Doodles of A Journey

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Sirius was going to be a father

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Sirius was going to be a father.

Rosalind was going to be a mother.

They were going to be parents, terrible but enthusiastic parents, but especially terrible parents.

They didn't have parental role models growing up, Sirius has a raging hormone as a mother and a little bitch boy as a father. While Rosalind, well she's a Grindelwald so that's enough of an explanation but she did have Dumbledore.

A psychotic old man.

Yes, they were going to be terrible parents... but they were trying and that's all that matters.

Swaddling? These concepts just confused Rosalind. She didn't have a clue but she had time to learn, there were books and well, Molly Weasley, an angel sent from Merlin himself.

Sirius and her had 6 months before they were parents.

Just 6 months.

And they were shitting one.

The morning sickness stage was slowly fading which both parties were exceptionally grateful for.

"When are you going to learn to cook?"

From the hallway in Grimmuald Place, Sirius looked up at Rosalind, stopping his screaming match with his 'mother' momentarily.

Sirius turned his attention towards her, "I'm an excellent cook. Are you doubting my skills?"

Rosalind thought for a moment...


And she thought some more...


"Yes." She was doubting his skills as his skills were completely non-existent. "Where are we going to live after we leave this house?"

Quite honestly, Rosalind hated Grimmuald Place with everything in her body. It was a place of torture for Sirius. It was a place his nightmares were worsened and caused. It was the place she would hug him as he cried from yet another nightmare. She hated it. All she wanted was to leave and never return.

Plus, it was awkward living with so many people.

She was introverted and a people-hater for a very valid reason.

Sirius looked down in thought, Rosalind waited patiently for a response.

"I have an idea." Rosalind suggested after his answer seemed to never arrive. "I own a small cottage in the North, cobblestone and a nice fire place, it's on the sea front, freezing but nice, really lovely Sirius."

"It sounds delightful, love, truly like a dream." Sirius said, immediately appearing happier. "How many bedrooms has it got? We'd obviously need one for Harry and this little guy."

"Girl." Rose interrupted.


"We're not doing this again, Sirius."

"Fun, fine, fine. Surprise baby."

"Thank you." Rosalind replied before not so discreetly rolling her eyes when she heard him not so discreetly fought the word boy. "Merlin, so help me."

"Bit late for Merlin's help, you're already pregnant, nothing can save your sexy arse now."


"Rose" He mocked with a smirk on his face.

"I heard that!"

"Congratulations on having working ears my beautiful girlfriend."

Rosalind sighed. It was all she could do, she couldn't kill him, she wasn't in the physical state to do so, which was heartbreaking because she truly wanted to.

"Stop plotting my death please and thank you." Sirius spoke up, "Do your magic thingy and close these curtains please."

As the days went on, Rosalind's behaviour and attitudes towards Grimmuald Place only worsened. She either redecorated to make it feel more like a home, complained to everyone or just simply cried.

She blamed it on the pregnancy hormones butt was very much aware that she was just an idiot.

An idiot with baby names drawn all over her body, even other members of the Order had wrote down their suggestions.

Benjamin wrote 'Dora' exactly twelves times and when asked the meaning he would just simply reply "A Spanish icon!"

Rose considered it. Sirius vetoed it.

Rose sighed.

She wanted to start their future together, her, Sirius, Harry and their child. She wanted to be happy, not have to spread her legs wide, lose all dignity and pop out a baby on the Dinning Room table with Molly as a midwife doubling as a therapist.

Though, Rosalind thought, Molly would be an incredible midwife, God knows she has the experience for it.

When Rosalind mentioned it to the woman an herself during a late night chat about breastfeeding pain and poo filled diapers (you know, girly gossip) she sent seemed interested and very curious.

"Isn't it time to get out of bed?" Sirius questioned from his seat in their bedroom, holding an old romance novel which was just about half read. He folded the page to mark where he was up to, Rosalind almost threw a pillow at him for completely ruining the book. Is it so damn hard to use a book mark? Even a tissue would be less painful then folding the page.

"Isn't it time we move into our house?" She responded, eyebrows still angry and concerned for the poor book.


"I want to leave. Be happy. Be a family. Decorate and prepare for Harry and the baby. Prepare for the future."

Sirius put his book down and put his full attention towards the love of his life. "You're forgetting about Voldemort and that I'm on every wanted poster in the Wizarding world."

"I know. I just, I just hate it here, hate being at war and so uncertain of the future."

"We are the future, Rose. Just focus on that, and we will get there eventually. Please?"

"Okay." Rose didn't say anything else, but got out of bed and kissed Sirius' forehead. "Soon."

Sirius held out his pinky, "soon."

Rose connected her pinky with his.

And the power of the pinky promise was enacted.

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