Doodles of Healing Wounds

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Rosalind was currently sat on Sirius' bed

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Rosalind was currently sat on Sirius' bed.

"Alright, you're okay." Sirius was knelt in front of her on the floor. His chest was against her knees as he lent closer to her body, healing the wounds on her arms. There were potion bottles scattered all around the bedroom. Rosalind was pretty sure she had stopped breathing when Sirius had started to heal her wounds.

Yes, she had stopped breathing.

"Do you have any other injuries?" asked Sirius, scanning her body with his eyes. "Does it hurt anywhere else?"

Rosalind froze. "Yeah." She could feel herself flush, she felt pain in her back but she knew she would pass out if he healed the cuts there. 

Sirius shook his head with a chuckle, "And where does it hurt?"

"Err, my-my." Rosalind felt her face getting hot as he stared at her expectantly, gentle smile on his face. "It doesn't matter. I can live with it." She tried to stand up and leave the bedroom but groaned in pain as her back throbbed. "I can't live with it."

"No shit!" Sirius rolled his eyes at the woman's behaviour. "C'mon, Rose. Just let me help you."

Annoyance crept up on Rosalind but she knew it was because of her embarrassment. Sirius was just trying to help her because he was a gentleman.

Because they were friends.

"It's my back." Rosalind said softly, relenting. "I can feel the blood on it."

The smile on his face was replaced with a look of worry. "Can you turn around for me?"

"Yeah, sure." Rosalind eased herself around on the bed so her back was facing the man. "God," she groaned, "what person drops a wall on another person?"

"A Death Eater does." replied Sirius, his fingers grazing the bare skin of his back as he slowly lifted the top up. Sirius cleared his throat loudly; the room was getting hotter. His hands shook slightly as he heard Rosalind hiss in pain, the blood was sticking to the material of her top as he rolled it up. Sirius picked up a clean cloth and carefully wiped the blood off her back to clean it before he healed the injuries. There were three open cuts, going from the bottom of her back to just above her bra strap. Once the bottom areas of her back had been cleaned, he moved to the top part of her injuries, rolling her top up fully. "Can-" he coughed again, "Can I unclip the bra strap? It's covering part of the cuts."

There was a minute of tension filled silence before Rosalind replied, "Yeah." She put her face into the palms of her hands to hide the redness on her cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'll behave." Sirius said, hands on her bra strap.

Rosalind heard it unclip. His hands floated up her back, the cloth softly cleaning the blood away. Sirius' fingertips were feather-light on her skin when he started to apply the healing potion to her wounds. Rosalind's entire body was on fire as he touched her bare back; she felt sparks wherever his fingers grazed her skin.

"Merlin." Sirius breathed out shakily when Rosalind shuddered under his fingers. It was a confidence boost to know that after fourteen years he could still make a woman's body react in the way.

Even if he was just healing her wounds.

"How are you, Sirius?" Rosalind squeaked out, trying to distract herself from Sirius' hands and touch. "I mean being in this house again."

Sirius' hands faltered slightly before continuing his work, "Honestly?"

"Honestly." Rosalind repeated

"I believe I deserve to be in this house and feel the pain, I have caused too much misery in my life to feel happiness." He whispered harshly before muttering about needing a drink.

"Do you truly believe that?" asked Rosalind quietly, the pain had been forgotten as she felt worry for the man behind her.

Sirius nodded his head before realizing she couldn't see his movement. "I always believed I was different from my family, but it was my fault they died, so I guess evil just runs in my family."

"well, this is where it runs out." Rosalind breathed out, "It wasn't you fault. End of discussion. If you were like your family you wouldn't be helping me right now, so your not evil. You're one of the most kind-hearted people I have ever met."

Sirius' hands added more pressure to her skin, not in a painful way but in an emotional way, as a sign of gratitude. "I'm not used to all this emotional talk. I wasn't raised to be the most touchy-feely type."

"Well it feels like you were raised to be quite touchy if you ask me."

Sirius' fingers vibrated on her back as he barked out a laugh, before leaning closely to her ear, breath tickling her earlobe sending shivers down her spine. "I can show you more if you want, all you need to do is say the word."

She didn't reply in fear she would do or say something embarrassing; She could basically feel the smirk that was on his face at her reaction. Rosalind breathed deeply for the next few minutes; the silence was becoming deafening as the room continued to get hotter for the both of them.

"All done." spoke Sirius, rolling back down her top slowly, fingers trailing down her skin. She turned around to come face-to-face with the now dark eyed man. Their faces were almost touching, breath touching each other's lips, Sirius' eyes darkening even more.

This seemed to be happening a lot recently.

"Feeling anything?" asked Sirius

Rosalind's heart fluttered as she blinked in surprise at the blunt question, "What?"

Sirius smirked at her, "Feeling anymore pain?"

"No-no more pain. None. Well done. Very good magic. Thank you. " she spoke in short sentences as her mind was staring to go blank from the proximity.

"Anytime, love. Remember just say the word." His face backed away from hers as he stood up and stretched his legs out. Sirius held his hand out to help her stand up, "Now let's get you fed."

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