past four days and three hours. She had been counting. He had tried to speak to her multiple times, but she had ignored him each time, not even muttering a word to the man.

It seemed one of the two always seemed to be ignoring the other.

Hours went by, the shouts and arguing continuing throughout the night. The Weasley children and Hermione Granger had been trying to figure out what had happened, the twins were popping in and out of the room every few minutes, causing Molly to scream even louder than earlier.

The twins didn't even flinch at their mother's multiple outbursts, in face they seemed to find it amusing.

By three am everyone was in bed or had gone to their own homes, leaving Rosalind alone in the kitchen to gather her thoughts about the entire situation. The house was completely and utterly silent for once. It was peaceful. Rosalind tip-toed up the stairs; she was taking even more care with not waking up the portrait. She would of been killed if she woke the portrait up at this time of night.

Rosalind opened her bedroom door to see Sirius Black sitting on the edge of her bed; he was staring at her with hardened eyes. Despite his hardened eyes, there was a softness underneath them that made butterflied erupt in her stomach. It was going to be difficult to ignore him now they were alone in a room together.


Sirius made no move to speak up, but she was definitely not going to talk to him. Rosalind knew if she spoke to him, she would blurt her feelings to him and that was the last thing she wanted to do. She wasn't selfish enough to bring him into the dangers of her life and she also didn't know if he liked her back or not. Merlin, she was acting like a child.

Sirius seemed to realize she wasn't going to start the conversation, so he stood up and took a few steps towards her before freezing. His eyebrows furrowed together as he stared at her, "Did I make you uncomfortable the other day when I was healing your wounds?" Sirius breathed deeply, eyes wild and desperate, "Is that why you're avoiding me? Because that wasn't my intention- I swear it."

Rosalind instantly felt guilt creep up on her as she stared at his rugged appearance, he looked very similar to the way he did back at Remus' home. "N-No that's not why. Please, please don't think that, Sirius." Rosalind felt her breath dangerously quicken and her eyes filled with tears as she rushed to explain the situation without revealing the whole truth. She reached into her pocket and grabbed her purple pen to start doodling on her forearm, but Sirius stopped her by placing his hand on her own.

"Breathe, Rose." Sirius breathed in and out, gesturing for her to follow his breathing pattern, she instantly felt her breathing start to normalize as she gazed into his grey eyes.

"Thank you." whispered Rosalind

"Of course." Sirius bent down to pick up her purple pen that she had dropped during her panic, he handed it to her with a gentle smile on his face, "For your doodling."

"I'm sorry," blurted Rosalind, looking down at the floor in shame. She hated upsetting people, but she was scared of him hating her more. She would rather him hate her for avoiding him, then him hate her for knowing the truth. Both made her sick to the stomach and her heart squeeze uncomfortably. "I'm sorry for avoiding you."

Sirius' fingers grasped under her chin gently and lifted her head so he could look directly into her eyes. "Rose, don't get yourself into a panic again and don't apologize, just promise me one thing."

"Anything." Rosalind's eyes scanned his face, memorizing his handsome features.

"Don't ignore me again." Sirius spoke lowly, "Even if you hate me or are angry with me; talk to me, explain it or even scream at me but don't ignore me again." One of Sirius' hands buried itself into her brunette hair and his other around her waist as he hugged her body close to his. Their chests were pressed together as they held onto each other, relishing in the others company. "Don't give me space, space is the last thing I will ever need from you."

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